Chapter 15 // Three

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Three whole days. Three days since Negan told me to come to his room at 9:30 pm. It's been on my mind the whole time, when I mentioned it to both Dwight and Jase they had no ideas as to what it could mean. At the same time Dwight said in Negan's history he's never really been like this, which made me feel guilty. What of deep down he trusted me showing me this ? And yet I was telling Dwight and Jase?

Me and Jase were in the middle of dinner. I was playing around with the soup in my bowl when Jase asked, "thinking about tonight, I'm guessing?" I sighed a bit, looking out towards the bottom of my eyes, "yeah" I whispered, "I just... want to know." Keeping my head down, I looked up at Jase and smiled unconvincingly. "I thought you would've been happy about it, what's up?" I shrugged a bit. When we finished we were walking back to get our tool and Jase stopped, putting a hand on my shoulder and staring at me in the eyes. "You'll be fine, just stay your confident and bright self... don't let what happened mess you up too much" He smiled, assuringly. "Thanks" We hugged for a while.

When we were walking up the stairs Jase told me that he wanted to stay in my room for a bit just before I leave, to keep me company. I smiled, telling him he could. When we got there I let Jase put his tools on one of the spare chairs. "It's actually quite a nice place you have, Y/N" I laughed a bit, thanking him. We sat here for quite a while, about 15 minutes before I had to go Jase decided to leave. "Hey, Y/N... good luck" He smiled again, then left; shutting the door behind him.

I took a deep breath in. 'Negan' that was all that was on my mind for these past few days. I heard they'd been out on runs to get stuff from camps he 'controlled' now, so I hadn't seen him at all since three days ago. I still had 15 minutes though. What should I do? Probably see how I should approach him, since it was at his fucking room! 'Hi Negan...? No. I'm here just like you said... ? No. 9:30 sharp...? No. Ugrh! What was I supposed to say to him?' I looked at my watch. 9:27. 'Shit! Was I seriously practicing that for almost a full 15 minutes?!' I quickly put my watch on and ran out of my room, closing it quietly behind me then I rushed to the stairs. Fuck. I ran up the stairs as fast as I could, even though I wasn't too great at it. I made it to the top floor. I stood at the top and started walking down to Negan's room, panting. 'Fuck Fuck Fuck!' I had finally caught my breath and got to his door. I took a deep breath in and...

I know Jase told me not to be so risky with Negan, but... I needed to know. Maybe he wasn't going to try anything, anyway? "Knock Knock" I stood there, almost weak in the knees from where I was. Let alone the fact that I ran up stairs to get here on time. The door opened swiftly, and there he was. Standing there, smirking as he looked me up and down, he held the side of the door with one hand. My cheeks felt a little warm. I opened my mouth to speak but he beat me to it, "come in..." My heart was beating so fast that I thought it was going to jump out of my chest. I walked in, turning sideways, going under his arm, to fit through the small gap between Negan and the door.

I heard the door shut behind me as I turned around. He was already looking at me, but how? "So you wanted to know, huh doll?" I nodded, biting the inside of my cheek. I watched him as he pulled a chair and sat on it backwards and told me to sit on his bed. This only made my face warmer, I played with my thumbs to help deal with how shy I was being. I felt his gaze on me the entire time, "You... you can start now..." I muttered, avoiding eye contact by staring at my thumbs. It felt like an hour had already passed, I looked dowm to my watch and it had only been two minutes. Negan hadn't said a word. He was just staring at me.

I looked up, 'Oh...' Negan was quietly sleeping. I guess he must've been tired? The chair looked so uncomfortable to be sleeping on so I decided to be nice and help him out; for some reason. I propped him on my shoulders and dragged him to his bed and sat on him, to sit him down. My face and ears were piping hot. I turned around quickly to make sure he didn't fall. I took a deep breath as I held him up right. 'He's got more muscle than it seems...' I spun his body around to out his legs up and I slowly put him down. With my luck I just had to end up getting my hand underneath him, "Fuck. Me." I complained since I couldn't remove my hand. 

