Chapter 37 // Again?!

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I was walking up to Enid's room to ask if they could keep an eye out for Andrew and Dwight for me; if they ever saw them, since they probably saw them way more than I did anyway. I walked up to their room and before I knocked on her door I heard her say, "Oh my god!" almost in shock. I raised an eyebrow in confusion and knocked. "Hey Enid," I turned her door knob, "I need to talk to you and Rose-" I opened the door and scanned the room. 

I paused. "I..." I tried to talk but I could not believe what I had just walked in on. "Are you guys..." they turned to me, Enid screamed slightly and they covered themselves, even more, under the covers as quick as they good. My jaw was wide open. "Y/N! What the fuck?!" Rosanne said, almost yelling. "I- just... I..." I stuttered. Enid completely hid herself, while Rosanne stared in shock, but also disbelief about what had just happened.

I slowly walked backwards, out of the door and shut it. I knocked on the door a while after, "come in" I heard Rosanne yell. They were both fully clothed, sitting on the bed. Enid had her head down in embarrassment while Rose sighed.

"Hey guys," I laughed awkwardly, "Can I ask for a favour?" Enid shook it off, mostly, and smiled at me then nodded, "sure!" "Thanks, well you know Andrew and Dwight?" They nodded, "Basically, I need you guys to... maybe keep an eye out on them?" Enid furrowed her eyebrows in confusion and asked why. "Because something about those two is kind of sketchy..." I then went on to explain about the other day, when it all when down. They nodded, "yeah, so Jase is, kind of, I guess, in denial about it being weird..." "oh shit!" Rosanne muttered, in shock, I nodded. "Do you think you'll be able to?" I asked them, with a hopeful face. They looked at eachother, then back at me and nodded confidently. "Of course, I mean, why wouldn't we?" Enid smiled, and Rose agreed. I thanked them, endlessly, then left.

I was walking down the stairs, when an arm wrapped around my waist. I stopped and looked a little behind me, "Negan? What are you doing?" I smiled. "Nothing much," he shrugged, and we walked on together. When we got to the bottom, he turned to me and said: "I'm goin-" "What? You can't go anywhere, I mean your arm! It's not healed yet!" He sighed, "I'll be fine mum" I looked at him strangely, cringed, then laughed, "No! That's weird"

"I've got to go though, I'm going to pay my favourite person a visit," he moved his eyebrows up once, and smiled. I looked at him unhappily, "do you really?" I then muttered under my breath, "I should be your favourite person..." I looked away, almost in an angry and childish manner, and pouted. He wrapped his arms around me and chuckled, "You're my most favourite person, and yes. I do" I huffed and crossed my arms, "Good, and I disagree" "Do you really?" He pouted, to make fun of me. I nodded. Out of no where, he pecked my lips, and ran. "Bye!" He yelled. My jaw dropped, and I yelled back, "Fine! Goodbye!" When he was out of sight, I laughed to myself. It was cute, but concerning how he took his injury so lightly.

I walked over to the gardening area, after not being able to find Jase anywhere else. I walked through the crops, yelling his name, "Jase?" I didn't find him. I walked back out and turned my back to the gate, to wonder where he could have gone to. 'I swear if I walk in on them fucking too,' I laughed to myself.

I decided to be safe and check his room, if he was there. Before I knocked on his door, I listened. I couldn't hear anything for a couple of seconds, so I opened the door and walked in. "Jaaa- Oh my fucking god!" I muttered. Of course I walked in on him getting it up the ass from Dwight. I wanted to laugh about the awkward situation, but I saw everything. At least for Rose and Enid they were under the covers, but these two weren't. I don't think they realised I was there, even after saying something. I guess they were caught up in the moment?

I cleared my throat and I shielded my eyes from the sight. "Guys?" I said, pretty loudly. I had no idea to what happened next, but after some fumbling around, they had their trousers on. Jase was so awkard he looked like he'd rather be bitten, while Dwight looked like he was acting as if nothing happened. "How long have you been here?" Dwight asked. I laughed awkwardly, "long enough..." He nodded, and sighed in embarrassment.

"Um... you know what? I'll start our work myself... you can come when you're... done," I told Jase, then left. The whole thing replayed. I felt scarred, I mean, who would want to walk in on their friends fucking? I walked back to the gardens and started at the tomatos. I checked for any insects, and for any bite marks around the plant.

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