Chapter 10 Family ProblEms

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Ericca's P.O.V.

My alarm goes off and I start my morning routine. I take a shower and get dresses. I walk across the hall to my little brother's Nathan, he goes by Nate, door and knock. "I'm awake" Nate says. I walk over to the stairs, but stop when I hear my parents fighting. "Drop it already Toby" my mom says. My dad replies, "I will not drop this Spencer, this is serious." "This" my mom says, "Is not serious. You are worried about nothing." "You're calling A nothing" asks my dad. "I'm not saying that" my mom says. My dad asks, "Then what are you saying?" "That we have nothing to worry about. A is dead and A.D. is gone" says my mom. "Fine" my dad says, "Don't believe me, but I will not put your or our daughter's life in danger. I will prove to you that I am right and THE Spencer Hastings is wrong."

"What is that supposed to mean" my mom asks. My dad says, "It means that you're not looking at the whole picture. Your holding onto the fact that you don't want it to be real so hard that you're not seeing what is happening." "Oh" my mom asks, "I'm the one that's not getting it, what about you?" My dad says, "Stop trying to change the subject Spenc." My responds with, "I'm not changing the subject. Maybe if you didn't spend all your time at the office and actually spend some time with your family, you would see that nothing is going on. That there is no A or A.D." "I'm not ignoring this family, I'm doing my job as a husband and father and protecting my family" my dad says. "God" my mom asks, "Does Tanner or Marco really have you this brainwashed?" "First off, Tanner retired. Second, I don't work under Marco. Lastly, I'm not brainwashed" my dad says. "I can't deal with you right now" my mom says, "Just leave."

I hear the door slam shut. I hear someone walk into their room and slam the door. I just stand there in shock. "What the hell just happened" Nate asks. I jump and look to my left and see him standing there. He took the words right out of my mouth. I asks, "How long have you been standing there and how much of that did you hear?" "I came in when dad said not to change the subject" Nate answers. I nod my head and say, "We should make a quick breakfast so that we are not late." I start to walk down the stairs when Nate grabs my arm. I stop and look at him. Nate asks, "Their good, right? Because they have never had a fight that bad. They're not gonna" I interrupt him and say, "Their fine, you don't have anything to worry about." We eat breakfast and go to school. I see Ariella, Vanessa, and Estella standing at the entrance talking. That's weird, where is Monroe? She should be here, she always comes early for basketball practice. Nate says bye and heads to his class. I get out and walk over to my friends.

No One's P.O.V.

"Hey" Ericca says. "Your five minutes late" says Ariella. "Oh wow, ok, I see where I stand with you" Ericca says. Estella and Vanessa laugh and Ariella looks confused. "This isn't a-" "Relax" Ericca says, "I was kidding. I had a rough morning. Where's Monroe?" Vanessa says, "No idea." Ariella asks, "Are you ok?" "I don't know" says Ericca, "My parents had a really bad fight this morning. And my dad thinks A is back." Estella says, "Well we have to convince him that he has nothing to worry about." "Ok" Ericca says, "How are we suppose to do that? You know how my mom and dad and your aunt and uncle are." Estella says, "We will figure something out, we always do." Ericca asks, "So what happened between you and Monroe yesterday?" Estella says, "Nothing." "Fine then" Vanessa says, "We will just asks Monroe when we see her." Estella smirks and says, "Good luck getting an answer from her." Ariella, Ericca, Vanessa, and Estella walk into school.

They are making their way to their lockers when they see Monroe leaning against a locker and what looks like flirting with some girl. Estella smiles her signature Estella Fields smile and says, "Looks like you've been replaced Vanessa. Told you being desperate doesn't work." Hurt can be seen on Vanessa's face and she looks down. "Estella what the hell" Ariella asks. "What" Estella asks innocently, "I was just pointing out a fact." Ericca says, "No way." "What" Estella asks. "Look" Ericca says pointing in Monroe's direction. Ariella, Vanessa, and Estella look over. Vanessa, Ariella, and Estella all have shocked expressions on face. At the same time Vanessa and Ariella say. Vanessa says, "Oh my-" Ariella says, "She's flirting with-" Estella finishes their sentences by saying, "Pigskin?!" The warning bell rings and they start walking to class while holding hands.

When they are walking by the group, Estella grabs Monroe's arm and says, "What the hell Monroe." "Hold on" Monroe says. Monroe grabs Estella's arm and drags her away from everyone. Monroe says, "You can't be mad at me, it's your own fault." Estella says, "My fault, you're the one dating the enemy." Monroe rolls her eyes and says, "Well I wouldn't be dating the "enemy" if you didn't reject me over and over again." Estella says, "You can't date pigskin-" "It's Lydia and you don't get to tell me who I can and can't date" Monroe says. "Out of every girl her. Really Monty, really" Estella says. "Aww" says Monroe smirking, "Is someone jealous?" Estella laughs and says, "You wish." The smirk disappears from Monroe face and is replaced with annoyed face. "Whatever" Monroe says and walks back to Lydia. She takes her hand and walks to class.

Estella's phone goes off. 'Whoever would have thought that the loyal one would show up the queen. Estella 0. Lydia 1. Kisses -E' Estella says, "She may have won the fight, but I will win the war." She walks back to the girls and says, "Pigskin will pay for this." She walks to class. Ariella, Vanessa, and Ericca all look confused. Ericca asks, "What was that all about?" Ariella replies, "I have no idea, you're her cousin." "This is Estella we are talking about" says Ericca. "Touché" says Ariella. They walk to class. The day passes in a blur and school is over. Ericca and Nate head home right away because they got a text from their mom to get home right after school.

They arrive at their destination and walk inside. "Mom, dad" Ericca calls out. "Living room" Toby says. Ericca and Nate walk in and see Spencer sitting on a couch and Toby standing a few feet away. Nate asks, "What's going on?" Spencer says, "Sit." Ericca and Nate take a seat. "Are we in trouble" Nate asks. Spencer says, "No not at all. This has nothing to do with you. This is about me and your father." "Please tell me you are not pregnant, I don't want another brother or sister. One is enough" says Ericca. "Hey" Nate says. Spencer says, "No, that's not it either." "Then what is it" asks Ericca. Toby says, "Me and your mom are getting a divorce."

Thanks for reading.  What did you think?  What do you think is going to happen next?  Toby believes A is back and Spencer isn't going for it.  How do you feel about this?  We are introduced to a new character Lydia, according to Estella pigskin.  Monroe and Lydia are together and Estella is not to happy about this.  What do you think of Lydia?  Why do you think Estella doesn't like Lydia?  Do you agree with Monroe and think that Estella is jealous?  Toby and Spencer are getting a divorce.  How do you feel about this?  

Please don't hate me, especially you Spoby shippers. I'm sorry, but its part of the story. As promised I will upload another chapter later today.  If you have any suggestions or questions please leave it in the comments below.  If you want to see anyone make a cameo please let em know.  If you want me to recreate a scene please let me know.  As always votes and suggestions are appreciated.

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