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"i can't believe he's already asked you out on a date... arms out." zoey says as she takes that measurements for something... i don't know what."

"me neither," i say. "didn't think i even had a shot to be honest."

"i mean," zoey puts the tape measure in her mouth and writes some numbers down on a pad a paper. "i'm not surprised, i had a feeling he fancied you, it was just a matter of time."

she puts down the pad of paper and begins to measure my waist. "also, what are you even measuring me for, i thought you already had everything for berlin."

she puts the tape measure down and goes through the same routine again. "i do, i'm doing this for something else."

zoey puts the pad down and steps back. "okay, i'm done." she says. "now how is kayla, hari told me some guy gave he mono."

i put my arms down and look at the notifications that pop up on my phone. "good, i'm gonna head over there now and fill her in, i'm surprised hari hasn't told her anything yet."

zoe chuckles. "well you're done for the day, you can go see jacob if you want. he's in a meeting right now but he will be done in a few minutes."

i shake my head. "i gotta go to kayla's and then head home, my mom needs the car she has to go to work at six."

"oh," zoe says. "well i'll see you saturday."

i smile. "see you saturday."

<jacob's pov>

after my meeting zoe came up with a pad of paper and handed it to me. i look down at it and nod my head. "and these are exact measurements?" i ask just to make sure. 

she nods. "yep, got them down to a t, no pun intended. why do you need these anyways?"

"that part," i say putting the pad under my arm. "is classified, did troye head home?"

"yeah, he had to get the car back to his mom so she can head to work." she says. 

i nod my head. "okay."

zoe begins to leave but stops and turns to me. "i'm happy for you j."

i smile. "thanks zoe."


"you got a package." tyde says peeking his head in my room.

i look up from my laptop. "okay... can you bring it up to me."

he steps into my room with a long black bag in his hand. "i did."

"what's that?" i say getting up and walking towards him.

he shrugs. "dunno, it was left on the bench outside and it said 'for troye'."

i take what i assume is a garmet bag out of his hands and hold it out in front of me.

"he didnt..." i say to myself.

"he didn't what? who's he? tro- oh my god." he says.

i look over at him. "what?"

"are you and jacob dating?" he says raising an eyebrow.

i don't respond.

he jumps up and squeals. "you are aren't you! i knew it! well i didn't actually know but i had a feeling that you two wo-."

"tyde," i say. "shut up. i get enough of this already."

tyde put his hands up in defense. "alright, alright. least you could do is open it, i wanna see."

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