Chapter 6 Pip And Estella

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"No, this can't be happening" says Ericca. Ariella laughs and then says, "The irony of this situation." A smile breaks out onto Monroe's face. She softly chuckles and shakes head. "This is serious" says Vanessa. Ericca asks, "How can you two be laughing?" "Haven't your parents told you the story of A, cuz mine has certainly" says Monroe. They all nod yes. "I mean" Monroe continues, "We are basically a replica of them. What would make this even better is if it was a next generation story on some writing app." "You two are unbelievable" says Ericca. Vanessa says, "In all seriousness, we have to tell someone." "After school, we are going to the police and then our parents" Ericca says as the bell rings. They all agree on this plan and go their separate ways. Monroe and Estella head to P.E. while Vanessa, Ericca, and Ariella head to math. When the last bell finally rings, the girls meet at their lockers. "Ready" Monroe ask them. "Ready" Estella, Vanessa, Ericca, and Ariella respond.

As soon as they walk out the door, all their phones go off. They check their phones. 'Go to the police or tell anyone and your secrets won't be secrets any longer. -E' They all look up from their phones and at each other. "What now" asks Ericca. Estella says, "We figure out who E is before we are too deep in this mess." Ericca says, "Let's go to my house and see if we can find a lead." They arrive at Ericca's and walk in. "Mom, dad I'm home" Ericca says. She gets no reply. "They are still at work, so we have the house to ourselves" she says. Everyone walks into the living room and takes a seat while Ericca gets some snacks. She walks back in and takes a seat. "Maybe E is an enemy of our parents or someone that doesn't like one of our parents for some reason, so they are taking their revenge out on us" Vanessa says. "One problem with that" Ariella says, "None of our parents have any enemies or someone that doesn't like them." "So where do we start then" asks Monroe. Ericca says, "Everyone but us is a suspect. We need to do some low key digging around to try to find some clues." "Sounds like our only plan" Estella says. They grab their things and leave Ericca's house.

The following day, everyone meets at lockers. Estella asks, "Where's Monroe?" Ariella says, "I thought she was with you." "Anyways, everyone remember the plan? Low key" Ericca says emphasizing low key and looking at Vanessa. Vanessa nods then asks, "Hey! What's that suppose to mean?" They give her the really look and she asks, "What?" Ariella says, "It means you have no filter." They walk to English and take their seats. The bell rings and Monroe runs in. "Cutting it close Monroe" Alison says. Monroe says, "Sorry, it won't happen again." "Take your seat" Alison says sighing. Monroe takes her seat next to Estella and Alison starts the lesson. Estella whispers to Monroe, "What's with the varsity jacket and why were you late?" Monroe whispers back while taking notes, "I was proving my worth to the basketball team. Coach made me point guard and gave me the varsity jacket."

"Monroe thanks for volunteering to go first" says Alison. Monroe groans and stands up. "The book I chose was Great Exceptions by Charles Dickens. Pip from the first-time meeting Estella falls in love with her. Pip continues to love Estella even though she keeps rejecting and humiliating him. Even when Estella tells him that she can never love him, he still loves her and continues to fight for her. Pip gets Estella in the end. Can I read you something" Monroe asks while looking at Estella. Estella nods her head yes and Monroe quotes while looking directly at her, "I loved her against reason, against promise, against peace, against hope, against happiness, against all discouragement that could be." Everyone claps, only Alison and Estella caught the meaning behind that. Vanessa, Ericca, and Ariella look between them trying to figure out the hidden message.

All their phones go off when Monroe sits down. 'Let's rally together and support some pretty little liars. Race you to the finish line. Kisses -E' "What does that even mean" asks Ericca. The bell rings and they all exit the room. "I think I know" says Monroe. They all look at Monroe. Monroe says, "Coach mentioned a fundraiser that is going to be held this Saturday and everyone apart of a sport team is required to come." "Looks like we are all going to that fundraiser" Ariella says. "We have to be careful, my moms are going to be there" Estella says. Ericca says, "My parents volunteered to help." "Don't looks now but loser Melody at three o'clock" says Estella. "Hey guys" says Melody. Vanessa says, "Hey Melody." "If you ignore it, it will go away" says Estella. Melody walks away. "Really Estella, loser Melody" asks Vanessa.


The girls meet up to the side of the track. "Ok, we are gonna slip away as soon as the race begins, since everyone will be distracted" says Ariella. Ericca asks Monroe, "Are you sure you can't come with us?" "I'll try, but no guarantees" answers Monroe. Estella says, "She can be the eyes and ears out here with me." The other girls shrug and Monroe lines up. The race begins, while everyone is distracted Vanessa, Ericca, and Ariella slip into school. They start looking around. They see a person in a black hoodie walk out of the janitor's closet. They hide behind the corner and wait til they are gone. They enter and start looking around. After a while Vanessa says, "Well this was a bust." She turns around and accidently hits a box off the table. It falls to the ground. Vanessa starts to clean it up and Ariella walks over and starts feeling around on the floor.

"What are you doing" Ericca asks. "A-ha" Ariella says in triumph and smiles. She pulls a tile up and sees a notebook. She picks up the notebook and opens it. They look at it and see a bunch of random notes scribbled in it. "Great, another dead end" Vanessa says. Ariella puts notebook in purse and puts tile back. "Let's go" says Ariella. They walk out and make their way to the finish line just as Monroe crosses it. Monroe is breathing hard and Ariella hands her a bottle of water. "We found a notebook hidden in the floor, will show you later. Where's Estella" asks Ericca. Monroe says, "She said she was going to be at the finish line." They look around as more people cross.

Vanessa asks, "You don't think-" "Don't go there" Monroe says interrupting her. They start to make their way towards Emily, Alison, Spencer, and Toby, when they hear someone scream. They stop and turn around. They see a shed on fire and a black hoodie running into the woods. Monroe immediately starts to run after the figure and the others aren't far behind her when the screams start again. Monroe stops dead in her tracks and the others collide into her. "What the hell" Vanessa asks. Monroe turns around and whispers, "Estella...."

Thanks for reading.  It would be really awesome if you checked out my new story Four Years.  What did you guys think?  What do you think is going to happen next?  What do you think the hidden message was in what Monroe said?  What do you think is hidden in the notebook?  Do you think Estella is going to be ok?  If you have any suggestions or questions make sure to leave it below.  If you want to see anyone make a camo let me know down below.  As always votes and comments are appreciated.

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