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"you have a kink for these things don't you?" i said to one of my very good friends kayla.

she playfully hits my shoulder and looks back at her screen. "i do not! it's just something i enjoy doing in my free time."

"so in you're free time you enjoy reading people fucking each other."

kayla scoffs. "when you put it that way it sounds..."

"weird," i say. "cause it is."

kayla stands up and offers her hand to me. "get your ass up. we are going to be late for school if you keep critizing me on how i spend my free time."

i gratefully take her hand and swing our hands back and forth.

"for the record," she says as we make our way into the school.

"the stories are quite entertaining."

after kayla's chat to me on her... interesting stories i found myself in class... early in class. it was me and a few others sitting around, waiting for our teacher.

'for the record, the stories are quite interesting.'

you win this round kayla.

send me one of these... stories that you talk so much about - troye

i knew you'd give eventually t, here ya go!! xoxo - kayla

i roll my eyes. i love the bitch, i really do. but she can be annoying. clicking on the link my screen fills with small text.

after checking my surroundings i begin to read the small text, i've glances at the stories kayla reads and let's just say it's better to not have an audience around you.

i shrink myself into the seat and begin reading. you would think that it would start off slow and pick up from there but nope. within the first paragraph it talked about a girl getting pushed up against a wall and bring kissed from the neck down.

i shake my head.

a gay one please - troye

lucky for you i just so happen to have some - kayla x

you're so fucking weird - troye

love ya too t!! - kayla x

i click the link and small text flashes across my screen. settling back into my slumped position i rest my chin on my chest and begin reading. just like the first story kayla sent me it didn't start off slow it was straight forward and went from there.

finishing the first chapter i scroll onto the second, my face turning a shade of crimson as i shift uncomfortably in my chair. am i really getting turned on by this?


i jump almost dropping my phone. i quickly press the home button fearing that whoever just called my name could see what was on my phone and look up.

it was my teacher.

he leaned over the desk and raised an eyebrow. "is what's on your phone more important than my teaching? would you mind sharing it with us."

i blush a deeper shade of red and shake my head. "n-no sir."

he nods his head and walks back to the front of the class. i roll my eyes and flip him off behind his back which causes a few student to laugh. i slip my phone in my back pocket and "pay attention" to the lesson that's being taught.

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