Chapter 27 // Three Shocks, One Day

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Jase's POV

Me and Y/N were working out in the gardens, since Enid was alright by herself; learning things at her new job. I wasn't sure what Rosanne was doing, but she seemed to be able to handle herself. It was still pretty early on in the morning, it had only been a while since everyone got to work. Negan and Dwight came by, I looked at Dwight, and turned my head to the floor as I got butterflies in my stomach. You would've thought it felt fine, but it was sickening.

"Y/N, you'll be coming with me today, we're going to find more seeds outside the gates for crops" I heard Negan tell her, "While you're gone, Dwight will take your place, so make sure you show him all your tools then meet me at the gates" I heard her agree awkwardly, and he walked away; leaving Dwight behind. My heart stopped, 'Me and Dwight, alone?' I furrowed my eyebrows and carried on working, hoping to distract myself. I heard muttering behind me, when I turned around I saw Dwight move away from whispering something in Y/N's ear. Her reaction seemed shocked, and kind of panicked but she laughed it off a few seconds later as she nodded.

"Jase?" I heard her call my name. I stood up and turned around, smiling, "what's up, Y/N?" She smiled back.


"Can you show Dwight everything? I don't want to keep Negan waiting" I laughed nervously. He nodded, "Sure- oh but, can I talk to you for a second?" I nodded as he quickly grabbed my arm, dragging me to the side.

"What's wrong, Jase?" I asked, he sighed. He looked down and started, "Y/N... I-" He looked back, behind him, "I... Dwight" My eyes widened as a huge and wide smile appeared over my face. His cheeks started turning red, as I spoke, "You have a thing for Dwight, don't you, Jase?" He shushed me, waving his arms around as he squeezed his eyes shut tightly. "Not so loud, Y/N!" He whispered. My heart exploded, it was too cute. "Try taking this time to get to know him better, maybe throw in a cheeky flirt?" I giggled quietly and winked.

Jase sighed, nodding. "Anyway, got to go, see you" I smirked, we walked over to the Gardens. "Bye Dwight" He smiled and waved back, then I made my way to the gates. I saw Negan and walked over to him, "here" I smiled, slightly. He nodded as he told his men to open the gates for us both. When you were out of The Sanctuary, you turned to watch the gates shut; which then lead onto Negan leading the way deep into the wood-type area.

A long while later: "So, where are we going to start?" I asked, breaking the silence. "Well, we can start here, if you're so eager" He looked back at me and smirked. I nodded, as my face slightly got warmer. We stopped in place, I looked around to see if I had any sight of home; nothing. "We must be pretty far out then, hm?" Negan said, as he did the same. I nodded, "I guess so" I went and sat by a tree, which had a bush next to it; to see whether there were any berries or seeds on it.

I felt a pair of eyes on me, watching me while I was searching. I furrowed my brows and looked back, towards where Negan was but he was looking in another bush. I blinked a few time, in confusion. I watched him for a while, making sure it really wasn't him. I must've been so focused since I didn't hear any other noises, not even the leaves rustling in the light breeze. Negan turned suddenly, making me realise that I was still staring. I blinked about half a dozen times, and the next thing I knew, he was yelling my name. I stopped blinking and looked at him.

Groan. That's why he was yelling. When I turned to the noise, he was mid-swing, using Lucille, to the walkers head. The walker started falling in my direction, but I was still in too much shock, from how fast this all happened, to move. Negan dropped Lucille and, suddenly, push me back and the walker just fell on his back while he stared at me and sighed. He pushed the walker off him and stayed in the position. My face and ears were burning, our faces a hands length away from eachother. "Staring almost got you killed this time, doll" he raised an eyebrow. I looked down at myself, realising how close is body was to mine. My eyes widened, and he noticed since he chuckled a bit. I looked back up to him, and I was suddenly locked on to his deep pools for eyes. Looking from pool to pool, it was like he was keeping me there. I felt our faces getting closer, 'We're going to kiss?!' I was freaking out in my thoughts, realising this I managed to get a bit more courage to face away; before we actually kissed. Just the thought of it made my heart freak out.

When I did turn my head, Negan stopped getting closer and made an awkward laugh sound; which sounded a bit like a sigh. He cleared his throat and got off me, getting up. He offered me his hand and I took it, when I got up we both dusted ourselves off. It was pretty silent, and he went to pick up Lucille. "Hey, Y/N...?" He started slowly, I looked up at him slightly, his cheeks were an extremely light pink. He looked at me, and noticing I was listening he carried on, "I just wanted to ask, um-" He paused for a while. Negan looked like what just happened caught him off guard too, he looked slightly panicked. "Yes?" I said, lightly. He shook his head, taking a deep breath, "Nothing, it's fine" he looked at me and smiled a bit.

On the way back, neither of us spoke and when the gates were in sight he said, "let's not mention this" I agreed with him, then shortly we were back inside The Sanctuary.

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