Chapter 9 An Emison, Spoby, Haleb, and Ezria Reunion

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Hey guys, sorry for the late update.  An emergency came up that I had to deal with, my files didn't save so I had to rewrite the majority of the chapter, I had writers block, and some other problems.  So I will upload an additional chapter during the week to make up for the late update.  Please enjoy.

'Monroe and Estella standing in a classroom k-i-s-s-i-n-g. I wonder what everyone would think about this. Kisses -E' "No, this can't be happening" Estella says. Monroe asks, "What?" "If E tells everyone, I'm done" says Estella. Monroe looks confused and says, "How is this so bad, it's not like it is the end of the world. No one would care, everyone could care less. Me, Vanessa, and Ericca are out and no one cares" says Monroe. Estella looks at Monroe and says, "Its different for me." "How is it different for you" asks Monroe. Estella answers, "I'm the queen bee, I can't be gay." Monroe just looks at Estella. "So your reputation means more to you, then us" asks Monroe. Estella says harshly, "There never was an us, there will never be an us. We were friends, are friends, and will be friends, nothing more nothing less."

Monroe just looks at Estella. The hurt can be seen on Monroe's face for a second before she covers it up. "I have to go" says Monroe walking out of the room. Estella hears the door slam shut and walks downstairs. Estella sees a very confused Vanessa, Ericca, and Ariella looking at her. "What" Estella snaps at them. Ericca asks, "What happened, did you two get into a fight?" Estella says harshly, "That's none of your damn business." "Jeez, calm down, it was just a question. Would it have something to do with the text and picture" asks Ariella. Estella asks, "What text and picture?" "This text and picture" Vanessa says showing her the text E just sent and the picture E sent Vanessa. Estella looks at the picture.

"El wait, I have something to give to you" Monroe says. "Can't it wait til after graduation Monty, we are supposed to be lining up" says Estella. Monroe says, "Its important." "Fine" Estella says, "Make it fast." Monroe walks over to her back pack and pulls out a box. She walks over to Estella and hands it to her. Estella opens the box and sees a glass sculpture of the Eiffel Tower. "It's beautiful" Estella says. "Not as beautiful as you" Monroe says. Estella looks up from the present and looks at Monroe. Estella asks, "Are you trying to tell me something Monty?" Monroe takes a deep breath and says, "Ever since the day I saved from the boys at the beginning of the year, I have had these weird feelings for you. At first, I ignored them and just pushed them tot eh side. As the year progressed, the feelings only got harder to ignore and stronger. A few weeks ago, I figured out what the feelings meant."

Estella asks, "What do your feelings mean?" Monroe looks down at ground then back up into Estella's chocolate brown eyes. "I like you Estella" Monroe says. Estella giggles and says, "Of course you do Monty, if you didn't we wouldn't be friends." "No, El" Monroe says, "I like you, as more than a friend." Monroe takes the present out of Estella's hands and puts it on the ground. Monroe takes a step towards Estella. She places one hand on Estella's cheek and the other on her hip. She leans in and they are centimeters apart. Monroe whispers, "I really like you El." Monroe leans in the rest of the way and captures Estella's lips with hers. The kiss lasts for a few seconds before they separate. They are both smiling. Monroe is staring into Estella's eyes and Estella is staring into Monroe's piercing blue eyes.

"Estella" Vanessa says snapping Estella out of the flashback. Estella blinks and asks, "What?" "You spaced out for a minute there" says Ariella. Estella says, "The picture is fake, I would never kiss Monroe. I like boys." Emily and Alison walk in. "Hey girls" Alison says. Emily asks, "Where's Monroe?" "She wasn't feeling that good, so she left. I should get going" says Vanessa. "Don't bother" says Aria walking in followed closely by Ezra. Hanna, Caleb, Spencer, and Toby walk in. Ariella says, "Hey mom, dad." Ericca asks, "Mom. Dad. What are you doing here?" Toby says, "Emily and Alison invited us over for dinner."

About half an hour later dinner is ready. Everyone is sitting at the table. Alison, Emily, Spencer, Toby, Hanna, Caleb, Aria, and Ezra start talking and telling stories. Estella, Ericca, Ariella, and Vanessa tune out until they hear Caleb mention A. Toby says, "Cheers to A free life for us and our kids." Emily rolls eyes and says, "Dork." Spencer laughs and says, "Clever one babe." Caleb says, "Good times." "Good times? In what universe" asks Hanna. "A may have tortured you guys for years, but if it wasn't for A, we might not be here talking and laughing together. A brought us all back together" says Caleb. Spencer says, "He does have a point." "Ok, no one likes a know it all Spencer" says Hanna. Spencer glares at Hanna, while everyone else laughs.

Aria says, "Remember when A made Hanna earn back all that money. The things she had to do." Hanna says, "Let's not remember that. Let's remember when Em had like a hole in-" "Yes, there was a hole in her stomach, moving on" Spencer says. Emily says, "In my defense, A spiked my cream with steroids. At least Em wasn't an addict to speed." "At least I had you guys by my side to help me. I just can't believe we abandoned Ali when she needed us" Spencer says. "It hurt when the loyal one betrayed me" Alison says. Emily looks down at table. Alison reaches over and grabs hand. Emily looks up and Alison smiles. Emily smiles back. "My dad was there for me, unlike Aria whose parents divorced" says Alison. Aria says, "The important thing is that they got back together."

Spencer says, "Through everything that A did our friendship grew stronger." "I wouldn't change the events of the past for anything" says Hanna. Aria says, "No matter what, we will always be friends." "A may have put us through hell, but we emerge victorious" Emily says. Alison says, "Just remember no matter what I'll always be there for you, that is my oath to you." "Here, here" Caleb says. "We are more than friends, we are family" says Ezra. Toby raises his glass and says, "Cheers to the best family ever." Everyone else raises glass and says, "Cheers."

Thanks for reading.  Again sorry for taking so long to update.  What did you think?  What do you think will happen next?  So we had an Emison, Spoby, Haleb, and Ezria reunion.  What did you think?  Estella rejects Monroe again.  What do you think is going to happen next between them?  So we learned the back story to the picture that E sent Vanessa.  This flashback also included the first kiss between Estella and Monroe.  What did you guys think?

If you have any suggestions or questions please leave it in the comments below.  If you want to see anyone make a cameo, please let me know in the comments below.  If you want me to recreate any scene from the show, please let me know down in the comments below.  As always votes and comments are appreciated.  Keep your eyes open for the extra update coming out on soon.

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