Chapter 43 ChoicEs And ConsEquEncEs

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Monroe's P.O.V.

I walk out of the locker room with a huge smile on my face. I can't stop thinking about earlier this morning and I shake my head. I still can't believe that happened. I go to my locker to meet up with the girls. I walk to my locker and open it. "Hey" I say. "Happy birthday" shout Ericca, Ariella, and Vanessa. "Thanks" I reply. "Hey, what's with that huge ass grin on your face" ask Vanessa. "Is it now illegal to smile" I reply. Vanessa ask, "Wait, is that a hickey I see on your neck?" "I don't know what you're talking about" I respond. "No way Monroe" Vanessa exclaims and hits my arm, "Details now." Ericca and Ariella exclaim, "Vanessa!" "What" Vanessa asks. I just smile and roll my eyes. I get everything I need from my locker and close it.

"Lydia" Vanessa says. "What" I ask. "It was Lydia wasn't it" Vanessa says. "Why do you say that" I ask. Vanessa says, "Well you two have a past and I saw you two talking and getting close again." I say, "Try again Vanessa." "Anyways, did Estella spend the night at your place" ask Ericca. I reply, "Ya, speaking of her, where is she?" Ariella responds, "I thought she was behind me." We all close our lockers and grab our bags. We start to make our way to English. I just shrug and say "We will see her in English anyways. So, I was thinking since today is Friday and my birthday we could-"

We turn the corner and see Estella and some guy making out. I stop and stare at her. I can't believe what I'm seeing, well I can actually. I say, "I knew it was too good to be true." Vanessa, Ericca, and Ariella give me a confused look. I just ignore them. Estella hears me and she stops making out with her boy toy. Her boy toy turns around and gives us a clear view. We all gasp and are all shocked. Standing there kissing Estella is none other than Jake Stock. Anger, betrayal, hurt, and sadness flash on my face. Estella has a surprised look on her face. I stutter, "W-w-wha, b-but..." 

Ericca says, "What the hell Estella." "I knew this would happen, it happens every time. I'm so stupid" I mutter to myself. Estella takes step towards me and says, "Mon-" I'm holding back tears, I take a step back and yell "Screw you DiLaurentis-Fields!" A crowd has gathered around now. The teachers in the nearby classrooms, including Alison, look out of their classrooms to see what is going on. Jake has disappeared. Ericca, Ariella, and Vanessa are looking between me and Estella with confused expressions on their faces. Estella takes another step forward and begs, "Please let me explain Mon-" I take another step back with the tears finally escaping my eyes and whisper so that only Estella can hear me, "I'm done Estella, I am so done with you."

I turn around and run off. I don't even know where I'm going, I just run. I end up in the middle of the basketball court. I drop me bag and just stand there. I let out a scream and yell, "I thought I was her only exception. She just used me again. I was just practice for her. I'm so stupid. How could she, especially after she knew she took something that I could never get back and on my birthday. I'm so stupid!" I kick a basketball that's just lying on the court. I kick it with so much force it ends up bouncing off the rim and smacking me in the face. I'm knocked off my feet onto the floor from the force and shock of the ball hitting me.

I get up, grab my bag, and make my way to the gym. I wrap my hands and change into my practice clothes. I start punching the punching bag to blow off some steam. I have no idea how long I have been at it when I feel a hand on my shoulder. I stop and turn around to see Vanessa standing there I don't even know where I am going, I just let my feet guide me. I finally stop and look around. I am at the kissing rock. "The irony" I say and chuckle. My chuckles turn to me having a breakdown and I just collapse to the ground.

No One's P.O.V.

Monroe just ran off. "Alright, everyone get to class" says Alison. Everyone heads to class. It's just Estella, Ericca, Ariella, and Vanessa. "What did you do" ask Ariella. "And why the hell were you kissing Jake" Ericca asks, "Especially after Monroe saved you from him man handling you." "I didn't do anything" Estella says, "And that's none of your damn business." "Bullshit" Vanessa says. "I'm not going to have this conversation with you" Estella says. "Me either" Ariella says, "Come find us when you're willing to tell us what you did." Ericca, Ariella, and Vanessa walk off. "The truth always finds a way to come out" Alison says, "Especially when you least suspect it." "Whatever mom" Estella says. "All I'm saying is that you should tell them the truth before someone else does" Alison says.

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