Chapter 36 // Work Day

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A while after me and Negan woke up, I finished changing and he still needed to put his top on.

"Wait-" I said, walking over to him. "What?" "Let me see your arm!" "it's fine-" "Negan!" He sighed and held out his arm. "Sorry mum" "that's weird..." I laughed, as I checked his arm. It was healed enough, so he could take off what was wrapped around it two days ago. I pressed on it, "does this hurt?" He shook his head, so I pressed a little harder. "Oh- okay, yep, that's enough" he pulled his arm away and rubbed it lightly. "Sorry" I smiled.

He shot fake death stares at me, and I frowned. "Fine!" I sniffled, and turned away. "Tchhh," he hugged me from behind. "You need to put your top on" I laughed, looking back at him. He pouted and rested his chin on my head, "No I don't" "You do" He sloppily let go and pulled his white top over his head. "Happy?" He raised an eyebrow. I smiled widely and nodded.

We left the room together and walked downstairs. Jase and Dwight were twiddling fingers in the cafe, when we got there. We walked over to them "hey guys," I smiled. They stopped suddenly and looked up at us.

"H-Hey- um" Jase smiled shyly. Dwight nodded. I smiled, "Come on Jase" I said, meaning we had to go work now. They both got up, since Dwight knew he had to go with Negan, and hugged. Something happened, since when Dwight moved his head to the side furthest away from us, Jase's eyes widened for a second and he blushed. I raised an eyebrow, then shook it off.

After saying bye to Negan and Dwight, they left to go somewhere else while me and Jase stayed back and sat down. "So, what was all that?" I smirked. He hummed, "You know, you started blushing after that hug..." He looked around, "Nothing really" I laughed, "well... I'll find out" he looked shocked, but soon after we made our way to the gardens.

Time Skip

We had about 15 minutes left of work, when Dwight walked passed; with Andrew. I clenched my jaw, things always got tense and awkward when those two were with eachother. Me and Jase watched them walk over to where they usually were, but something was wrong- well, strange. Andrew didn't have any sort of anger showing on his face, and neither did Dwight. Andrew looked rather calm, give or take, while Dwight kind of looked like he didn't give a shit.

"Do you see it too?" Jase asked. "That their not angry?" He hummed, "Yeah- it's... strange" "I wonder what happened" He said. "Shall we finish up quickly-? So, we can see what's going on?" I mentioned, as he nodded to agree with it.

When we did finish, we dusted ourselves off and walked over. I waved and Jase smiled, "Hey- What's going on?" I asked. Dwight shrugged, "nothing really, just babysitting" he rolled his eyes. "I can fucking hear you, you know-" "Shut it for fucks sake" Dwight tutted. I furrowed my brows, "Um..." me and Jase looked at eachother. "You guys are acting weird with eachother" Jase said. "What do you mean?" He asked. "Like, you and Andrew hated eachother enough to see eachother die... but now, it's as if you just don't care- but in a more calm way..." Dwight raised an eyebrow and shook his head. "No, I just can't be bothered to get in a bad mood over him... I've got you anyway" he hugged Jase, and Jase hugged back smiling.

'But if he can't be bothered with Andrew, why is Andrew fine with Dwight- I mean, he didn't even yell back when Dwight told him to shut it' I thought to myself, as I watched them hug. When they stopped, I smiled and nodded. "As long as everything's fine" he nodded. "Well, in the meantime, me and Jase can put away our stuff- I'm sure you, Rose or Enid aren't getting off work for a while longer anyway."

Then with that, me and Jase grabbed out equipment and left. We headed for Jase's room first, since it was the first one. "Did you find it weird?" I asked him, he hummed. "Like, as in, because Andrew didn't scream back because Dwight told him to Shut it?" He raised an eyebrow and shook his head, "Nope, I mean, that's Andrew's thing I guess. As long as I know why Dwight was so strange about it, I'm pretty good" He smiled, and I smiled back, "yeah" but there was something that didn't fit right.

We got to his room, so he could put his stuff away and headed for mine. "So, how've you and-" Jase coughed, "-been?" I put a hand up to the side of my face, and grinned. "Fine, thank you very much" He smiled, "Apparently he got hurt?" I nodded, "how do you know?" "Oh- Dwight was telling me, he heard it from Simon" I nodded, again, "But- yeah- he did, he's been doing alright though" we got to mine and Negan's place and I left my equipment to the side so I could pick it up later.

We started to walk back down, to see if things were done and the rest of them were there. "Jees, we've been here for ages Y/N" Jase said, randomly. "What?" "Us two, we've been here for so long; and with eachother" I side smiled, nodding, "Not wrong"

When we got down, we looked outside and Rose was there with Enid. After we reached them, we sat down and said hi. "Dwight?" Jase asked. They looked at eachother and shook their heads. "He wasn't here when we got here" Rose said. He nodded, "Must have went to take Andrew back" Enid looked to the side for a second, awkwardly, then smiled. "So, how are things?"

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