Chapter 39 // No!

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He winked as he walked past me, smirking. I cleared my throat as my cheeks burnt, he was not going to leave me alone. Not after that trip back.

I then carried on with where I was going. I walked down to the picnic area and over to Rosanne and Enid. "Hey guys," I smiled, sitting opposite the two. They greeted me, then I spoke, "Enid, um, Carl... I met him the other day when I went to... Alex-" "Alexandria?!" Her eyebrows raised. I nodded, "yeah, that place, well..."

We spoke for a while about Carl and Alexandria, Enid almost cried. I felt guilty after that, so I changed the subject to Andrew and Dwight. "Right, we saw those two earlier," Rosanne told me. "Did anything happen?" I asked. "They smiled at eachother- and not smile... in a friendly way. There was something more to that smile." She explained.

I clenched my jaw, "Do you think..." They nodded, then Enid added, "I want to know why... Jase is so sweet. I don't..." She slowly trailed off and thought. I hummed, "It is pretty weird- oh shit, wait, I shouldn't be here! I need to go, sorry guys" I ran off to our room.

I almost tripped on the stairs, so I slowed down. I huffed. I looked up, "Negan-"

Bang. There was a white noise, and everything felt fuzzy and I was blinded. I heard Negan yell my name, then he growled. "Dwight?!" I fell to the floor, but Negan's arms stopped me.

Everything fell black.

A/N: It's EXTREMELY short, I know. Sorry.

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