♡Twenty(Part 2)♡

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the second i saw hunter i got up and stumbled to the door, throwing my weight against it. the door wouldn't budge, someone must be leaning against it.

"don't even bother trying," hunter said.

i try and stable myself as much as i can. "whatdoyouwant?" i say, it came out more as a slur.

"what i want is for you to disappear, i want everything to go back to the way they were before zoella found you and jacob signed you." he said.

"you know that that won't happen." i say.

"i know so i'll have to settle for the next best thing." he says stepping towards me.

"don't." i say.

"why do you think i'm going to do? rape you? ha, i wouldn't if my life depended on it; a slut like you would probably want that huh," he chuckles. "no, no maybe if i mess up that pretty face of yours maybe jacob will see what kind of person you are once and for all."

before i could get a word in of protest hunter punches me straight in my face. i stumble to the ground in able to get up because of hunter cornering me.

"s-stop." i say which results in hunter kicking me in the stomach.

"i'll stop in Jacob sees who you really are." he says kicking me in my stomach again.

"jacob!" i yell out. even though i know i know he can't hear me.

<Jacob's pov>

it's been way more than two minutes.

i gave him some time because he was drunk but it's been way too long for someone who is drunk to use the bathroom. so i got up and pushed through the thick crowd of drunk dancers and find my way to the bathroom.

"joey," i ask in confusion. "why are you standing in front of the door?"

he jumps slightly. "oh! mr. bixenman i didn't know y-."

"joseph," i say sternly. "why are you in front of the door... this is the last time i'm going to ask you."

he steps away from the door reluctantly before making himself lost in the crowd.

i then push open the door and see troye with a bloody face lying helplessly on the floor and hunter standing above him. rage took over my entire body as i grabbed hunter and pushed him against the wall.

"i always wanted you to-."

"shut the fuck up hunter," i say. "don't you dare speak another word."

a smirk forms across his face. "or what, don't you see jacob troye isn't good enough for you, the twink is lying helpless on the f-."

i punch him right in his jaw sending him down on the floor. "and now you're the twink lying helpless on the floor," i then squat down to his level. "remember who gave you your fucking name because i can easily take it away." i then punch him again making sure that this time he was knocked out.

"oh baby," i say running over to troye. "god i knew i should have went with you, look what he did."

"jacob," troye said weakly.

i grab the side of his face gently. "i'm right here baby, i'm not going anywhere, god look what he did to your face."

he had a black eye, a cut in his lip and the side of his face, from the way he was breathing i wouldn't be surprised if he had a few broken ribs.

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