Chapter 5 // Looks

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It's been exactly 2 days since I told Dwight everything, and Jase has been coming to work too, since he seemed to have slept himself back to health that very night. Thoughts of Negan came and went, nothing too troubling. Besides the fact that the few times Negan and I crossed paths, which was odd because it suddenly just started happening, he'd look me up and down as if he were keeping an eye on me for reason.

I was walking down the stairs with Jase and Dwight, talking about what we used to do for fun before the apocalypse. Me and Jase had just put our equipment away and bumped into Dwight on the way, he had a free day again so he tagged along. While we were talking Dwight paused in the middle of his sentence, looked past me and nodded with a serious face. I furrowed my brows in confusion and turned to see Negan with lucille on his left shoulder. He gave Dwight a nod back, assuming that he said to carry on. Dwight started talking again and just before I turned back around, away from Negan, I saw him look me up and down then smirk. 'What the fuck?' I think as I turn around and keep talking to the two.

We had finally got down to the cafeteria to eat, with Negan behind us the whole time; not saying a word. Me and Jase went to get food, Dwight said he'd catch up as I saw him turn to Negan as we walked away. When we came back, I notcied them both at a table talking, as if they were waiting for us to come. Dwight spotted us and gestured for us to come over. When we sat down, Dwight went to get two food servings for himself and Negan. I could sense Jase was really tense as we waited, considering 'the one and only' Negan was at a table with us. I moved a hand onto his under a table, to tell him that he was going to be alright. Dwight returned soon and we sat facing eachother; Me facing Negan and Dwight facing Jase. "Well, I don't know what you're all waiting for but I'm going to start eating" Negan announced, proudly. I stared into his dark pools for eyes as he ate as Jase and Dwight started eating. Negan looked up, "Doll, are you going to just sit there and stare at me while I eat?" Negan asked, smirking as he arched a brow. I blinked a couple of times before starting my own meal as I thought, 'for a horrible person, he does have nice eyes' I admit. Some moments later we all finished our food and had put them away and started heading out to the picnic tables, Negan stuck by us 'I guess he's not leaving, huh? Must be pretty lonely as a leader when all you get to do is fuck your wives' I rolled my eyes.

Then I heard Jase whispering in my ear, "why are you rolling your eyes? He didn't mean to offend you" I look over at Jase and furrow my brows in confusion again. "What?" I realised we were sitting in an empty picnic area on one of the tables, "who asked what?" I heard a quite grumble from Negan that sounded as if he was trying to not laugh, which was really odd. Considering it seemed as if he genuinely wanted to laugh, and not sarcastically or cruelly. Dwight then spoke up, "I asked how you were since you seemed a little out of it on our way here" Dwight then made a face, that only I understood to ask if it's about Negan. I gave one in return to say yes, I quickly then spoke, "Sorry, I was just thinking about something but yeah. I'm alright" I smiled at him and he gave me a smile and a nod to say okay. "So, can I ask a question?" The guys gave confused faces as to why I had asked that, instead of just saying it. "Why did you tag along?" I look towards Negan, with confused furrowed brows. He looked at Dwight and then back at me, "me and Dwight have to go out soon, so I decided to come instead of having to find him, as it was a random pop up mission," I nod and ask when they have to go, "in a couple of minutes, actually. Any more questions for me, doll?" I shake my head, with pride. For some reason sitting like this with Negan wasn't so bad. Even Jase seemed more relaxed, which was odd.

A few minutes did go by and myself and Jase waved off Negan and Dwight before they left through the gates. "I wonder where they're going at this time?" Jase asked, "me too" I squinted my eyes, at the disbelief they had anywhere to go; but shrugged it off.

Dwights POV

"Sir, are you okay?" I asked as Negan drove away from the compound.


Me and Jase were hanging out in my room before he had to leave because he wanted to sleep. 'Gosh, his yawns are as cute as puppies' I chuckled to myself. Some time had past and I heard a knock at my door, curious, I sat up and said "come in."

Dwight walked through the door and shut it quickly. "Dwight? What are yo-" He cut me off, "I'm not supposed to be here right now, I told Negan I felt bad and had to apologise for leaving in the middle of our conversation" I nodded, then asked why he came here and he took a deep breath, "I need to talk to you about Negan, not now but soon. For the next three days we've got to visit places to get our stuff, I'll be free on the forth day. Can we talk then?" "Yeah of course, Dwight" I smiled, he smiled back and thanked me then left quickly. 

'I wonder what he wants to tell me... about Negan' All I could think about was what Dwight said, then mid-thought of what it could be I fell asleep.

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