Chapter 26 // Enid's Room And A Wet Situation

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Yesterday night, the night Zoe finally got her resting place, not too far out from The Sanctuary, was also the night when I had strange thoughts about Negan; at the wrong place and time.

Thankfully, when me and Jase got down to the gardens all they needed were some watering; since none had grown enough to fall. This meant we could get to Enid and help her out with her new stuff; honestly, I'm surprised she stayed, I had second thoughts whether she was going to stay or not; maybe go back home to her friends?

We decided to rush our work a little since we thought it was more important to help Enid, in this moment of time at least. When we got up to Jase's room she wasn't there, "I thought she was with you?" "She was" We furrowed our brows in confusion at looked at eachother. Then it hit me, "Of course, she probably went to Zoe- her new room" I laughed slightly and we went down the corridor. "Not here..." Jase said, stating the obvious. I felt slight panic hit me, 'what if something happened to her?' I shook my head, "maybe she's gone down to see her new job? Let's go" I grabbed Jase's arm for a while and was running to the stairs. I went down as fast as I could and to the ground floor. We were walking through the cafeteria, my eyes fixed onto the doors leading to the doctors area. "Y/N, wait!" I turned my head to him, "She's here" I scanned the place, and a bit too quickly too.

Jase held my hand and took me towards her, which is when I saw her. "Enid!" I gasped, hugging her, "Jesus, I was worried that something happened to you" She shook her head, seeming more peaceful about everything now. Jase coughed, When I looked back him he pointed opposite Enid. When I looked over, "um..." there was a girl sitting there, just watching. She smiled at me, "oh, sorry, were you guys in the middle of something-" "no, it's fine"

"Guys, this is Rosanne," she pointed to Rosanne, "Rosanne, this is Y/N and that's Jase" Enid smiled at her. 'Rosanne' stood up and shook both of our hands. "I haven't seen you around before, Rosanne" I said, titling my head a tiny bit. She nodded, "You can call me Rose, and yeah, I arrived here yesterday-" 'So this is that girl Negan was telling me about? Brown skin, dark hair and hazel eyes; about our height too... interesting' I nodded, "well, it's nice to meet you, Rose-" "Same here!" Jase butted in, smiling his face off.

"Oh- Enid, we should sort out your room now" I mentioned, after a few moments of sitting around the table. She nodded, "Rose, you can come too" Rose stood up and followed us up. When we got to her new room it seemed pretty awkward, at least the floor was cleaned from blood stains though, "Oh, uh, is your stuff still in my room, Enid?" I asked, she shook her head. "Last night, before you came up, I brang it here" I nodded and she started taking all her stuff, along with Zoe's, out and put them into two different piles on the floor. One for her stuff and the other for what used to be Zoe's. I helped her with her clothes and such, while Rosanne and Jase started tidying up the room.

Time Skip

Rosanne, and Jase were chilling out on the chairs when they finished and Enid was just going to join them; but on the bed, since there were only two chairs. I was putting away the last piece of clothing and I sighed, "I'll get water," I walked over towards the door, "everyone wants some, right? They all nodded, "Can you try to get a little bit more for me though... please?" Rosanne said, I smiled, nodding, and walked out of the room.

I made my way down the stairs and was walking towards the kitchen, which was when I was stopped. "Y/N!" The deep voice sounded a bit angry. I turned around, "Negan?" 'Negan! Shit...' it was then I remembered that he wanted to show me the new girl, who I've already met. He came all the way up to me, "where the fuck have you been, doll?" He asked, sounding slightly impatient. "I was with-" "No-" "I-" "Y/N..." He pulled his hand down his face, "I thought something happened to you, goddamn it" My eyes widened a bit, "you were worried about me?" He sighed, nodding. My eyes darted around the floor as my face grew warm. "Sorry, I was helping- um- Enid- I met the new girl... too, by the way"

His face of frustration changed to relaxed and he laughed a bit, "Jesus, I looked everywhere," I looked at me and raised an eyebrow, "and oh, you did?" I nodded, "Rosanne, right" he nodded back, slowly, "probably" The air around felt a bit heavy, and awkward. I was staring at the floor, until I heard ruffling and I looked up. Negan moved his free hand to run it through his hair, and he did look pretty damn fine too. I was staring for a while since the next thing I saw was his hand waving infront of my face.

"Doll? You in there?" I blinked a few times, "Y-Yeah... sorry" I felt embarrassment rush over me like a wave on the shore. "You've been doing that recently, something you want to tell me?" He smirked. There was no way out, 'wait, water!' "U-m... I need some wa-ter now!" I laughed robotically, and started heading for the kitchen but he followed me. "Well, I guess I should help, since you keep staring off into no where" I heard a light chuckle from him, but I didn't respond.

When we got into the kitchen, Negan put Lucille up against the wall, and no one was around; unfortunately. Thankfully, I knew where the water was kept, so I could get some for myself; and the others. I grabbed the jug and started pouring some into cups; well, that was after we found the handle. "Here let me-" "No, I've got it-" "No, you just-" Negan just grabbed the handle, which wasn't great since so did I. We pulled the handle towards ourselves at the same time, and some of it spilt. "Fuck" Negan said, aloud. I gritted my teeth at the waste, I looked around for a towel. I saw one in the corner and went to grab it.

When I came back, Negan was pouring the water that was left into the cups, so I decided to just get on with cleaning up the floor. It was just my luck that we were both on the corner of the counter top, meaning Negan was practically standing in the puddle of water on the floor. I tried cleaning around, to avoid having to ask him to move since I didn't want to start a conversation; but that was a big mistake. I was cleaning behind his foot, which was when he decided to move. He fell back over my arm but when he did I immediately reached up and grabbed onto his jacket, in some sort of an attempt to stop him from falling, which resulted in me getting dragged down with him. His arms were up by his head, face in shock, while I was still holding onto his jacket; facing down at the floor, between his arm and chest. I thought this was the end of it, but then I realised, while Negan was falling he was still holding the jug. The jug was now on the floor beside him and we both had patches of water on us.

We stayed there for an awkward while, when I heard chuckling. I looked up at him, and his head was slowly moving backwards while he laughed. He rested his head on the floor and said, "Jesus, doll, Look what you've gone and done now" My face was piping hot, and I looked back down at the floor, as I let go of his jacket and kept my hands resting on him.

Time Skip

I made my way up the stairs, still semi-soaked, with the water. I kicked the door, since my hands were full, and walked in as Enid shut the door behind me. They all laughed, which ended kind of awkwardly. "What happened to you, Y/N?" Jase asked, as I handed them their cups; remembering to give Rosanne the one with a bit more I put in, after wasting the water, the second time around. I sighed, "L-Long Story..." He chuckled a bit and drank his water.

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