Chapter 2 Suspicions

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Estella can see that Monroe is shocked. The girls say their goodbyes and head to their next class. Estella and Monroe start to head to math. Everyone is staring at them in non belief because Monroe is basically in the group. Estella glares and then snap at them "What are you looking at?" Everyone looks away and walks off. Monroe looks at Estella and raises an eyebrow, but doesn't say anything.


Estella goes to Monroe's locker and drags Monroe to their table. She sits down and pulls Monroe down next to her. The rest of the girls walk in and take their seats. Ariella sits across from Monroe, Ericca sits across from Estella, and Vanessa sits in between Monroe and Ariella. Ericca looks at Estella and Estella raises her eye brow. With her eyes show motions to Monroe and raises an eye brow. Estella just shrugs it off. The girls make small talk with Monroe. Estella tunes them out, but tunes back in when Vanessa ask this question. "Ok, you guys are boring, you aren't asking the hard-hitting questions. When and how was your first time" ask Vanessa. Monroe is currently taking a drink of water when Vanessa ask the question. Monroe's eyes go wide and chokes on the water.

Ariella exclaims "Vanessa!" Vanessa ask "What?" "You don't just go around asking people you just meet about their sex life" states Ariella. "Jeez, sorry. In my defense, though, you guys were asking all the boring questions" replies Vanessa. Estella just laughs and looks at Monroe and ask "Well Monroe?" Ericca glares at Estella and ask "You too, seriously?" Estella and Vanessa look at Monroe waiting for the answer. Monroe's face turns red and looks down at the table. " know.... that big end of the school year beginning of summer party" says Monroe. Vanessa says "I can't believe that Monroe lost his v before any one of us did."

Monroe looks up. Estella just smirks at Monroe. Monroe smiles back at Estella. Ariella and Ericca glare at Vanessa. Estella smiles and says "Shy on the streets, sexy in the sheets. I knew there was something different about you." Monroe just looks at Estella and continues to smile. Monroe is about to say something when the bell rings and they all head to their next classes. Vanessa, Ericca, and Ariella head in one direction while Monroe and Estella head in another direction.

Vanessa, Ericca, and Ariella head to math. "Is it just me or do Monroe and Estella seem close" ask Vanessa. Ericca replies "It's not just you, I noticed it too." "Estella is probably just cozying up to him so that she can learn his secrets and too keep his attention off of us" says Ariella. They walk into class and take their seats as the bell rings. The teacher walks in and starts the lesson. "I don't get this" says Vanessa. "Or anything" retorts Ariella. Vanessa exclaims "Hey!" Everyone looks at Vanessa and she looks at her desk. She mumbles a sorry. Ariella and Ericca laugh while Vanessa glares at them. Everyone returns their attention back to the teacher. Vanessa says "Not cool." Ariella smirks at Vanessa.

Ericca ask "So do you think that they used to be friends?" "Who knows since it involves Estella" replies Ariella. "Or maybe something more?" "What if he was her first" ask Vanessa. Ericca and Ariella give Vanessa confused looks. Vanessa sighs and says "What if Monroe was her first kiss? We all know she had her first kiss in elementary but, she never told us who he was." Ericca and Ariella just stare at Vanessa. "Monroe, really? He's not that bad looking but, not Estella's type" says Ericca. Vanessa says, "Then maybe he's gay or she just wants all his attention on her." Ariella says, "Who knew Vanessa had a brain." Vanessa glares at Ariella and Ariella smirks. Vanessa says "I can't wait for the day that I show you up." "And that will be the day I become gay." "Don't knock it til you try it." "Alright, enough guys" says Ericca.

"Man, Estella is so lucky right now" says Ericca. "You hate P.E. though" states Vanessa. "I swear you dye your hair Vanessa" says Ariella. "And kill my hair, no thanks" responds Vanessa. "Because Monroe has the same class as her" says Ariella. "What does Monroe have to do with Ericca being jealous of Estella having P.E. right now" ask Vanessa. "You are such a blonde. Because someone here has a crush on our new friend." "Monroe is a guy, I don't see what the big deal is." "Of course, you don't." "Are you implying something Ariella?" "Can you two stop" ask Ericca annoyed. Ariella and Vanessa look at each other, then at Ericca, and then back to each other. They look down at the desk and mumble an apology. "We already have enough drama with Estella, we don't need to create anymore" says Ericca.

"So," Vanessa ask, "If you two want a chance, you better make the first move and fast." "What is she talking about now" ask Ariella. Ericca just shrugs and says "Who knows, its Vanessa." "First rude. Second jerks. Third, it looks like Estella has Monroe wrapped around her finger, so if you want a chance, you better do something soon." Ericca and Ariella look at each other and Ericca says, "Ariella can." Vanessa looks confused and asks, "Don't you like him?" The bell rings and Vanessa says "Finally." Ericca and Ariella just laugh. They walk out. At that moment, all their phones buzz. They look and see a message from Estella. It says 'My house after school there's something you should know.' Vanessa ask, "So what do you guys think it is?"

"Like I said before, who knows when it involves Estella" says Ariella. They stop at their lockers to drop off and pick up book. Ericca says, "We will find out soon enough since this is last period." "Well see you two later" says Ariella. "Bye" says Vanessa and Ericca. Ariella walks off to her last class. Ericca and Vanessa walk to their last classes. "No matter what Ariella says, I think you might be onto something. It certainly seems like Monroe and Estella have some kind of history" says Ericca. Vanessa says, "Thank you, it's not just me."

After lunch is over, Monroe walks with Estella because they both have P.E. Estella ask "Well what was is like? What was she like?" Monroe rubs back of neck and looks down "Look I just said that too get Vanessa off my case, so can we please not talk about it?" Estella smirks and looks at Monroe. She says, "Don't worry Monty, your secrets safe with me" and walks into the girl's bathroom to change. Estella has changed and is fixing her hair and makeup. Five minutes later when it's just Estella, she sees Monroe walk in. Estella just looks at Monroe through the mirror and raise her eye brow. Monroe says "Hey El, long time no see."

So I decided to upload two chapters.  What did you guys think?  What do you think is going to happen next?  Which of the new liars to do you think is based off of the original liar.  If you have any suggestions please let me know in the comments below.  If you want me to recreate any personal favorite or iconic scenes please let me know and i will do my best.  Thank you for reading and enjoy.

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