Chapter 14 // Trouble

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Last night was the strange 'meeting' I had with Negan, I still felt a bit weird when I finally got to my room. He walked me there then left after saying "goodnight, Y/N" in that deep voice of his. Ever since I'm still awkward, all I can think of is that night. Me and Jase had been at work for a good few hours and I had explained everything to him and Dwight, since he was coming by. It was then when Dwight said, "Oh, is that what the announcement is about?" Me and Jase pulled confused faces before he continued, "Negan told us to spread the word to everyone, half an hour before shifts end, to gather at the hall for something" I asked what he meant and it was then when he explained the bad news, "She's going to be punished."

While me and Jase had an hour left of work, he spoke up, "you should be careful around him," "who?" He turned around and looked at me with a worried expression, "That Negan of course" "Why though?" He sighed and looked unimpressed with my question, "he could easily hurt you, Y/N, he's practically a psycho" I smiled and told him I'd be okay, "just, don't be too risky" I nodded.

Half an hour past quickly and a man called Simon, I think, came to give us our announcement. When our shifts ended, me and Jase looked at eachother with worried expressions. While we were walking to the hall Jase said, "she was fairly new, and she's already being punished for something" He clenched his jaw, as I nodded. "This is all my fault, if only I hadn't opened my big gob and waited til morning... when I could see you" I lowered my head a bit and looked at the ground.

When we arrived at the hall, we were pretty late but managed to find ourselves a good view at the back. I felt the guilt in me rise, it was Zoe. She was sitting on a chair with Negan's men, including Dwight, to the side of her. 'What was going on?' Then I heard footsteps from above, fimilar footsteps. I looked up, Negan. 'What is he- ... punishment" I suddenly remembered everything that happened last night. I had mixed feelings, guilt, anxiety and shyness. Everyone around me was kneeling, everyone but me. I stared up at him, with my furrowed yet saddened brows. He was smirking as his gaze fell on me, his face seemed to change a bit. It soon returned to normal as he looked away and strolled down the stairs, as if he hadn't a care in this doomed world. He nodded to Dwight, and he said something and everyone stood up.

"Well, well... well" He stared, I didn't catch the next bit since I was thinking of what those three words reminded me of. The first time we properly met, if someone had told me that what happened that time was going to lead to what happened last night I wouldn't believe them for anything. Yet it did, in a way. I then snapped out of it and looked at Jase, and he looked at me. He saw the guilt in my eyes and he shook his head. He mouthed, "Don't worry," he gave me a sympathetic smile, as I gave a sad one back. As we looked back Negan was in mid-sentence, "You're a beautiful young lady-" "gay. I'm a gay young lady, actually" she said with attitude, "you are a feisty one, and I am totally into that" He smirked with widened eyes, "but punishment, is punishment" He nodded to Dwight and he went to get something out of the furnace next to them.

'An iron? What was he... oh my god no' I realised he was going to burn her like he did to Dwight. "Now, I don't usually hurt women, but since you were planning on murdering me... well" he slammed the iron to the left side of her face. She screamed with pain. He pulled it away after Zoe eventually fainted from the pain and you could see her skin attached to the iron. He told Dwight to get one of the cleaners to "clean this all up", then announced, "you see, people? This is what happens when you disobey my rules, or try to kill me or someone else here" He nodded as he told everyone to leave. Me and Jase were the only ones left, stood, staring in shock.

The cleaners were cleaning up, some of the men went to take Zoe to doctor Jason and Negan was still there talking to Dwight, telling him to go and do something. Me and Jase looked at eachother for a while, not saying a thing. Just blinking.

Then soon we heard footsteps coming towards us and we turned around, 'oh god.' My heart beat sped up, and I felt my face go warm. Negan nodded at us once and said, "Still here?" He looked Jase up and down, as if he was assessing him. Then looked at me, cleared his throat, then looked back at Jase. "Jase, was it?" He nodded, as he started to tense. I moved a bit closer to him and lightly stroked his hand, to tell him it was okay and that he could relax. "I can't hear you" Negan smirked, "Y-Yes..." Jase replied. I coughed, trying to get the pressure off of Jase. When Negan looked at me I saw his jaw clench a few times, before he smirked again. He leant in, to my ear, and whispered "thank you for that spill up last night, doll" in the same voice he did towards the end of last night. My face covered in guilt, Negan was still smirking  but his eyes gave a feeling of comfort; of some sort. Jase then said, "I... think we should go, Y/N" Jase grabbed my hand and was about to walk off before Nrgan stopped him. "I. don't. fucking. think so. Why don't you run off, while I have a little chat with Y/N here" Negan smirked, Jase's eye's darted around the floor, "oh, okay" he nodded and let go of me and smiled awkwardly. I smiled back, looking guilty as he soon left.

"There- There was no need to treat him like that" I looked sadly at him, "and that... what was... all that?" "Whoa... whoa... Y/N, calm down" he smirked, "I'm in charge here, so whatever I do and say goes, alright?" I looked down a bit, and whispered. "Okay." "Good" he said, dragging out the double 'o'. '"thank you for that spill up" ... was that all it meant to him?' Me and Negan were standing there for a good few minutes before Dwight came in.

"Sir- oh... sorry, I'll just-" "No, come in Dwight, it's alright" Negan turned his head as Dwight came further in and looked at me and smiled slightly. I smiled back. "Sir, she arrived there safely" Negan nodded, "thank you, Dwight" Dwight nodded, then left; leaving us alone again.

After another few minutes Negan spoke, "well, doll, I'm not going to just stand around here with you playing daydream" he spun on his heel and walked out, gracefully as if nothing had ever happened. I saw those moments in his eyes though, he can't deny that.

Just before he could leave I spoke, "Wait..." I didn't mean to, I wanted to, but I realised what I had said when Negan turned to me and asked, "What?" I bit the inside of my cheek and walked over to him. He returned a few steps, stopping a few inches away from me, and looked down at me. I kept my head down, looking at the floor. When I finally built the courage, I turned my head upwards to see the man, with deep pools for eyes, already looking down at me. His face relaxed, but how? He just burnt a person and last night? "I can tell you want to ask me something, doll" all his eyes, and face this time, read was curious. 'I guess even psychos get curious sometimes,' I thought before I cleared my throat to speak. "What..." I took in a, long, deep breath in, "What was... last night about?" His eyes darted to something to his left. He looked panicked, "Negan?" He looked as if he were trying to find something to say, then he did. "What ever you what it to be about," he winked. Winked. What was that all about? He's never winked at me before, and at a time like this? I clenched my jaw and furrowed my brows, "Negan, please" even if it was hard to say please, I did, because I want to know what if meant to him. He sighed, "come to my room in three days, when everyone's asleep, and I'll show you. 9:30 pm" he smirked and left swiftly. My eyebrows raised, eyes widened and mouth left open. What?

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