Chapter 4 Secrets Revealed

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"Whatever, someone is just playing prank on me" says Estella. Estella walks in and sits next to Monroe. Monroe, Emily, and Alison catch up. Estella gets another text. She looks at it. 'Embarrass Monroe or some secrets gets revealed. -E' Estella just ignores it and enjoys the rest of dinner. After dinner is over Monroe says "Dinner was amazing, but I should probably get going." Monroe says her good bye and leaves. Estella goes to her room and receives a text and it is from the unknown number. 'Next time you should head my warning. -E'

Ariella's P.O.V.

I was in my room busy studying for a test coming up in two weeks. I decided to call it a night and check my email before I go to bed. I saw I had one new email from someone random and clicked on it. 'Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. Our past has a way of catching up to us. You're in my dollhouse now and I know all your secrets. -E' I think out loud "Really Estella really?" I just ignore the email and get ready for bed.

Vanessa's P.O.V.

I'm over at Ericca's and we are currently watching some movie and I'm stuffing my face with popcorn. Well it's more like I'm watching the movie while Ericca makes me more popcorn. I get a text and I see that it is from an unknown number. 'Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. Our past has a way of catching up to us. You're in my dollhouse now and I know all your secrets. -E' I roll my eyes and say "Typical Estella." I get another text from the unknown number. 'Don't say I never gave you anything. -E' I open and look at the attachment. I freeze and my mouth drops open. I can't believe what I am seeing. My eyes go wide from shock. I start to say "What the f-" until I end up dropping the bowl of popcorn I am currently holding.

Ericca's P.O.V.

I'm currently in the kitchen making more popcorn for Vanessa before she runs out and starts complaining. I'm waiting for the popcorn when I ask myself "Wait, why am I the one making the popcorn when Vanessa is the one that wants it?" I get a text and I think it's a text from Vanessa asking for more popcorn. It's from some unknown number. 'Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. Our past has a way of catching up to us. You're in my dollhouse now and I know all your secrets. -E' "What are you going on about now Estella" I ask myself. I hear something drop on my floor.

Monroe's P.O.V.

I arrive home and see that my parents haven't gotten back yet, typical, so I check the mail. I walk in side while skimming through the mail. I see I have a letter from someone. I drop the rest of the mail on the table and go to my room. I sit down on my bed and open the letter. I read the letter and it says 'Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. Our past has a way of catching up to us. You're in my dollhouse now and I know all your secrets. -E' "Can't you just let it go for once and not make fun of me" I ask to no one in particular.


General P.O.V.

Ariella, Ericca, and Vanessa are standing at their lockers. "So how was every one's weekend" ask Vanessa. Ariella responds "For the most part good, except for one part that was a little weird." "Same" replies Ericca. Vanessa ask "What do you guys mean?" Ariella responds "I got this.... like threat email from someone." "Wait, what" says Ericca. Vanessa asks "Was it from someone called E?" "How did you know" ask Ariella. Ericca looks at Vanessa. "Because I got a text from E." "I also got one" says Ericca. Ariella ask "So do you think it was Estella?" "To be completely honest" says Ericca "I don't know." "I don't think she would go as far as to blackmail herself" says Vanessa. "What are you talking about" ask Ariella. Vanessa ask confused "Didn't you get two text?" Ericca shakes her head no. "Was I the only one to get two then?" "Yes, you are apparently" responds Ericca.

Estella walks up and says "Hey girls." Vanessa just glares at her. Estella glares back and ask "What?" Vanessa says "Secrets have a way of catching up to us." "Two can only keep a secret if one of them is dead." "Is that a threat" Ariella ask. "Just an answer and what are you guys talking about" ask Estella annoyed. Ericca ask "Isn't it enough that you make fun of us, now you have to go and threaten us?" "Again, what are you talking about" says Estella still annoyed.   Ericca and Vanessa show Estella the E text they received.  "I thought someone was just trying to prank me" says Estella. Estella shows them her E texts. "Estella!" The girls look up and see a very pissed off Monroe walking towards them.

Monroe's P.O.V.

I pull up to school. I grab my bag and start walking to my locker to meet up with the girls. As I'm walking girls keep winking at me and whispering "She's so hot." Some even give me their numbers and say "Call me for a good time." I just shake my head, ignore it, and continue to walk. I walk up the stairs and go to open the door when I'm pushed against the wall. I'm too shocked to do anything. A girl gets up on me and starts to grind on me. Once I'm over the initial shock, I push her away. "What the-" I'm cut off by her getting in my face and putting her index finger over my mouth. She whispers in my ear "That's just a taste of what I can give to you. I know your little friend enjoyed that. Give me a call later." She slips a piece of paper into my shorts seductively and walks off.

I just blink a couple of times. I put all the pieces together. "Estella" I whisper angrily. I go look for her. I see her at the lockers with the other girls talking about something. "Estella" I yell angrily at her. They look up and I walk over. I stand in front of her and say "How could you, you promised." "Monty, what ar-" "Oh don't play dumb Estella." Estella knows I'm mad now because I rarely use her full name. "The whole school knows and you were the only person I ever told, so explain to me how the whole school knows when you're the only person that knew" I say. "Knew what, that you were a girl? People were bound to find out eventually" says Vanessa. "Not that" I say. "Then what" ask Ericca. "That I'm intersex."

What did you guys think?  Who do you think E is?  What do you think E sent Vanessa?  Which of the new liars do you think are based off of the original liars?  If you have any suggestions or questions, leave them in the comments below.  As always comments and votes are appreciated.  If you give an idea and a chapter is based off of it, the chapter will be dedicated to you.  Thanks for reading.  

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