Chapter 44 I ChoosE You

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It has been a week since then. Ariella, Ericca, and Vanessa still don't trust Estella and only talk to her when it is necessary. Monroe is the only one that still hangs out with Estella, but Monroe has put her walls up. It is the day of Monroe's first swim meet, it is currently lunch time when an angry man storms in looking for someone. He looks over at Monroe and makes his way over to her. "You" he snaps at Monroe. Monroe looks up and says, "Hello Fred." "After I show you hospitality this is how you repay me" Fred says. "Who is that" Vanessa asks. "What is he talking about" Ariella asks.

"I have no idea what you are talking about Fred" Monroe says. "I let you stay at my house and then you use your advantage to get anchor" Fred says. "I believe that's Lydia's dad" Ericca says. Monroe stands up and gets in Fred's face, "Go on, say it." "Because your gay you get special treatment" Fred says. Estella says, "If that was true, your own daughter would be getting special treatment also." Everyone looks at Estella. "What are you talking about" Fred asks. Lydia appears out of nowhere and says, "Dad lets go." Estella smirks at Lydia and hands Fred a letter, "I got this really interesting letter from Lydia."

Lydia's face goes white as her dad reads the letter. Ariella, Ericca, and Vanessa are staring at Estella in shock while Monroe is confused. Fred looks at Lydia and says, "We will discuss this later." "Sir" Alison says walking over, "I have to ask you to leave." "Not until I see the swim coach and see that she is not playing favorites" Fred says. "I promise she is not playing favorites" Alison says. "My daughter should be anchor not this" Fred says gesturing towards Monroe, "Freak of nature." Everyone goes quiet.

Monroe glares at Fred before walking out of the cafeteria. Alison says, "You need to leave before I call security." "This isn't over and you" Fred says and then looks at Lydia, "You and I have to talk." Fred walks out being followed by Alison. Lydia glares at Estella, "You bitch." "I may be a bitch" Estella says, "But at least I never tried to drown Monroe." "Damn straight" Vanessa says. Ariella says, "Stay away from my sister or be prepared for a lawsuit." Estella, Vanessa, Ariella, and Ericca walk out of the cafeteria.

Estella, Vanessa, Ariella, and Ericca are currently sitting in the stands, cheering on the swim team. Currently the sharks are falling behind their opponents. The swimmer before Monroe dives into the water. Monroe takes out her ear buds and looks up at the stands. She stops looking when she sees the girls and waves, they wave back. Monroe gets ready to dive in. Their opponents anchor dives into the water and Monroe patiently waits for their swimmer so that she can dive in. Their opponents swimmer is already a third of the way through their lap and the other school thinks they have it in the bag because their school is going wild.

Monroe drowns out all the noise seconds before the girl touches the wall and she immediately dives in. Monroe clears her mind and only focuses on the water as it surrounds her and executing the stroke. Monroe times the turn perfectly and sees that she has made up about half the distance between her and her opponent. Monroe puts everything she has into this final stretch of the lap. Monroe's fingers touch the wall and she pulls herself out of the water to "-Sharks win!" Everyone from Rosewood is going crazy and everyone from the opponent school are all in shock. Monroe is engulfed in a group hug. "In an incredible come from behind victory, I give you Rosewood Sharks" the announcer says handing a trophy to Emily. Emily hands the trophy to Monroe and Monroe holds the trophy above her head.

After Monroe gives Emily the trophy back, Monroe is engulfed in a hug. Monroe sees that it is Estella. Monroe hugs her back and pulls Vanessa, Ariella, and Ericca into the hug. When they separate Hanna and Caleb walk over. "Congrats kiddo" Caleb says smiling. "Thanks" Monroe replies. "Don't tell Emily this" Hanna says, "But you were even better than her." "Hey" Emily says, "Who's side are you on?" "You may be my best friend" Hanna says, "But I have to take my kids side." "I see where your loyalties lie" Emily says. They all laugh. Alison walks over, "You were amazing Monroe."

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