Chapter 33 // Push And Shove

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Me and Jase just finished our work and decided to catch up with Enid and Rosanne, we were kind of like a group now. Me, Jase, Dwight, Rosanne and Enid. Dwight said he'd be a bit late as he had his 'special' duties today.

"Rose, Enid!" Jase yelled as we walked behind them. They turned around and waited up for us. "Hey guys" They both smiled, "where you heading?" I asked. Enid pointed to the picnic tables, "nothing different" she chuckled. We headed over and sat down. It was an 8 seater, so I decided to sit next to Jase until Dwight came. We spoke about work, and how they were doing; turned out they both worked in the doctors area together.

I turned around to see if Dwight was around, fortunately he was. "Hey" He said, and I moved over so he could sit next to Jase. "Bad day?" I asked, he nodded. "That shit head-" "He's really not that bad, you know" Enid told him, "I know who he is, he's really great." Dwight rolled his eyes, "Maybe to you but-"

"Hey! Guys," Rose stopped the conversation, "Me and Enid want to tell you all something..." Their faces flushed slightly, Rose carried on. "We're dating" "I knew it!" Jase yelled, then quickly covering his mouth. "Sorry" he laughed. "How did you know?!" Enid asked. "It was kind of obvious, I guess" Enid smiled, shyly. "Congratulations" Dwight said, still kind of in a bad mood.

"Hey, I feel lonely, and I'm not going third-wheel next to these two... so-" I sat next to Jase, making sure so push him closer to Dwight. I looked over to them, and smiled. Jase knew what I was doing, and he was blushing like mad. Dwight became more relaxed, but also nervous. He coughed, "So-" "Guys I'm going to fall off over here!" Rose and Enid laughed, also knowing what I doing, as I shoved Jase more into Dwight; so he was practically almost on top of him. His right leg, closest to Dwight was higher than the other and he kept his face forward as his face turned a deep red.

It was time for stage two: The Fall. I leant back, and quickly grabbed the table. "Shit! I'm going to fall!" Messily trying to grab the table with my other hand, Jase turned around and helped me out. I swung to the right and leant on Jase, making sure to push him over a bit more. I couldn't see, but if he wasn't squished up against Dwight I would be super disappointed.

"Um- hey, I'll just move ov-" "NO!" I wrapped my arms around Jase and all the way over to Dwight, just barely. I squeezed tightly to make sure they were close. I could hear Enid and Rose laughing as they watched. Luckily, when I was wrapping my left arm around, it made Jase's shoulder turn inwards towards Dwight. So, obviously, I moved Dwight's so they were awkwardly facing eachother. "Don't go! There's enough room!" "There... really isn't... Y/N" I looked past Jase's head as much as I could. They were so close, their noses were pretty much only an inch apart.

They kept making awkward eye contact, then looking away. Both of them looked like ripe tomatoes. I wanted to make them kiss, but we were interrupted. "Am I interrupting something here?" A familiar voice turned me around. I tried not to smile as much as I wanted to, fortunately it worked. "N-Nothing sir..." Dwight let out a held breath. Negan nodded, then asked me to come with him. "Sorry guys... but bye!" I smiled and left with him.

Time Skip

We were walking up the stairs, supposedly to his room. "Did something happen?" I asked, looking back at him; but he just shook his head. I noticed he wasn't holding Lucille either, which was super weird. We were almost at the top, when just my luck, my foot slipped and I was heading forward. Fortunately, Negan was quick enough to catch me. I held onto his shoulder for dear life. It's one thing fearing stairs, it's another to also fall on them. "You good?" I nodded. A few seconds later we made it up to his floor, and into his room.

"What's up?" I asked as I stood infront of his bed, facing him near the door. "Are you okay?" I furrowed my brows in confusion. "Yeah..?" He gave a sigh of relief, "Why?" He shook his head, saying it was okay. I started to worry slightly, "Negan, why?" "It's nothing, really" I walked over to him and looked him in the eyes. Looking at one, then the other, "Negan?" He just hugged me, I would've hugged back, but he was holding my arms down with his hug. I stood there, confused. "What happened..?" I asked, he didn't reply for a while. Just stood there, hugging me.

Negan's POV

'I had to make sure'


He didn't reply after he let go, so I stopped trying. If he was going to tell me, he would have by now; it's like opening a locked door with the wrong key. It's useless after a few tries.

"Look what you've done to me, doll," he groaned, "I'm all squishy" I smiled stupidly. "Squishy is cute, even for a tough guy" I hugged him properly, and he rested his chin on top of my head.

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