Chapter 36 Heartbreak, Confessions, And The Kissing Rock

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Enjoy the early update ans extra long chapter.  Again sorry for not updating last week, I was really busy

Monroe says, "There is going to be a blood bath." Estella, Ericca, and Ariella look at Monroe. "What" Monroe asks, "Don't give me that look, you three were all thinking that too." "That's besides the point" Ariella says. "Then what is the point" Monroe asks. Ariella says, "Vanessa needs us." Monroe, Estella, Ericca, and Ariella walk over to Vanessa.

Ericca says, "Vanessa...I'm-we are so sorry." Vanessa says, "Ok, whatever." Ariella says, "Please don't shut us out." Vanessa says, "Can you four just leave, I really just want to be alone." "We should give her some space and then try again" Estella says. "We can't just give her space, we all know Vanessa, who knows what she would do" Ariella says. Ericca says, "Why don't we just leave her alone right now and check up on her after school." "Monroe says, "You know she's right here." Estella, Ericca, and Ariella say, "Monroe." Vanessa says, "Thanks Monroe."

Estella says, "I get that you're the nice one and all, but this is so not helping." "Just wait a second" Monroe says. Vanessa asks, "In all seriousness, can you go?" Ericca, Ariella, and Estella begin to walk away. Monroe says, "Your welcome for playing match maker." Ericca, Estella, and Ariella stop walking and turn around. "What" Vanessa asks. Ariella asks, "What is Monroe doing?"

"Your welcome" Monroe says, "For pushing you and Laura together." Vanessa says, "You better pick your next words carefully." Estella says, "Monroe is playing with fire." "I was the one that pushed Laura to make the first move" Monroe says. Ariella says, "Monroe you are seriously not helping the situation." Ericca says, "Stop talking." "And I was the one that pushed you to give Laura a chance" Monroe says.

"Are you dumb Monroe" Ariella asks, "Oh wait, your blonde so you are." "Hey" Monroe says, "Just because I'm blonde doesn't automatically make me dumb." Estella says, "Well you are proving that stereotype to be correct right now." Monroe asks, "By the way, are you taking good care of the tent I let you borrow to create some memories in?" Vanessa slaps Monroe. Ericca, Estella, and Ariella just stand there, unsure of what to do. Vanessa is breathing heavily and looks angry.

Monroe holds her cheek and says, "Laura is right, you do have a mean slap." Monroe moves her jaw around. "Shut. Up" Vanessa says in anger. "Or what" Monroe says, "You gonna give me that pouty face that you gave Laura?" Vanessa slaps Monroe again. "Told you one day you would have a reason to slap me" Monroe says, "How are you feeling?" "Surprisingly better" Vanessa says, "Now that I have slapped the shit out of you."

Monroe looks at Estella, Ericca, and Ariella and says, "Told you I was helping her and I'm not dumb." Ariella says, "Alright you were right." Monroe hands Vanessa some money and says, "Why don't you and Melody do some retail therapy." "Thanks Monroe" Vanessa says, "But this was all your fault." "I know, we established that when you slapped me" Monroe says. Vanessa kicks Monroe where the sun don't shine.

Monroe falls to her knees holding her crotch and her face contorted in pain. Estella, Ericca, and Ariella are shocked. Vanessa smiles and says, "Now we are even." Vanessa walks off. Estella, Ericca, and Ariella burst out laughing. "Some friends you are" Monroe says in pain. Estella says, "Serves you right." "Yes, ha ha it is so funny that Monroe is in pain" Monroe says in pain, "But could one of you be a decent human being and get me some ice?"

After school Monroe and Ariella go to Ariella's house. They walk into Ariella's house. "What's with all the boxes" Monroe asks. "Xavi and Tiffany are moving into the house in the backyard that my parents told me I could move in" Ariella says. Monroe asks, "Why do you want to live in the house all by yourself?" Ariella answers, "Less disturbances and I just want to get out of the house." Monroe says, "Having a house all to yourself isn't as great as its made out to be, but then again your parents are a short walk away."

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