Chapter 1 A New Year

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All eyes are on us as we meet in front of the school. It is the first day back after winter break sophomore year. My name is Estella Fields, I'm the queen bee at Rosewood High. I have naturally straight dark brown long hair and brown eyes. I have the body that every girl dreams of having and I always dress to impress. I'm currently wearing a pink dress and high heels. My three best friends are Ariella Rivers, Ericca Cavanaugh, and Vanessa Fitz. We have known each other all our lives.

Ariella is the nerd of the group. She has short light brown hair and gray eyes. She has an athletic body and always dresses like she is going in for a job review. She is wearing a black skirt and a dark blue blouse. Then there is Ericca, the artistic one of the group. She has black long wavy hair and hazel eyes. She is the smallest one in the group.  She is wearing a red t-shirt and tan short shorts. Finally, you have Vanessa, the it girl. She has long red wavy hair and green eyes. She has that perfect body like me and dresses very similar to me. She is wearing a purple tank top and white skinny jeans.

They were about to enter the school when they heard the rev of an engine. Everyone looks over to see someone parking a motorcycle. The person takes off their helmet. Their back is turned to them, so they couldn't see their face. All they could see is short shaggy blonde hair. "Let's go girls" Estella says. They walk into school and head to their lockers. Everyone moves out of the way. As they organize their lockers they are talking and laughing. They hear people whispering. They look to the door and see the person from the motorcycle. They see him looking in their direction. They see the guys sizing him up and the girls checking him out. He is wearing sunglasses and a blue snapback on backwards. Like Ariella, has an athletic body, but more toned. He is wearing a grey basketball jersey and orange basketball shorts.

"Normally I don't swing that way, but he is fine" states Ericca. Ariella replays "I'd totally hit that too." Vanessa rolls her eyes. "Ok miss I play for the other team, you have to admit, he's hot." Vanessa responds "Gross and like you said, I play for the other team." "Guess he is kinda cute" says Estella. "Kinda? Try gorgeous" Ariella says. Vanessa states "Try stalker, he hasn't stopped staring at us since he walked in."

The rest look over to see that Vanessa is right. The guy smirks and makes his way over to them. He walks over and stands by the girls. He takes off his sunglasses to reveal blue eyes. His right eye has a scar running down the middle. "Hi, I'm Ericca" Ericca says trying to start a conversation. He ignores Ericca and continues to stare at Estella. Estella ask "Do I know you from somewhere?" Guy replies "I think I would remember a face like yours." Estella responds with "Move along pal." Guy just replies with "Can't, that's my locker."

He points to the locker between Estella's and Ericca's. He opens his locker and starts emptying his backpack. Guy says while unpacking "Hi Ericca, it's nice to meet you." Ericca smiles. "I'm Vanessa, that's Ariella and Estella" Vanessa says. "A beautiful name, for a beautiful girl" guy flirts. Estella rolls eyes and states with annoyance "You're not my type." Guy says "Well it was nice to meet you ladies, but I have to run now." Estella ask while he walks away "And you are....?" Guy stops and turns around. "Monroe" Monroe answers.

Monroe winks at Estella and walks off. Ariella ask Estella "Are you ready to go? Also, why does every guy gravitate to you?" Estella is deep in her thoughts when Ariella snaps her out of her thoughts. Estella asked annoyed "What?" Ariella repeats her question "I said are you ready to go? And why does every guy gravitate to you?" Estella replies "Trust me when I say this, but Monroe is not you type." "Do you know him or something" ask Ariella. Estella replies "Let's get to class." They make their way to their first period. They walk in and take their seats. Estella sits in the back with Ericca to her right. Ariella sits in front of Ericca and Vanessa sits to Ariella's left. Everyone is talking about Monroe. Ericca says "I'm surprised you weren't mean to him." "Just wait til I know one of his secrets" responds Estella. Vanessa shakes her head and says "Do you always have to be such a bi-" The bell rings cutting off Vanessa and class starts. The teacher walks in and starts the lesson and the girls tune out. About twelve minutes later the door opens. Everyone looks over and the girls see Monroe walk in.

Monroe on the other hand went to the principal's office. Monroe ended up tuning out the principle and just kept thinking about Estella. The talk with the principle ends up going ten minutes into first period. It takes Monroe a few minutes to find the room. Monroe groans inwardly because English is first period. Monroe walks in and every eye turns to see who walked in. Monroe walks over to the teacher and gives slip. They talk for a minute and then Monroe quickly looks around for a seat. Monroe smiles when the only available seat is next to Estella. Monroe walks over and sits on her left. Monroe winks and then flashes a smile at Estella. Estella just rolls her eyes. Monroe turns attention away from Estella to teacher and zones out.

"Welcome to Rosewood High School. My name is Mrs. Fields, what is your name?" ask Alison. Monroe doesn't reply. Everyone looks at Monroe. After a few more seconds Estella taps Monroe's shoulder. Monroe looks over at Estella. Monroe looks up and sees everyone staring. Everyone starts to laugh and Estella smiles at Monroe. Monroe mutters "Way to make a good first impression Monroe, good going." Estella whispers "Smooth." "What" Monroe ask. "As I was saying, my name is Mrs. Fields and you are" ask Alison. Monroe replies "Monroe." Alison says "See me after class." The class ooh's and Monroe just groans. The class is resumed and the bell finally rings. Monroe waits for everyone to leave and walks over to Alison.

Monroe says "Sorry Mrs. Fields, it won't happen again. I'll pay attention." "Don't make it a habit. You can go now" says Alison. Monroe sighs in relief and walks out of class. Monroe sees Estella, Vanessa, Ericca, and Ariella standing there talking about something. Monroe ignores them and looks at the schedule. Monroe looks down the hall in both directions trying to figure out where the classroom is. Estella says "Here let me see." She takes Monroe's schedule and looks at it. "Cool, you're in the same class as me. Let's go, see you girls later." Monroe is shocked.

Wow what a finale.  I'm sad that this amazing series is over.  That finale scene tho, recreating the first scene in the pilot.

The first chapter is here.  So what did you guys think?  Which new liar do you think is based off of which original liar?  What do you think is going to happen next?  Who do you think Monroe's parents are?  If you have any suggestions leave a comment below.  If you have any scenes you want me to recreate please let me know down below.  Thank you for reading and enjoy.

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