Chapter 50 Five Years Later

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The door to the brew opens and in walks a blonde hair blue eyed man. But appearances are deceiving for that blonde hair blue eyes man is none other than Monroe Cook or now known by everyone as Monroe McCullers. Monroe quickly surveys the brew before walking up to the counter and ordering her usual drink, an americano. Monroe pays and surveys the brew once again as she waits for her drink. Her eyes stop on a brown hair brown eyed girl sitting in the corner all alone that she would know anywhere, Estella DiLaurentis-Fields. She takes a deep breath and then walks over to Estella completely forgetting about her drink.

"Hey Estella" Monroe says. Estella looks up and is shocked when she sees Monroe standing there. After a few seconds Estella recovers and says, "Monroe, what a surprise." "Long time no see" Monroe says. "Three years to be exact" Estella says. "Ya about that" Monroe says and runs her hand through her hair, "Can we go somewhere and talk?" "I was just about to head home" Estella says, "We can talk there." "Ok" Monroe says. Estella gets her things and they walk out. They walk over to Estella's car and Estella drives to her house. The car is filled with an awkward silence.

Once they arrive at Estella's house, they get out of the car. Monroe helps Estella with her things and they walk into her house. "Can I get you anything to eat or drink" Estella asks. "I'm good, thanks" Monroe says offering a small smile. Estella leads Monroe to her living room. They sit on the same couch but a few feet apart. "Umm..." Monroe says running her hand through her hair, "Where to start?" "How about to why you dropped off the face of the earth" Estella says and then whispers, "Why you stopped talking to me." "I met this guy through tutoring and we eventually became friends" Monroe says, "It was a few days before I was leaving to come and spend the summer with you and Aaron. The guy betrayed me and got me-"

"Hey babe" I hear a guy say when the front door opens. "In hear" Estella says. A guy walks in and Monroe's eyes go wide for a second before she covers it up. "I thought you were going to be at work" he says and kisses Estella. Hurt flashes in Monroe's eyes and she looks away. They separate and the guy says, "I didn't realize you had company over." "I was just about to leave actually" Monroe says with a fake smile, "It was nice to see you again Estella." Estella says, "It was nice to see you again." Monroe stands up and faces the guy and Estella. "How rude of me" Monroe says and sticks out her hand, "Monroe." The guy takes her hand and shakes it, "The famous daughter of Paige McCullers."

"It's Cook" Monroe says, "Monroe Cook." "Right, my bad" the guy says, "Tom. Tom Wentz, Estella's husband." They have a stare down for a few seconds while squeezing each other's hand. Tom releases first and Monroe smirks at him. "I guess I'll see you around Estella" Monroe says and walks out of the house. Monroe takes a deep breath and ends up walking to the kissing rock. Monroe sees her and Estella's initials. She kneels down and runs her hand over them. Monroe stands up and puts her hands behind her head breathing heavily. "Damnit" Monroe yells and punches a tree. She shakes her head and walks off.

Monroe ends up walking to a house she hasn't been to for five years. She knocks on the door and winces from the pain. After a minute of waiting, Monroe turns to leave when the door opens to reveal a blonde. Monroe turns around and the blonde gasp. "Hi Hanna" Monroe says and gets pulled into a hug. "Oh my god Monroe" Hanna says starting to cry, "Why didn't you call? Why didn't you visit? What have you been doing? How are you ok? How long-" "It's nice to see you too" Monroe says interrupting Hanna, "Can I come in and I'll explain things." They walk into the house and Monroe looks around, "Is Ariella here?"

Hanna says, "Ariella is actually on her flight right now." "I guess I'll see her at the meet up later" Monroe says, "So where is Caleb?" "You didn't get mine or Ariella's messages" Hanna asks. "Nooo..." Monroe says looking at Hanna, "Why? Wha-what is it?" "Monroe..." Hanna says, "Caleb died two years ago." "What" Monroe whispers and sits down on the couch, "How?" "Caleb was in a car crash" Hanna says, "Died on impact." Monroe nods her head, "Oh." "What happened to your hand" Hanna asks. "Oh uh I uh...I uh got into a fight" Monroe says. Hanna doesn't look convinced but doesn't push it. Hanna cleans and wraps Monroe's hand. "Thanks" Monroe says, "But I have to go." Monroe gets up and leaves.

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