Chapter 3 Feelings

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Estella just looks at Monroe. Monroe stands there waiting for her response. It seems like years before she answered Monroe, but in reality, it was only twenty seconds. Estella smirks and says "Took you long enough Monty, and you're supposed to be the smart one out of the two of us." Monroe just smiles and shakes head. She runs up to Monroe, wraps her arms around Monroe's neck and hugs. Monroe wraps arms around her waist and hugs her. Monroe says "I can't believe it's you, I never thought I would see you again." Estella replies, "Me too, I've missed you so much, you have no idea. You realize your gonna have to tell the girls, right?" Monroe just sighs and says, "I know, and I will eventually." "After school, my place. Now get changed before we are late." Estella Flashes her signature Estella Fields smile and walks out. Monroe smiles and changes.

Estella's House

They are all in Estella's room. Ericca ask "So why are we here again?" Monroe says "Since you guys are my friends now, there's something you should know." "Your gay" exclaims Vanessa. Ariella and Ericca scolding "Vanessa!" "What?" Monroe says "Well ya, but that's not-" "I was right" exclaims Vanessa. She starts jumping up and down. "In your face, Ariella!" Monroe just stares at her and blinks. Ariella rolls her eyes and says "Whatever." Estella stares at Vanessa like she is crazy then giggles. Ericca just laughs and says "She just showed you up Ariella."

Vanessa sits down and ask "You like anyone Monroe?" Monroe says "Oh I definitely have my eye on someone." Estella just looks at Monroe and smirks. "Of course, you know" says Vanessa. "Anyways, before I was rudely interrupted," everyone looks at Vanessa and she just shrugs, "there's something I need to tell you guys. I am a girl." Ericca, Ariella, and Vanessa just stare at Monroe. Monroe gets uncomfortable and starts to fidget. Vanessa smirks and looks at Ariella and says "Wouldn't you totally hit that, I mean she is hot." "Ew, gross" responds Ariella. "Gross? Try gorgeous." Vanessa, Ericca, and Estella burst out in laughter. Ariella just glares at them. Monroe looks at them and raise an eye brow. Ericca says "You are so much hotter now." "Told you Monroe wasn't your type" says Estella. "Shut up" says Ariella. "What" ask Monroe. Estella replies, "Just a conversation we had earlier."

They continue to talk and goof off. Monroe checks the time. It is 6 pm. "I should get going, my parents are probably freaking out" says Monroe. "I probably should be heading out to" says Ariella. Vanessa ask "Can I spend the night?" "Sure. And you're staying for dinner" ask Estella. "Yes. Also, my parents are coming" responds Ericca. Monroe and Ariella grab their things and say goodbye. Ariella leaves and Monroe gets ready to leave when Emily and Alison walk in. "Hi Emily. Hi Alison" says Monroe. "Monroe" Emily ask. "That's my name." "Thought you looked familiar" says Alison. "Um, I would love to stay and chat, but my parents are probably worried" says Monroe. "Of course, maybe you could stay for dinner some other time this week" says Alison. Monroe replies "Totally. It was nice seeing you again." "Bye Monroe" Emily says. Monroe leaves.

That Friday

The girls meet Monroe at her locker. Monroe says, "Hey." Estella, Ariella, and Ericca reply "Hey." Vanessa says "What's up hot stuff." "Maybe I should have told everyone but Vanessa" says Monroe. "Hey! Rude" says Vanessa. Monroe, Estella, Ericca, and Ariella laugh. They all make their way to English. Before the girls know it, its lunch. They sit there and just talk about random things. Next thing the girls know is that the final bell is ringing meaning school is over. Ariella goes home to study while Vanessa and Ericca go shopping. Estella meets Monroe at her locker. Monroe and Estella go to Estella's house. Monroe and Estella are in the backyard laying down on the grass talking.

Estella breaks out in laughter. "You're joking, right? That really didn't happen?" Monroe replies "No, I'm serious. Some guys snuck into the locker room and replaced my shorts with gold shorts while everyone was in the pool. Of course, everyone liked that cuz they had a good view of my legs, but I never lived that down." Estella continues to laugh and says "You have to show me a picture of you in your gold shorts Monty." "You wish" replies Monroe. "Please Monty?" "I'm probably going to regret this, but alright I'll show you. But you have to promise not to tell anyone." "Deal" responds Estella. Monroe turns on her side and props herself up on her elbow and looks down at Estella and smiles. Estella stops laughing and smiles. "What" she asks. "I've been wanting to do this for a while now" says Monroe. Estella asks "What?" Monroe says nothing, but instead leans down and kisses Estella. The kiss doesn't last very long, no more than a couple seconds, because Estella pushes Monroe off her.

Monroe looks at Estella with confused expression. "Just because we kissed in the locker room the other day doesn't mean I like you, a kiss is a kiss. I like boys, and if I'm kissing you it's just practice for the real thing." Monroe stops and looks at Estella. Monroe just lays on her back. It's quite for a few minutes until Monroe gets up and starts walking off. Estella sits up and asks "Where are you going? You're having dinner with us tonight remember?" Monroe just stops and looks at Estella. Monroe shakes head and just walks into the house. A second later Emily walks out and joins Estella on the grass. Emily looks at Estella ask "Everything ok?" Estella looks at her and replies "Everything's fine mom." "You sure, because Monroe seemed to be upset about something."

"Everything is fine." "Ok, if you say so. Dinners almost ready." "Em" Alison yells from the house. "Coming Ali" responds Emily. Emily walks into the house. Estella just sits there and stares off. She hears someone walk behind. She turns around and sees Monroe. "Dinners ready" Monroe says. Monroe hold out hand to help Estella up and Estella gladly accepts. Monroe gives Estella a smile before walking back inside. Estella goes to follow, but her phone goes off. Estella checks it thinking it was one of the girls. She sees a blocked number. She opens it and reads the text.

'Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. Our past has a way of catching up to us. You're in my dollhouse now and I know all your secrets. -E'

What did you guys think?  So the first text just happened.  What do you think is going to happen next?  Who do you guys think E is?  If you have any suggestions let me know in the comments.  If you want any of the characters from the show to make a cameo, let me.  If you want me to recreate any iconic or personal favorite scenes let me know and I will try to incorporate them into the story.  Thanks for ready.

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