Suddenly Negan's eyes flashed open, as awake as ever, "I'll take that invite" he smirked. My eyes widened and I started panicking, "I wasn't... I didn't... It's not what it looks... I-" Negan grabbed my waist, letting my hand free, and pulled me on top of him. My hands landed on his chest/shoulders area. I thought I was going to explode, 'what's going on?!' I yelled in my thoughts, as my eyes darted from his eyes to anywhere other than his face. He chuckled deeply, which made me clench my jaw and tense my hands. "N-N-N...What are yo-" I spoke quickly, in a whisper. My eyes kept darting around until his hand moved and pushed some of my hair behind my ear. I froze, my eyes widened as I paused mid-dart and was staring at his peeping collorbone from under his white top and a bit of his, cleanly shaven, chin. My heart was pounding so hard, I was surprised he couldn't hear it. We layed there for a few minutes, he was looking at me the whole time while I kept my gaze fixed on his collorbone. "Y/N?" He whispered, facing my ear. I slowly traced up his neck and to his eyes. He smirked, "you're totally into me right now, aren't you?" I couldn't even respond, I just blinked at him. What was going on? It happened so quickly. Was this just a sick joke? I hope not.

I suddenly clicked, this wasn't me. I don't freeze up like this. I then had a sudden rush confidence and strength, "Negan, what are you doing? I only want to know about that night" I furrowed my brows slightly, and straightened my lips; even if my heart was still pounding and my face, ears were still burning. My hands were laid out flat on his chest. He made a long 'm' sound and chuckled lightly; as his hands moved from my waist and to my hips that made me freak out a bit, "really?" I made a confused face, "what... do you mean, 'really'?" I said cautiously, maintaining eye contact. He raised an eyebrow in disbelief that I hadn't got a clue what he was talking about.

"Remember that night?" I nodded slowly, "before you were talking to Jase, right? About quite a lot of things, weren't you, doll?" My eyes widened slowly, realising where he was going, "When you crying, you said some stuff didn't you," Negan went in to the total opposite direction of what I thought he was going to say, "I don't remember anything, from when I was... crying..." I admitted. He gave me a face with slight shock, then said, "no way, doll," he looked at me for a while, "you seriously don't, huh?" I shook my head and added, "I've been told that I blurt random things out before" I whispered a little more quietly. "Random, if you mean it was all to do with me" he chuckled, deeply. My eyes widened and my face and ears were exploding. I kept blinking to make sure I wasn't dreaming, "Wh-what do you mean, what did I say?" All my confidence and strength went. I felt weak from embarrassment and started lowering my head onto his chest. I didn't want to touch him anymore than I needed to while in this position but what else could I do? These types of things were always the most embarrassing and draining for me. He chuckled again, "you were saying how much you wanted to see me and 'who I really was,' maybe there was a mention of sadness when I was a bit distant with you..." He smirked, the only one I thought that was believable was the second one. I do want to know who he really was, before, now, inside and out. 

In disbelief I pushed with all my might against the man. "No!" He let me go after a few seconds of holding me and I rolled off him and onto the floor. "You're wrong!" I stood up, staring at him with; furrowed brows, red cheeks, teary eyes and tightly fisted hands. "Lair!" I stomped to his door and paused as he said, "Ask your 'Jasey'" My eyes widened for a while then returned to how they were as I stormed out of his room, shutting the door behind me.

Negan's POV

I sighed, lying on my bed, after watching Y/N storm out. 'Liar...' I kept my hands on my stomach as if she was still there, moving one to run it through my hair. "Jeez" I whispered to myself.

Time skip


It was pretty late by now, since I couldn't see a thing in my room; even with the help of the moonlight through my small window. I had only just slowed down on crying, but I didn't understand why it made me cry. I was cuddled up, under my covers. Tomorrow I was definitely asking Jase, to see if what Negan said was true.

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