Chapter 48 It All Ends At Midnight SEnior Prom

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Sorry for the late update.  I thought I posted this chapter the other day, but I guess I didn't, so sorry for that.  Please enjoy.

Monroe, Estella, Ericca, Ariella, and Vanessa walk into principal Hackett's office. "Welcome back to Rosewood High" principal Hackett says, "Estella, Ariella, Ericca, and Vanessa, you only missed a few months, and everything was taken into consideration. You all passed your junior year, congratulation, you are seniors. Monroe, you're a different story." "I have to repeat my junior" Monroe says, "Don't I?" "Not necessarily" principal Hackett says, "You did miss over half your junior year and everything you went through was taken into consideration. You will take a few tests and if you pass, you passed your junior year. If you fail, you have two options. One, repeat your junior year. Two, start your senior year and finish the credits you still need from junior year."

"I'll take the test" Monroe says. "Alright" principal Hackett says. He hands Estella, Ericca, Ariella, and Vanessa their schedules. "Please follow me Monroe" principal Hackett says. They exit the principal's office. Monroe begins to breath heavily. "You will be fine" Estella says showing Monroe her schedule. Ariella, Ericca, and Vanessa show Monroe their schedules. "I-we will see you at lunch" Estella says. "Ok" Monroe says calming down and follows principal Hackett. Vanessa, Estella, Ericca, and Ariella head to class.

It has been about three months since Monroe found her mom dead, buried in her front yard. The police still have no idea who could have killed her and they still don't have any suspects. After that night Monroe spiraled downhill. After spending almost eight months in the doll house and going through things that no one should go through, Monroe couldn't handle the fact that her mom was killed. The funeral for Samara was a few weeks later. Monroe totally lost it at the funeral. After the funeral, Monroe couldn't stay in the house, so she moved in with her dad and Hanna.

All of them have been going to therapy since they escaped the dollhouse. For the first two and half months, they did group meeting, because they couldn't be separated from each other, especially Monroe. After that, Ariella, Ericca, and Vanessa could go to individual sessions as long as Monroe knew when. Monroe and Estella still went to sessions together. They all have ptsd from their experience in the doll house. Estella develop ptsd, even though E had let Estella go. E had instead still taunted her for the month they had the liars and about everything they were doing to Ariella, Ericca, Vanessa, and Monroe. Monroe, Ariella, Vanessa, and Ericca had developed ptsd, but Monroe had it the worst.

If any of them saw a person in a black hoodie, dolls, or a dollhouse, it would cause them all to freak out and could cause flashbacks. Estella freaks out or has a flashback if she doesn't wake up exactly where she went to sleep. Vanessa breaks down or has a flashback if she is somewhere that is silent. Ariella breaks down or has a flashback if she hears a sudden loud noise. Ericca breaks down or has a flashback if she hears/sees chains. Monroe breaks down or has a flashback if she doesn't know where Estella, Ariella, Ericca, and Vanessa are, sometimes if she can't see Estella, if she is alone, or sees blood.

For the first two and half months, they all lived in the same house and they would alternate between their houses. They only left the house to go to their group therapy session which was once a week. During that time, the liars cut everyone but each other out of their lives. The only good thing was that E never texted or threatened them. After the first two and months, Ericca, Vanessa, and Ariella went back to living with their parents. Monroe and Estella stayed at Estella's house. The liars still cut everyone but each other out of their lives. Ericca, Ariella, and Vanessa now had individual therapy sessions, while Monroe and Estella attended therapy together. Dr. Williams thought it would be a good idea if they got out of their houses once a week and they all hung out. The liars only left their houses to go to their therapy session once a week and to also hang out with each other somewhere public in town once a week.

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