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"if you want troye to see his next graduation you won't call anyone."

i put both of my hands up and walk slowly towards him. "hunter..." i start, "put the gun down, you know you won't shoot me. all this talk you have about loving me, it would tear you up if you shot me."

hunter chuckles and shakes his head. "maybe, but i'm willing to test my luck. better yet i could just kill troye, he is the one that started all of this." the last part was more to himself then it was to me but i obviously could still hear him.

"you're insane." i say. 

he shrugs. "maybe, but aren't we all?"

he's really lost it hasn't he.

"what do you want," i say. "huh, there's gotta be something you want? money?"

"the great a powerful jacob bixenman stooping to negotiation, you must really love troye."

this sounds way too easy.

i sigh. "he's the love of my life."

hunter laughs. "I said the same thing about you, and look where that got me," he sighs and places the gun on the desk and crosses his arms. "such a shame though, to lose the love of your life so young."

"what are you saying?"

he starts to smile. "you think you're the only one with people," he laughs hysterically. "god  how full of yourself can you be."

I walk up to him, not even worried if he shot me and grabbed the collar of his shirt and made him look me in the face. for a second i saw fear flash in his eyes but he quickly regained composure.

"i swear to god hunter-." 

"threatening me isn't going to help you now," he says. "i already have some guys going over to your house now, you think I didn't plan this through? if you leave now you just might be able to beat them there... or not."

"don't worry about the authorities if i get there and troye is hurt, or worse... i'll kill you myself."


i ended up really liking james. 

he'd color with me or watch cartoons with me in jacob's room. right now we're doing both, he even brought up some popcorn. 

"what are the other guys doing?" i ask him as i picked up a pink crayon.

"the last time that i went done there they were-."

james was cut off by a huge thud sound. 

i look up at him with a worried glance as he warps his arm protectively around my shoulder; his eyes never leave the door. he then gets up and starts walking slowly towards the door.

"james," i say in a childlike voice. "james don't go."

he looks back at me with the most serious face I've seen since i've met him. "you stay up here alright. don't come down here now matter what, do you understand?"

he didn't leave any room for me to protest because the second he said that he left. and despite the fact that he told me not to follow him i did, but i made sure they couldn't hear me. 

"we're here for troye." one man said. 

one of the guys jacob assigned to stay here, sawyer shook his head. "you want troye, you gotta go through us." he said. 

the other men shrugged. "okay."

one of them threw a punch at sawyer and that's what started the brawl. sawyer managed to doge that one but the second time he stumbled back into one of jacob's side tables. I watched as james threw a lamp at one of the men but he dodged that. the last one of jacob's guys who I never really met had the third guy in a choke hold before he flipped him over and punched him in the face. 

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