Chapter 5 A Day To Remember

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"Wait, what" says Vanessa, Ariella, and Ericca. "Monroe please, if I was the one to tell your secret, I would have made sure that I was benefitting from it" says Estella. "She does kinda have a point" says Vanessa. "Wait" says Ericca "How did Estella know that? I doubt you would give her leverage by telling her that." "You're such a liar Estella" says Ariella. "Monty, you of all people should know this isn't my style" says Estella. Estella just walks up to Monroe and hugs her. Monroe tries to stay mad at her, but fails and hugs her back. Ariella then ask while looking at something on her phone "Then how come you were the one to tell?" Estella words are hard to hear because her face is buried in Monroe's neck "What are you talking about?" "Look" says Ariella. Ariella shows everyone her phone and they see a text message originally from Estella telling Monroe's secret.

"Whatever Estella" says Monroe getting out of Estella's embrace and walks off. "Wow, you really are a bi-" Vanessa starts to say, but then Estella gets a text. 'It's funny how some secrets have a way of getting out, say good bye to your favorite. Kisses. -E' "Who was that" ask Ariella. Estella replies "Just my mom telling us to get to class before we are late." Ariella doesn't look convinced, but lets it go. They walk to English. Monroe is sitting on the other side of the classroom. The bell rings. Alison turns and faces the class and sees Monroe not sitting with the rest of the girls. She raises her eye brow at Estella and Estella just looks at her mom. Alison starts the lesson.

After class ends, Monroe rushes out. Monroe is walking to her second period trying to avoid Estella, when she is pulled into a janitor's closet and comes face to face with Estella. Monroe gulps and backs up into the wall. Estella giggles and says, "Do I make you nervous Monty?" "N-no you d-don't" Monroe replies. Estella keeps stepping closer to Monroe until their lips are centimeters apart. "I know you want to kiss me" says Estella. Monroe leans in the rest of the way and connects their lips. Estella hands wrap around Monroe's neck and Monroe's hand hold Estella's waist. The kiss last for a couple of seconds until Estella pulls away. "Forgive me" Estella ask sticking out her bottom lip. Monroe responds, "Y-yes." Estella smiles and walks out. Monroe just stands there for a couple seconds before putting her fingers on her lips. She smiles and walks out.

It is now lunch and the girls are sitting together eating and talking. A girl comes and sits down next to Monroe and gets a little to touchy-feely for her. "What do you want Grace" ask Monroe. Grace just smiles and asks, "Do my eyes deceive me or is this actually Monroe?" "It is, now buzz off" snaps Estella. "No need to be rude little sis, I was just saying hi to Monty here" says Grace. Monroe says, "Don't call me that." "Who sharpened your tongue, little girl" ask Grace.

Monroe glares at Grace and asks, "Again, what do you want?" "Well, I thought you looked familiar and I just wanted to check. Let me say, I'm not disappointed all. I thought you looked good back then, but now damn Monroe." "Still not gonna happen" says Monroe. Grace replies, "We will see." She smiles and walks off. "Ok, what was that about" ask Ariella, "Because I know I'm not the only one thinking that." "Nothing, just forget it" says Monroe. Ariella looks at Monroe knowing there's something she isn't tell, but gives it up and goes back to talking to Vanessa and Ericca. Monroe looks over at Estella and smirks. Monroe raises eyebrow. Monroe asks, "What El?" Estella answers, "Just thinking of that day Monty."

A young Estella is swinging on the swings. Two boys in the grade above come over. One of the boys gets in the unoccupied swing, while the other one looks at Estella. "Can I help you" ask Estella. The boy standing says, "You can start by getting off my swing." Estella fires back, "I don't see your name on the swing, therefore this isn't your swing." Both boys just look at Estella. The boy then says, "Get off the swing or we will have some problems." Estella says, "Wait your turn like everyone else has to." The boy grabs Estella and yanks her off. The boy raises his hand and Estella closes her eyes.

Estella waits and nothing happens. She opens her eyes and sees the boy getting beat up by another boy. The boy's friend gets off the swing to help his friend. "Look out" says Estella. The boy turns around and sees the boys friend. The boy punches him and then the other boy punches him. Soon his friend gets off the ground and starts to help him. At that moment, a teacher comes and yells at the two boys. She drags the two boys away and calls for another teacher.

"Estella" Estella says. "Monroe" boy replies. Another teacher comes and escorts Monroe to the nurses, Estella tags along. Monroe and Estella are waiting for the nurse. "You're my hero" says Estella. Monroe says, "Hero sounds ok, but friend would sound a lot better." Estella smiles and is about to say something when the nurse comes in with the teacher. Nurse says, "Those two boys are going to be in some serious trouble when her parents get here." Teacher says, "I'll handle it" and walks out. The nurse bandages up Monroe. Estella and Monroe walk out and back to playground.

Estella smiles and says, "We'll be friends forever." Monroe has the biggest smile on her face. Monroe says, "Team Estelroe against the world." Estella giggles and runs away from Monroe and says, "Catch me if you can Monty." Monroe starts to run after Estella and say, "Be careful what you ask for El."

"Over all that was a pretty amazing day. You were so cute back then" says Estella. Monroe rolls eyes and says, "Ok give me a break, I was like eleven when I said that." Estella giggles and says, "No matter what, your still my hero." Monroe smiles and says, "If I'm still your hero, then it's still team Estelroe against the world." "Ok why are you two smiling at each other like idiots" ask Vanessa. Monroe blinks and looks at Vanessa. Estella just laughs and flashes her signature Estella Fields smiles at her.

Next thing they know is that all of their phones are going off. They all check their phones and are in shock. Ericca says, "Oh my god." Vanessa says, "It's from-" Monroe interrupts and says, "I got one to." Ariella says, "I'm still here, did you miss me?" Monroe, Estella, Ariella, Ericca, and Vanessa, "Now the real fun can begin, E." There still in shock and now also look scared. They all look up from their phones and at each other.

If you enjoy my other works, don't forget to check out my new book Four Years.  What did you guys think?  What do you think is going to happen next?  What do you think E is going to make the girls do?  What do you think that E has up their sleeve?  A first look at Grace, what is your opinion of her?  So the first flashback happened.  We find out how Monroe and Estella met.  What did you think of that?  Are you on team #Estelroe as Monroe puts it?  Like always votes and comments are appreciated.  If you have any scenes that you want me to recreate let me know.  If you want anyone to make a camo, let me know.

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