Chapter 20 // Seeing Andrew

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Yesterday was kind of odd, not going to lie. The whole the with Negan happened, Jase and Dwight but also Dwight told us the name of that man; Andrew.

Jase's POV

I was in the middle of picking up fallen tomatoes with Y/N, except she wasn't. When I looked up, she wasn't around. I looked around, through the crops of the garden and she wasn't here. I rolled my eyes at the thought of her being with Negan. 'Honestly, she could willingly kiss him and would still deny she has feelings with him' I sighed, then looked up towards the picnic area. 'Y/N should seriously be thankful that no one's usually outside because if someone saw these two shit would spread like butter on toast' I thought as I watched her standing there with Negan.

I saw Dwight walking over, peering at the two while he did. He laughed, "Well, then" he came and sat next to me, as we watched them talking. We saw Negan touching the top of her head like a child, and smiling, what were they talking about? I sighed and looked over to Dwight, who was already looking at me. I scoffed, in a jokey way, "what?" He winked, laughing. "Trying to reenact those two" he said at he looked over at them then back at me. I laughed, playing along, "Dwight!" I gasped. "Jase, I love you! But I'm not going to admit it because I'm a stubborn shy little girl" He pretended to blush and giggle. "And I'm your secret buff boyfriend who would kill to have your children" Dwight made a kissy face, as we both bursted out laughing.

He heard someone cough, when we turned it was Negan; looking secretly amused with Y/N who was blushing like mad. "U-m... oh, hey!" I said, embarrassingly. Dwight kept silent, coughing, trying to not seem so awkward. "Do you, fucking, mind telling me what you two were just doing?" Negan asked, emphasising 'fucking'. Y/N coughed, "It's, um, fine... don't worry about it, Negan" she looked down, blushing while covering her mouth, slightly. "You're very welcome, you 'stubborn shy little girl'" He looked down, over his shoulder a little to Y/N and smiled; showing his teeth just a bit.

But why did Y/N look even more shy than usual? She openly said 'it's fine' to Negan even though she can barely talk to the man without freaking out? What?

"But hey, at least I don't try and hide my flirting, Dwight" Negan smirked at him, making my eyebrows furrow in confusion. When I looked over to Dwight his cheeks were flushed a light pink and he itched the side of his face awkwardly, "No flirting here, sir" he said, staring downwards. Negan hummed an 'm' sound, in a laughing type of way as he said, "Sure!" He still smirked.

Me and Dwight then stood up, Negan moved back a bit and looked at the clock indoors. "Looks like it's your 'special' shift now, Dwight" His face lit up slightly, as he nodded and ran off somewhere inside. I pulled a confused face as I watched him go, 'special shift?' "Hey, Jase, calm down," He laughed, "your boyfriend won't be gone for long" I gulped, looking down as my cheeks heated up slightly; not daring to say anything. "Well then, I'm off" He nodded once at me, and turned to smirk at Y/N. "Bye" He whispered to her, making her look down. "Bye" She replied, after he walked away inside.

Time skip


We saw Dwight walk out of the entrance as he shoved the man who arrived arrived yesterday, Andrew. As I was watching he seemed to look over to me and smiled a bit, smiling back, I wondered what they were going to do with him. Dwight made him test out the walker area, which didn't exactly seem important since no one really used it. Me and Jase walked over to him and asked what he was doing, "He's doing what he's supposed to, well, at least until he decides his new life here" He laughed a bit.

Andrew turned around and ran for Dwight, it was all so fast that before we knew it Dwight had been punched. "I'm leaving this place!" Dwight held his face and they both went for another punch to eachother. Jase held back Dwight and I grabbed Andrews fist. "Whoa! Chill out, Andrew!" I yelled, loud enough for only us four to hear plus another man. He was pale and had long brown hair, with a bit of a beard and moustache. He was watching everything, no smile, no sympathy, nothing. We looked at eachother for a while before Andrew said, "You want to let go of me now?" He stared at me, with an eyebrow raised. I nodded and let him go, "you alright, Dwight?" He nodded and gave Andrew a dirty look, with him returning one. They kept it up for a few seconds then Andrew looked like he was going to swing again. I held down his arms a bit so he couldn't, and took him over to the picnic tables so he could cool off.

"Why are you so angry with him? He's really nice when you get to know him" I smiled. He scoffed, "are you feeling well?" I furrowed my brows, nodded and responded with, "Yeah, actually, I am. Thanks for checking in" I sighed, "Well, why are you?" "Where shall I start?" He asked. Sometime later he finished explaining everything to me, apparently they took him from his group and treated him like 'shit' while he was there. Trying to make him give in to them. "But I'm not, I'm getting out of here. You can come with me, you and your friend! We'll leave this hell" I shook my head, upset at the idea of leaving. "Andrew, I get why you hate this place, and that you want to go but this place is my home. I have people I care about here" He shrugged, looking unimpressed. "You're loss... what is your name, by the way?" 

"Y/N" I smiled. He nodded, in thought for a while, "sounds familiar... oh well, nice name, but I think Mr. McBurny wants to take me back to my cell" I raised my eyebrows, "one, his name is Dwight and don't call him that. Two, cells?" He ignored the first bit, and nodded to the second, "I didn't know there were cells here" my voice slowly going quiter. "Oh, so your 'husband' didn't tell you?" I gave him a weird face, "husband? But no, no one told me" "yeah, Negan, right? And oh, I'll leave mud marks, follow them so you can find them" I choked on air, "What?! Me and Negan... aren't together! And... okay" He gave me a genuinely confused face, "you aren't? I thought Negan married all the women here" I shook my head, looking rather shocked, "No, if he mentions it, or asks, then you get to pick it but otherwise you work for your stuff around here" he scoffed, "oh"

Dwight came over and grabbed Andrew, "let's go, shit-head" he yanked his arm back and told Dwight he could walk without someone holding his hand. "Try to be a little nicer guys..." I said, as they gave me "really?" Looks and left. I sighed and Jase came over, I told him everything and he was shocked. We decided to go look for the cells later tonight, together.

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