Chapter 3 // The Compound

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I walked out of my room, shutting the door behind me, then made my way to the bottom floor. I stood at the bottom of the staircase with my hands on my hips, 'ready.' I already knew around the gardens, the picnic area, the cafeteria, medical area and the commissionary. I heard there was a washing area outside too and that had been the only place I haven't seen on this floor yet.

I made my way outside, where I was greeted with an empty area which had the gates to outside of the compound, to the left I knew were the gardens, to the right at the start were picnic tables with a brick wall at the end with a small gap as an enterance to the other side. 'I guess that's where the washing area is.' I walked passed the empty picnic tables, besides a few that had one or two people sitting there, and to the brick wall. I stood at what was, supposedly, the enterance and looked around. The washing area. A warm smile came to my face, washing always reminded me of my older sister. I took a few steps in and saw a well, in the center, with water splashing at the bottom as a worker let the bucket down. Around the well we're wooden devices, that the workers used to wash the clothes. Underneath, where some type of drain things, that I noticed took any water that fell back to the well. Practical, you can't afford to waste water, it wasn't all bad though, if the water the workers took out looked too dirty to be used they would boil it enough to be clean again. I know this because I saw a new arrival being told it by one of the regular workers here.

I turned back and decided that, that was enough of the washing area. I went back inside and mentally ticked a box for the ground floor. Next was my floor, the second floor, I casually made my way to the staircase and went up to my floor. I stood to the the side of the staircase and though, 'There's a shower room and toilets' but that's all I knew, and the same as the floor above, where Jase stays. While I was talking to Alice on the second day here she explained that the people who lived here had to sleep on a certain floor. Apparently all ground workers stay on the second or third floor, and no one knows who stays on the floor above, or how many floors there are above. 'This is my chance to fine out... plus it's not like anyone told me not to go up there' I grinned to myself slightly as I went up, passing the third floor and going up to the forth.

I stood at the end if the staircase and peered around the corner, down the corridor as I noticed a few tall women in pretty black dresses walk out of one room. Which had two big doors as an entrance, my brows furrowed, 'where those the woman that Alice were telling me about? Negans "wives"?' I also saw a man come out of his room, I recognised him. He had a burn scar over the left side of his face, he was there on the day Negan found me. 'The Saviours? One of Negans men, I'm guessing. So where's Negans room?' I looked harder for any over-the-top room doors, and then my eyes landed on a room at the end of the corridor. My brows furrowed again, as I saw the man with the half burnt face knock on the door. As I watched carefully, I saw the door open and, 'Bingo! Negans room! Not like I cared, just curious where the leader of this place kept himself' I saw the burnt man point with his thumb backwards, towards the staircase where I was, thankfully Negan shook his head and then the burnt man left to his room. Negan watched him go, and suddenly I saw Negans gaze fall on me, or it was just my imagination, but then he shut his room door. Either way, it was time for me to stop snooping around. The compound wasn't that big but I took my time looking around so I must've got past a bit of time.

I decided to just head back to my room as I wasn't feel too hungry for dinner. On my way down, I passed the third floor and as I started to go to my own floor I heard someone call my name. I steadied myself on the stairs, and looked back. There was Jase, smiling as bright as always, "hey Jase," he waved im response and asked if I was going to dinner. Ignoring the fact I was above my own floor but that's fine. "No, not feeling that hungry so I'm just heading back to my room." Jase stuck his bottom lip out and pleaded for me to join him, but I told him I don't like being around too many people so he gave in and he went off, down the rest of the stairs. I walked down to my room and looked at the clock, 5:49 pm. I took longer than I thought.

I walked into my room and picked up a music magazine I bought for points at the commissary, a few days ago. I started reading it and got quite far, when I heard a knock at the door. Assuming it was Jase, I jokily announced, "The milday wants no company, you are ordered back to your quarters boy!" A small  laugh escaped me at the end. "Well, Milday, this "boy" isn't listening and wants you to open this door before he enters by himself" my heart skipped a beat, 'that isn't Jase's voice...' I silently made my way to the door before, hesitatingly, turning the door knob and opening the door. "Y/N, took your time, didn't you?" I looked at him expressionless, 'Negan...? Did he see-' "Well, can I come in, doll?" My eyes shifted around after being dragged back into reality and I nodded, moving out of the way. As he entered my room, I closed the door. After a few seconds, I recovered from the sudden shock and confusion then asked, "why are you here?" An eyebrow of his rose, "you didn't think you went unnoticed earlier, did you?" I gave him a confused expression, "when you were snooping around on my floor" I gritted my teeth as my lips stayed stealed, then I finally spoke, "Oh." Negan looked around my room and asked what I was doing there. Which I responded with, "I was curious," He smirked, stating, "curiosity is what killed the cat" I paused for a while, not to think but to just look at him, "curiosity is what got us this far in life, before the apocalypse, with all our technology and science" he remained silent, and looked at me with an impressed face. Shortly after he said that I was "the first," I asked him what he meant and he responded with, "the first to talk to me with a slight hint of attitude, to stop themselvles from adressing me as sir and then stopping themselves from kneeling and another person too" I blinked as a response, then he added, "if you're not careful you'll go down really fast, doll" He adjusted lucille and left the room, shutting the door behind him.

I held onto the back of my neck, confused about what just happened. There was no threat in his voice, and yet, he seemed fairly serious. I sighed and decided to sleep on it. After changing into more comfortable clothes, I wrapped myself in my bedcovers and went to bed, early.

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