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<jacob's pov>

it was a free day for the models. i told troye that he should go and hang with friend because i had a lot of work to do and we have all week to spend together. maybe even more, i was thinking about staying another week after fashion week was over.

i was going over paper work about the first show and how everything was going to go down when there was a knock on my door.

"come in," i say putting down the packet of paper.

"hello mr. bixenman," hunter says peeking his head in.

i fight the urge to groan and roll my eyes as i look up and put on a fake smile. "hunter, what are you doing here? it's a free day?"

he walks in and closes the door behind him. "i know, i spend mine just keeping to myself. i'm going to be with those guys a whole week."

"fair enough, what can i do for you?"

"why are you dating troye," he says.

i raise an eyebrow. "excuse me?"

"guy has been here what... two months and he is already going to fashion weeks and designer clothes. seems to me you're playing favorites."

i take a deep breath and let out a short chuckle. "i will not let you waltz in here telling me how i handle my postion as your boss and how i handle my relationship, do i make myself clear?"

"i have been here much longer than troye has, this-this string bean is doing far more than me. why? is it because you fuck him all the time? or-or is it cause you sucks your-."

"enough," i say slamming my hand on the desk. "i will not have you talk that way about troye or how i run my business. i treat him the same way i treat the rest of my models."

hunter scoffs. "okay, whatever. you don't even know half the shit you're doing. the only reason you run the agency is because you grand-mommy left it for you."

i step out from behind the desk which causes hunter to take a step back. "you don't like how i run my agency? then after this week you're done here. your behavior has been unacceptable since the moment you started. i've only tolerated it in hopes you'll grow out of it but no, you're still the childish little boy you were when i signed you. get the hell out of my office."

hunter looked at me suprised. then, after a few minutes, he glares and shakes his head.

"you'll regret this, jacob."

<troye pov>

"see any berlin boys that tickle your fancy?" i ask ben j as we sit outside a cafè.

he takes a sip of his drink. "yeah.... all of them. berlin is probably my favorite place. what about you, have you seen any yummy boys."

i shake my head and laugh. "my eyes only go for jacob, you know that."

he playfully hits my arm. "so, what he doesn't know won't hurt you. anyways... how are you and your friends, still mad at them?"

i roll my eyes. "haven't texted them. i muted our groupchat."

ben gave me a look. "you need to talk to them. take out your phone right now, unmute your groupchat and text them."

i roll my eyes and take out my phone and do as he says.

hi. - troye sivan to slutty trio



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