Chapter 34 // Two Weeks Later

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I woke up, staring at the ceiling. My eyes widened, "Where-" I spread my arms out beside me to get up but I felt someone next to me. I looked over, it was Negan? I gave a sigh of relief, today was the first day I moved in with him, and I had completely forgotten. I turned to my side, after rubbing my eyes and looked at him. 'This is definitely not creepy' I smiled to myself.

A few minutes later, he yawned and woke up; startled seeing me. I grinned widely and whispered, "Morning!" He laughed lightly, "Hey," he pulled me into a hug, "I can't believe you watch me sleep, doll" I hugged back, and looked up at him while I was tucked in his arms, "Get used to it"

Time Skip

"Thanks for today, by the way" I said, slipping my shoes on. "What?" He pulled his white top over his head and looked at me. "Me and Jase asked if we could all have the day off?" He nodded, sorting out his hair. "Jase's specia-" "Sh! Someone could be walking by" I interrupted him. He smirked, shaking his head. "Sorry sorry, I'll be on a run today anyway, so tell me how it goes" I nodded.

He walked me out of our  room, "See you later," he gave me a quick kiss before he had to go get a few things. I returned his kiss and left, to go and find Jase. I went down to his room and knocked on the door, but no answer. Just as I turned to leave, I heard him trying to turn the door knob. I waited and the door swung open and I was dragged in. He slammed the door behind me, "I'm freaking out, Y/N!" "Whoa- Um- Breathe Jase-" "That's easy for you to say! You're already having sex with the person you like!" "What?!" I squealed in shock. He sighed, "I'm so sorry..." "It's... okay..." I said awkwardly for a second, "Just come on, calm down... and let's go" He nodded, hesitantly; and we went down.

We decided to all sit indoors since it was spitting down rain. As soon as we made it downstairs, Jase looked around the corner to see if they were there, "Oh my- Shit- No- Y/N," He leant against the wall, "I can't go..." I held his shoulders and looked him in the eye. "Jase, you don't have to... but how long do you want to keep doing this?" He looked to the side, and nodded. He looked around the corner again, "Wait-" He paused, "Sherry's there...." "What?" "Sherry? She's there" My eyes widened in shock, and I looked over as he leant against the wall again. "Oh... fuck... Jase-" "It's fine... we can leave it..." He slid down and hugged his knees.

I watched her as she spoke to Dwight, almost seductively, ignoring Rose and Enid. I clenched my jaw, "No, Jase, get up. Fuck Sherry, let's do this and infront of her if you have to! It's been too long, and you don't even know what's going on anymore!" He looked up at me and I held out a hand, "You can do it, I have faith in you Jase" I said, sternly. He took my hand and stood up, smiling. He laughed awkwardly, "I hate you Y/N" He hugged me tightly and I grinned widely at him.

He rubbed his face and straightened up, then we started walking over. Thankfully Sherry was standing up beside Dwight, so there were two more chairs for us. When we got to the rounded table, Jase sat next to Dwight, I sat next to Jase, beside me was Enid, then Rose, (unfortunately Sherry) and then back to Dwight. Dwight turned to me and Jase, and smiled at us uncomfortably. "Oh hey, guys, how-" He started. "So, Dwight, I was wondering whether we could sort things out about..." She rambled on. Rose and Enid were rolled their eyes at her to me and Jase and I sighed quietly.

Jase must have really change with what I said, because instead of being upset, he was getting angry. I looked at him and he looked at me, I gestured for him to calm down a little; incase he exploded. Fortunately, he did, or he's just really good at acting calm. He hit his fist on the table, only enough to get everyones attention then he cleared his throat. "Jase are you okay-" Dwight was interrupted once again. "Oh, who cares Dwight, anyway-" "Actually..." Jase started, standing up from his seat as Dwight leant back in his a bit so he could look up comfortably. "I have something I would like to share..." "Yeah? Well it can wai- what?!" Sherry shrieked suddenly.

Jase had bent over, putting a hand to Dwight's face, and kissed him so quickly that even I was surprised. It felt like it lasted forever, and no one could take their eyes off it. Thankfully, Dwight was true about his feelings and didn't pull away.

Jase's POV

In the middle of Sherry's annoying sentence, I swooped in and just kissed Dwight. I didn't want to hear what stupid comment she had to make, I was already tired of her. Most surprisingly, he kissed back. I felt my heart race and cheeks burn like a million suns.

I pulled away with my eyes still closed, then I opened them. I looked at Sherry, and her jaw was hanging. "Dwight?! What are you going to say about this?" She stomped her foot down in rage. A small smirk came to his lips, "I agree-" "So, you mean you're dumping me... for... him?!" She pointed at me furiously. "You're partly right..." My heart stopped, 'What did he mean by partly?' "Partly? Oh thank-" She started. "Partly... as in, we were over a long time ago, Sherry, so... really," He stood up, "I'm just getting with 'him'" I felt myself turn into jelly hearing those words; but that wasn't all. "So, Jase, Seeing as we both... well you know, do you... maybe, want to be my boyfriend?" I smiled so widely, it felt like I was stuck that way. I nodded quickly and we hugged for a bit. Sherry gasped, "Fine!" Then she stormed off.


After we watched Sherry walk away, Dwight buried his head in his hands; as the two sat down. He was so red, you could have mistaken him for an actual tomato. "That was so great! Finally- I mean, congratulations guys!" Rose spoke, doing some sort of weird jazz hands thing. Enid nodded, "I'm so happy for guys, but it is about time you got together"

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