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 a/n: i wanna say like three or four chapters left


"when troye said fancy, i didn't think he'd mean this fancy." kayla said as he walked in next to me and troye.

"troye picked it out," jacob said. "we went here for our first date."

troye turned to kayla. "you're going to love it," he said. "we're on the balcony and the view is amazing."

i smile. "why don't you go and show kayla the view, i'm going to make sure everything is okay alright?"

he nods as i kiss him on the top of his head before the two walk up to the balcony. i walk over to one of the host who quickly drops what they were doing and turns to me.

"mr. bixenman," She says. "i thought you were heading up to the balcony with mr. sivan."

"i just wanted to make sure everything i picked out is good to go."

she nods her head quickly. "everything from the napkins to the desert it's," She grips the set of menus tightly. "it's all put together."

i smile. "great. you're very jumpy tonight ms. smith."

"i heard about what happened with you and mr. clarringtion."

i look down and chuckle. "rest assured that you never have to see that side of me. the staff here is nothing short of amazing, never have i had any problems."

she seemed to ease a bit. "thank you so much mr. bixenman." she rushes off to do something.

i sigh before turning around, when i do i bump into someone.

"i'm s-. oh, jaocb i'm..."

it was connor.

i raise my hand and he stops talking. "i'm going to stop you right there," i say. "the only reason you're here is because troye wants you here, if it were up to me you would not be here."

"did-did i do something to offend you?"

i chuckle and take a step closer which causes him to take a step back.

"hmm let me think... you bullied my boyfriend because you couldn't except your own fucking problems, in fact you and your whole gang did. troye may think you've changed but that's because he sees the good in people. me? i can see right through the scared high school boy."

i back up and fix the cuffs of my jacket."but for troye's sake i'll be civil and i strongly suggest you do the same."

he looks at me with wide eyes.

in seconds I feel a slender arm wrap around my waist, it was troye.

"hiya con." he says.

he looks at me and then troye. "i'm gonna go to the bathroom." connor walks off awkwardly and troye turns to me and puts his hands on his hips.

"what did you do?" he says.

"why does it always have to be me?"

he turns in front of me and wraps his arms around my waist. "because i know you, and your jaw is still clenched."

"i may have said something." i say sheepishly.

troye pouts. "jacob..." He says. "i thought you promised you'd play nice."

"and i am," i say. "well... now i am." 

troye rolls his eyes. "i can't with you right now," he says. "come on, the entrée you got is already here and me and kayla will eat it all if you and connor don't get up here." he says before leaving, purposefully swinging his hips. 

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