Chapter 7 // New Arrival

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It's been 2 weeks since I rejected Negans offer, I gave him good reasons but he still looked fairly sad. His face looked angry but his eyes told a different story. I guess this big psycho had a few feelings after all? Ever since then it's been really awkward between us both. I know he doesn't show it but I know he is, when I told Dwight about it he seemed taken back by it. He said I was the first person who rejected it and then said he looked like he had some feelings underneath his "act".

Me and Jase had just finished our shift and had eaten, we were out at the picnic tables admiring the day. Although, I kept thinking about Negan and what's been happening recently. Suddenly the gates started moving and Negan and his men came through the doors. They had someone knew with them but I wasn't paying much attention to because I was busy watching Negan walk away. As he did, he looked at the few people there that were all on their knees and then notcied me, the only one who wasn't. He moved his head away, rather quickly but he seemed angry instead of sad.

As soon as Negan was out of sight, I turned my head towards the new girl. She was with Dwight and they were walking over here. As they got closer I heard Dwight explaining everything she needed to know. "This is Y/N, and this is Jase. While you're here, you might as well make some friends," Dwight looked at us then said, "Guys, this is Zoe" me and Jase smiled and greeted her. Jase sat her down and started talking to her as I pulled Dwight over. I told him everything that was going on and how it was so awkward. He pulled me into a very short hug and said don't worry, "I don't know why I'm so upset but I really saw hurt in his eyes Dwight, or he's just a really good actor" Dwight broke the hug and said not to worry and then he left.

I looked over to Zoe and sat down at the table with her and Jase. She was in the middle of crying lightly and Jase was comforting her, "Are you alright? What happened?" I asked, genuinely comcered for her. Jase explained that she had told him how Negan took her from her group and how she missed her girlfriend, called Enid, more than anything. "Oh, I'm sorry, Zoe" Trying to change the subject so she didn't feel so bad I asked what floor and room number she was given."Floor 2, Room 12" I smiled, "you're next door to me, I'm room 13"

Myself and Jase took her to her room and helped her unpack the few things she bought with her. Then there was three knocks at the door, all slow and slightly uncomfortable, I opened the door and Negan was standing there. He was holding lucille and resting her on his left shoulder. "Zoe, was it?" He said, walking in, completely ignoring me. Zoe looked up at him, terrified for her life, "Y-Yes?" "Now, I don't want a pretty girl like you going to waste so I'm going to cut to the chase - how would you like to be my wife?" He explained how she wouldn't have to work for points to get herself things but instead be living on the top floor in luxury. My heart dropped and felt my cheeks rise in temperature. Zoe stared at him in confusion, "sorry sir... but I'm gay and I have a girlfriend back at Alexandria too. The one who you took me away from" water started to appear in her eyes as she spoke. Negan shrugged, "it's your loss" he turned around and was about to walk out but looked at me for a while. I know he could see the hurt in eyes and my face, in general. There was nothing in his eyes at all, just the emotionless guy who everyone knew. He walked out of the room and shut the door.

I quickly ran out of the room moments later before anyone could break the silence, and went into my room. 'How could he just ask someone to be his wife?' I slid myself down against the door, 'it's not that I liked him, it's that I genuinely started to be happy around him and want to see more of his true emotions. How could I be so stupid? To think a psycho could have feelings'

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