Chapter 28 // Operation Dase

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When we got back there was still a good amount of time of the day left, so Negan awkwardly walked me to my room and we said bye. For the rest of the day I decided to just think over what had happened earlier and sleep on it.

Knock knock. I walked over to the door, but before I opened it I hesitated. What if it wasn't Jase? Ignoring my paranoia, about it being Negan, I eventually opened the door to a rather strange vibe coming from both Jase and Dwight. I raised an eyebrow and let them in, "Dwight? What brings you here?" I asked as they both sat on a chair each. "Oh," I sat on my bed, facing them, "just here to, you know, see how it went yesterday- Oh! And I bought your tools back for you" He smiled, handing them to me. I thanked him and layed them next to me.

"So, yesterday?" Dwight asked as I felt my insides twisting up, "Oh... yesterday?" I contemplated it for a few minutes. I sighed, "A-Alright..." I told them everything that happened, in as much detail as possible too, "And, he never asked-" "Asked what?" Jase interrupted. "I told Y/N that Negan was, um- planning on asking her to be his wife; again," Jases eyebrows shot up as Dwight told him. I laughed robotically, and awkwardly, "yeah, shall we head down now, though?" They nodded and we made our way down to the picnic tables; since we were early, like everyday. We sat down and I asked, "So, how was it for you guys?" I instantly regretted asking this question, just from the looks of their faces. After some silence, of face watching, Jase spoke up, "good" I nodded, just taking in the answer before they both exploded.

Soon, Dwight left; leaving me and Jase to start working. Jase sighed, I looked back and his hand was to his forehead. "What's up?" I asked, as I turned to sit down and face him. He did the same and looked at me with pleading eyes, "don't tell anyone this, don't even tell Dwight" I nodded and he began telling me what actually happened yesterday.

"So, for the first while, I told him everything and kind of helped him out" He paused for a couple of seconds, "Then it all started to turn... um, unexpectedly? It wasn't too bad at first, but it got worse," I nodded, "There were a few hand touches by accident and he gradually just started work with me, instead of work on your side of things-" I raised an eyebrow and asked, "isn't that kind of what you want though, in a way?" He shrugged a bit, and started turning a bit red, "So, I went about it alright, since it wasn't too bad. But- then- um," Jase took a deep breath, as he started to seem more shy. 

Which was strange in a way, since I hadn't seen him shy like this before. "He almost fell back and grabbed my arm, then we both fell over- except... I was half on him and I kind of, well, froze in place" "You froze? What did he do?" I asked, noticing how his pace was slowing down quite a lot. "Nothing" I squinted my eyes and stared at him, "Nothing?" He nodded, "What do you mean nothing, Jase?" "I mean, we both froze in place for a long amount of minutes. He didn't move or speak... we- we were just there!" He then explained how he gradually turned his head up to Dwight, who was just staring back down at him; with strange eyes. "And that was it, before we both ended up leaving..." He gulped and looked at me. My jaw was hanging, "Oh..." He nodded, "I think, he decided to act as if it never happened; but I needed to tell you" I nodded back and told him I was thankful he did, "make sure you come and tell me anything that might be making you freak out a bit, okay?" He nodded and thanked me.

Time Skip

Our shift ended and I decided to go see Dwight. 'If this is going the way I think it is, I need to hear the story from both sides,' thinking this, I made my way around the first floor to find him. As I made my way to the gates, I noticed he was standing out on guard. I walked over to him casually and he smiled as he noticed me, "Hey" I greeted him back and stopped beside him, so he could still watch the gate.

"I just wanted to ask, did something happen between you and Jase yesterday?" I noticed him gulp, and then he asked why, "oh, just because you both stared acting really weird when I asked" He looked like he was contemplating whether or not to answer truthfully; but he did. He sighed and nodded, "Yes" My eyebrows raised, since I had to pretend to be shocked, "what was it?" Dwight's eyes darted to me and then back to where he was looking; outside of the gate. Soon later, he started telling me what happened. It was pretty much the same, except the way he was when Jase fell on him.

"And he fell, he was practically... half on top of me, and my heart stopped. I- Don't... I don't even know how I felt, but it was..." He sighed, "I don't know- oh please don't tell him either!" I nodded, "Don't worry, I won't but... Dwight, do you think that maybe... you have a thing-" "I have a thing for Jase?" His eyes shot open in shock, "Do I?" I laughed slightly, saying that I thought so; considering the way he acted about the whole falling situation. His face began to relax, "Jase, huh?" I nodded, "Well, there's no point in denying it then... I guess... I like him?" He smiled awkwardly, then quickly saying not to tell anyone. I told him his secret was safe with me and that he didn't need to worry.

I started making my way back to my room and on the way I thought, 'If the two like eachother, then maybe little old Y/N could try and hook them up? Hmm... this needs a name. Jwight? Dase? Well, I think Dwight tops so- that's besides the point but, this is officially called: Operation Dase! Maybe I could even get Enid and Rosanne to help me out?'

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