Chapter 4 // Dwight

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Some time ago I found out from Alice that the burnt man, called Dwight, was married to Sherry. One of Negans wives, pre-apocalypse. She told me he got his scar because Negan found out they fucked. I'm glad Alice told me this, because me and Dwight started talking about 3 days ago. He's a really nice guy, he told me he missed Sherry but since she let him get burnt, instead of coming down to work as t was her idea that they should fuck, he lost all his feelings for her and felt betrayed. Since then we've become quite good friends. I wouldn't say as much as myself and Jase though, that guy means everything to me now.

I was in the middle of my shift and I was working on the carrots section, when I heard something fall not too far behind me. I turned around to see Jase, sitting on the floor holding his head in his hands. I quickly rushed over to him, almost falling along the way and kneeled beside him. "Jase, what's wrong?" I asked with a panicked tone in my voice, as he moved the hand on my side away from his face I put my hand on top his other. "It's probably just the heat" he gave a half-hearted laugh and tried to get up, but I stopped him, "Jase you almost collapsed completely! We should take you to see the doctor." I mentioned this and Jase kept refusing, saying he's alright, but I wasn't buying it. "I'm taking you," I stood Jase up, and walked him over to the medical area. Jase didn't have the energy to fight back, which was good but he kept complaining about how he didn't want to go.

When we got there it was empty so I made my way imto the doctors room, with Jase's arm around my shoulders, leaning on me. "Oh, Y/N, is it? What can I do for you?" The doctor stood up and gestured for us to come in. I sat Jase down on the chair and explained what had happened to Jase. After a few tests he said, "The heat's got to Jase and is making him dizzy, along with headaches, Right?" Jase sighed and grumbled yes, in defeat. I nodded as the doctor told us that Jase should take the rest of the day off, to rest. Jase protested but I told the doctor he would be fine and that I'd take him to his room.

He helped me get Jase on my shoulders and lean against me, "Will you be okay by yourself, Y/N?" I nodded and thanked him as I left with Jase on my shoulders. As we were walking up the stairs Jase pleaded for me to let him stay outside and help with the carrots, or any other work. I bluntly told him no, and he made a sad face the whole way. As we went pass my floor, Dwight was coming down. "Oh, Y/N?" I looked up and greeted him with a smile, "Do you need some help?" He asked as he took Jases other arm and evened out his weight between us both. "Thanks Dwight" I explained why I was taking Jase back when he asked. We then got to Jases room and layed him down, putting a glass of water beside him on his bed side table.

Me and Dwight were walking back down to the ground floor when he offered to help me out in the garden, considering with Jase being away it could be tough by myself. "Are you sure?" He nodded explaining that he was free for the rest of the day. I agreed to let him help out and when we got to the gardens I let him use Jases equipment and showed him what we should do. "I'll give you credit, Y/N, this stuff is harder than it seems" Dwight said, as I watched him wipe his forehead. I laughed, thanking him.

A few hours had passed, almost time for the shift to end, looking at the sky. Suddenly Negan popped into my head, along with a few questions. I could ask Dwight right? I turned around and looked at him as he checked for any fallen tomatoes. "Dwight?" He turned around, waiting for me to continue, "you know Negan, right?" He nodded as he arched an eyebrow, "what's he like with his rules?" He slowly questioned why I was asking, "I'll... tell you after, just answer my question first please?" He nodded, agreeing to answer, "Negan..." He paused to take a deep breath, "Negan and his rules, he's quite serious with them" "for all of his rules?" He asked what I meant, and if I meant if he was serious with rules big and small. I nodded, "yeah, he's pretty serious with them. Before you arrived someone went against his rule of callng him sir and called him by his name, to him... let's just say, when he got his iron... he died from the shock. I guess the lad wasn't that great with pain?" I asked if he gave people a first chance and Dwight just shook his head. I squinted my eyes, looking down infront of me before he asked why. I looked at the sky, about this time we finish. "It's 4:00, let's go to the picnic tables, I'll tell you there" He nodded about to pick up everything then I added, "don't worry, we can come back after our conversation"

We left the gardens and sat down at a table closer to the gates, "So?" Dwight said, trying to hide how curious he was. I explained what had happened between me and Negan, when I broke his rules and how he hadn't hurt Jase for breaking his rule when I stopped him from kneeling. Dwight looked fairly shocked, "What?" I asked to a surprised Dwight. "It's... just I've never heard or seen Negan do that before. It's kind of odd if you ask me... He doesn't even let his wives or men off for small mistakes, although we don't have to kneel sometimes, just call him sir..." There was a small moment of silence between us both before I said, "do you think he's planning something bigger?" Dwight shook his head saying Negan doesn't plan anything big, he just does it there and then or as soon as possible. Then he added, "plus, he warned you. He didn't say to watch out because you'll get punishment or anything..." "Odd... keep this between us though please? I haven't told anyone else and I think it might 'ruin his pride'" I mocked Negan with the last three words. Dwight agreeed and pinky promised with me, as if we were kids again.

I thanked Dwight and we went to get the equipment. I went up to Jases floor with Dwight and to his room, then knocked. We heard a faint, "come in" and we walked in, smiling and shutting the door behind us. Dwight put Jases equipment where he was told and we both sat down as Jase sat up in bed. "How was it?" He asked, a bit shakey considering one of Negans men where in the room, I told him it went good and that Dwight helped out as he couldn't. "Don't worry Jase, I'm not going to hurt you" Dwight assured him as I added, "yeah, Dwight's really nice" I smiled. Jase started to loosen up and relax as he nodded. "I'll get you more water," I said as I got up to get the now empty glass. I left the room and went to get water, as I was coming back I overheard Deight and Jase talking, "you didn't do anythhing to her right?" I heard Jase question as I furrowed my eyebrows, "no Jase, I didn't. I wouldn't do that to Y/N, she's really nice" I shook my head at Jase, he was always so worried. I walked in then they suddenly stopped talking,  I put the glass back, "thanks" I smiled at him, then asked what they were talking about while I was gone. "Nothing much, just that the gardening went well" Dwight said nodding his head slightly and slowly.

After a while I was sitting on by bed after getting Jase dinner then going to eating with Dwight, discussing what the Negan situation could mean. The only point that was thought of, and by Dwight, was that he didn't want to hurt me because he couldn't afford to loose anymore gardeners and changing someone's job can be a bit of hassle. I threw my head back and sighed, 'I hope Jase is well enough to work tomorrow' I thought.

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