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light smutt cause it's been a hot minute since i updated.

<jacob's pov>

"joey..." i say opening my office door. "good to see you do you happen to know why I called you in here?"

i walk and sit behind my desk already knowing that joey is following me and is sitting down in the chair across from me. when I look at him I can see the nervousness, he obviously knows why i called him.

"i'm assuming it has to do with what happended in berlin?" he says quietly.

i put one finger on the tip of my noes and point at him with my other hand. "you are very correct joseph... care to explain why you took part in beating up troye?"

"i-i didn't know that hunter was going to do that to him," he says. "he told me that he was just going to threaten troye into breaking up with you and that was that."

i raise an eyebrow. "threaten," I say. "what do you mean threaten."

"he wouldn't tell me," joey says. "look mr. bixenman, i never wanted troye to get hurt, i even warned him about what might happen if he did anything to troye... he didn't listen. I've never seen him like this sir."

"forgive me but, how am i supposed to know that you're not lying so you don't get in trouble mr. graceffa?" i say.

"he blackmailed me," joey blurted out. "he said that if I didn't help him he would tell daniel."

"tell daniel what?"

joey gave me a look. "what do you think mr. bixenman?"

I make a face. "oh... wow, okay. uh... well thank you for telling me about hunter, you can go back to whatever it was you were doing?"

joey nods his head. "you're welcome and again i'm so sorry, I didn't mean for any of this to happen. can I give you a suggestion?"

I shrug making a face. "sure."

"placing the back of a cold spoon and then putting on some foundation covers up hickies pretty well." he says.

a small blush creeps across my face as I adjust my collar. "you can leave now joey."

"what else do you have for me?" I say looking out of the window.

"it seems that this isn't the first altercation that mr. clarington has had with his bosses, it happended a few years ago with with someone by the name of martinez." one of my very good friends tell me.

i turn and face him and put my hands on the desk. "is that all you have for me?"

he looks to the guy next to him before clearing his throat. "yes."

"well then can i get a word with this martinez person?"

"he's dead sir."

he's dead. is he head because of hunter? i don't even wanna ask them that in fear of what I might find out.

"and no one knows the cause of death?"

he places the folder on the desk and pushes it towards me. "people were paid to keep the real reason under the radar and told the publicity it was natural causes..."

god and i let this manic work under me for years?

"and hunter gets off scot free," i finish for them. "what you're saying is that you have nothing for me, nothing that I can use in a court of law?"

the other guy speaks. "if you just look in the fol-."

"i don't want to look in the fucking folder! what I want is proof, what I need is confessions, primary sources and neither of you have that. I pay the two of you fucks big money to make sure shit like this doesn't happen, and guess what it is," I then lean across the table. "I swear to god if anything happen to troye i'll-."

bite ♡ tracobWhere stories live. Discover now