Chapter 9 // My Guard

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Why did Negan have my bracelet?

I remember how I looked up at him yesterday. My face showed thankfulness but my eyes told a story of questions. I tried to look into his eyes, I knew I still hoped for there to be some sort of real emotion in him, a secret layer. While I tried to find emotions, he wouldn't let me, (guessing he knew what I was trying to do) he kept shifting his eyes away. Not enough to make it look suspicious though. What was he hiding? Was he secretly as vulnerable and emotion-filled as a puppy on drugs? Maybe he felt bad for what he did to me, if he even realised but who knew? ... Since yesterday I made it my 'mission' to find out what was going on with him. Whether it got me killed or not, I want to get to know the secret layer he might have.

After the doctor and Zoe both checked me out, they told me I had to stay in bed or limit my movement as much as possible because of my bruises. This meant I couldn't work, Jase just got better and now I was the one who could work. They weren't even that bad, I could easily help around the gardens. The Dwight, Jase and even Negan said I should just listen to the doctor (doctor Jason I think) and not work. 5 - 1  wasn't really a fair way of deciding but what could I say? Everyone else in the compound would just agree with whatever Negan said anyway. So more like 500ish - 1, if you count everyone who would agree with him.

I sighed. I was sitting on my bed and just finished that drawing of the bush I was doing yesterday. I couldn't remember it so I had to take wild guesses to finish it. Honestly, it didn't look too bad. I was starting to get bored of sitting around and doing nothing, so I decided to get up and look at the time. 11am, on the dot. I groaned and shut the door. 'What am I going to do for like 8 hours?' I made uo my mind, I'm going to go and walk around. Not help, but walk around. No one said I couldn't.

I walked out of my room, rather slowly considering my hip. I went to to staircase and I immediately paused. "Y/N?" The voice was stern and strong. I cursed under my breath. I turned around, "Oh...hi" I said slowly, knowing I was caught by the one person I didn't want to be caught by. Negan. "I thought you were ordered to stay in bed until you had fully recovered?" He squinted his eyes, "or am I wrong?" I felt the air turn from light to heavy. "Um... I... wanted to walk around... I... started to get bored" I said, awkwardly. Not from fear, but from embarrassment instead.

He came down the few stairs, roughly 6, that were separating us. He then came quite close, "I'm not letting you go down there" He said, almost whispering. I furrowed my eyebrows, "well... no one said that I couldn't, just that it's best if I didn't..." I turned away from Negan and started going down. Very slowly. I had just made it to my second step before I felt my body rise. My eyes widened and panicked slightly. "Wh-" His brows were furrowed and he was looking at me with slight annoyance, "you're lucky I'm doing this, doll." He was picking me up bridal style. The way down he kept his eyebrows the same and my face got warmer as the time passed.

When we got to the bottom he put me down carefully and cleared his throat, to break the awkward silence. "Thanks" I almost whispered, he nodded. He then asked me what I was planning on doing down here, "probably just chat with Jase" he raised his eyebrow and asked, "are you sure you guys aren't fucking?" I raised bith of mine, "N-no! Of course we aren't!" He nodded slowly, before I added, "why?" I squinted my eyes slightly. He shrugged and changed the topic, "I think we should get you checked out" "What?! Why? I was looked at only yesterday!" "What if you're not fit to be walking around yet though?" I sighed, 'He's acting as if he's my fucking mum' I rolled my eyes, "Fine." There was no point in arguing because he probably would've made me go anyway, but at least I tried.

We got to Doctor Jason and Zoe and they looked at the bruises, "You heal quite fast, Y/N" Jason said, "you can probably walk around today, but no running, you'll have to be very careful too" I sighed, "Okay" Negan started talking to Jason about something after I went up to Zoe. "So, how it is?" She shrugged, "Alright I guess, I don't know why they put me here, I'd probably kill someone" she chuckled. I shook my head laughing, "oh wow" A few minutes passed and Zoe was telling me about the different people that were coming here. Negan just finished talking to Jason and announced, "Come on, Y/N, let's go" I smiled at Zoe and then Jason, waving then saying goodbye as I left with Negan.

"Now what, doll?" I shrugged, "let's go see Jase" I smiled, and he gave one nod and started walking there with me. As we were walking I noticed that people around were kneeling towards Negan, I gave an uncomfortable look. 'I wonder why they do this, there are so many of them. Why don't they just gang up on the man?' I thought as we eventually got to the gardens. I looked around for Jase, "Jase?" I then suddenly saw a head pop up, through the rows of tomatoes, "Y/N?" He stood up, and came and hugged me. It was fairly long but it was sweet, "how are you feeling now?" I asked him, "me? You're the one with the aching body! I'm feeling better though, but how are youu?" He gave me a warm, concerned, smile. "I'm," I took a deep breath in, "alright, it's pretty boring and hard with it but it's alright. Negan was helping me too" I smiled back, he arched an eyebrow then looked away from me and to Negan. I felt him tense up, he was about to kneel but I stopped him and put my hand on his shoulder. He looked at me and we exchanged smiles. We spoke for 2 minutes before I had to go and let him get back to work before he got punished.

Me and Negan then went to sit on the picnic tables, "you had fun, huh?" Negan said, "yeah, and I bet you did too. Talking to Doctor Jason for so long. What were you talking about, anyway?" I liked how we were having this conversations, both of us seemed really calm, realaxed and at ease. "Oh, that," He smirked, "nothing for you to worry about, hey doll" I furrowed my eyebrows. He shrugged, "I'm not telling you," he said, still smirking.

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