Chapter 24 // Convinced Or Choice

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It's been a good few hours since Zoe died. It hasn't sunk in yet, Enid been crying most of the time. Me and Jase barely did any work, from the sudden shock. I didn't even care so much about myself or Jase, not in an offensive way, just this is all so harsh on Enid. She finally found her girlfriend, and yet now she has to grieve over her death.

Me and Jase were with Enid, in my room, on my bed, trying to comfort her. "What am I going to do now?" She cried, as she wiped her face messily with her hands. I sighed because, honestly, I had no idea, "I'm sorry-" "if only I listened to the-" her eyes filled with rage, "No. He didn't need to shoot. I wasn't causing any harm, this is all his fault. His fault that- that she died" She bursted out in tears again. We both sat either side of her and tried to comfort her.

I got up a while later, "I'm going to go and get some food, I'll be back" I didn't have much of an appetite, but I knew I would regret it later if I didn't eat now. I barely my way down the stairs and to the kitchen, without crying at the constant thought of what happened this morning.

When I did get to the kitchen I got the usual; soup and a bit of bread. Luckily Alice was still going to be here for a while, which gave me time to eat and take some up for those two. I went and sat down at a table alone. I stared blankly at it, while I stirred at it with my spoon. I sighed, 'What I'd do to get her back now' 

Time skip

I was bought back into reality by a pair of fingers snapping infront of my face. "What?" I plainly asked. I looked to the side, no one was around, and it was pretty dim here. I could still see great though, I looked to my other side but all I saw was a belt. Startled by what I was looking at, I looked up. 

"Doll?" "Oh" Negan furrowed his brows, in confusion then sat next to me. "What the fuck is up with you?" I shurgged a bit as he leant in closer, "I don't like to see pretty women sad, so you've got to tell me what's up" I stared at him for a while, "Y/N?" He said more softly. "I'm not sad" Negan gave me the most unimpressed face I had ever seen. He grabbed my hand, and stared me in the eyes, "You've been sitting here all sad for so long, I'm surprised your bread hasn't gone mouldy" I looked down to my food. Untouched. "If you don't tell me what's bothering you, I'm going to make you sleep in the same bed as me for a week" He covered his smirk by straightening his lips. With that being said, my cheeks managed to warm up, even in this situation. I sighed.

"She's died," I said, looking down. He asked who I was talking about, "Zoe," I whispered. "You mean-" "Negan?" He paused for a while, before responding cautiously with, "yes?" "Don't be rude to her. She died saving her girlfriend" He choked on air, before repeating the last word I said. I nodded, "One of your dick-ish men killed her. He was supposed to kill Enid but she moved in the way to save-" I gulped, "to save her" I rolled my eyes, slowly, up to Negan. Both his eyebrows were raised before he asked, "which one?" I shrugged, "He was pale, brown hair and green eyes" Negan gave a few more details of the man who he thought it was, then when I confirmed them he said, "Oh him, well I never liked-" He paused, "Wait. How did her girlfriend get here, Y/N" his eyes squinted. "Only the night before. I helped her get to Zoe" His eyes widened, "what?" His voice raised slightly. I nodded, "I wanted to help her, they don't deserve to be apart- but... now they really are"

Negan sighed, "Where's her body?" I shurgged, "well she only died this morning. Probably still in her room" I clenched my jaw, in an attempt to stop myself from crying. He nodded. "Can we bury her?" I asked. I knew it could have pushed his limits and such, but it was worth the risk. There was no answer for a while, just breahing. "Sure," He finally said, "but only you, Jase and her girlfriend- oh and Dwight, out of the sanctuary but close, and when it's dark" tears formed in my eyes. I didn't care if he wanted to keep his appearance to others but he agreed which meant a lot, "really?" He smiled, "if it makes you stop moping around like this, then yeah," he rubbed my head, "it also gives me a reason to kill the man, I seriously hated that guy" he laughed, trying to lighten the mood. I laughed as tears rolled down my cheeks, "I know this might be testing you, but can Enid stay, and take what was Zoe's? It only feels right" he laughed a bit, and ran his hand through his hair. "What I agree to for you" He stood up, about to walk away.

Tears fell down my face as fast as a waterfall, "Thank you" I attacked the man by putting my arms around his neck and hugged him tightly. It was a first, me openly touching Negan (while knowing it was him) but it was worth it for what he just did for me. Not just me though, for Enid, Jase and Zoe. She might be dead but at least she gets a burial, and can see her girlfriend living on for her. Negan was frozen in place for a while, before he put his arms around my waist and hugged me back. "Doll, are you trying to tell me something by doing this?" He whispered in my ear. My face heated up, but I didn't care at this point.

I had proof that Negan did, in fact, have some type of emotion under his hard shell, Zoe got a burial, the man who killed her was going to be punished, Enid was going to be supported here and get anything Zoe owned (along with her ex-job of the doctors assistant) and Negan said it was 'for me'. "Make sure you tell them you got me to agree by handing over half of your points though, doll-" "I know" I whispered, as I buried my head in his shoulder. 'Thank you, thank you, thank you' was all I could think.

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