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he kissed me.

jacob bixenman kissed me.

damn, he is one good kisser too. 

after he kissed me a whirlwind of emotions went through me. does this mean he likes me? are we going to become boyfriends? if so, does that change our work life. 

god i'm so paranoid.

jacob bixenman... i'd let that man do any- nope. i really need to stop thinking like that. it's those damned stories. i just can't help but imagine being tied up by him and being-

"troye, mr. bixenman is here!" tyde yells. 

i let out a small scream. of course, the second i think of a dirty scenario about my boss he just had to stop by my house. wait, why is he here and how does he know where i live?


"i'm coming!" i yell. 

i jog down the steps but quickly slow my pace as i caught sight of jacob. he wasn't in a suit, he was in regular street clothes that probably cost more than my entire house. he was wearing a shirt with bob marley on it, that was tucked into cuffed light blue jeans and, low top converse. i will forever wonder how he pulls off anything he wears. 

"mr. bixenman," i say. "what-what are you doing here?"

he lifts up my satchel. "you left this after our... talk."

i walk down the rest of the steps and take my bag from his hand. tyde, who was still here was just watching us silently. "thanks."

jacob scratches the back of his neck. "can i speak to you," he looks over to tyde. "alone."

i look over at tyde and he looks over at me. after a few minutes he finally get the message and gasp.

"oh," he says. "my bad, see you later mr. bixenman."

he then dashes upstairs leaving me and jacob alone. "can we talk outside?"

i nod my head. "yeah, sure."

jacob steps back outside and i close the door behind us. we sit on the bench my dad got for the front porch and look at the apple tree that me and my mom planted about a month or two after we moved here. 

"i..." he said. "i...uh... i'm sorry about what i did earlier, i shouldn't," he sighs. "i shouldn't of done that."

i just blinked. in the short time i've known him i've never seem him so flustered. "mr. bixenm-."

"you can call me jacob troye, i think after what happened we can be on a first name bases." he says.

i look down at my hands. "can we talk about it?"

he looks over at me. "about what, the kiss?"

i nod. "what does that mean... for us? are we-," i stop. what the hell am i doing? "is this going to change, how we work? am i supposed to completely forgot about i-."

"troye," he says. "what do you want it to mean?"

i shrug looking up at him. "i don't know."

"well look," he says. "for today, let's just pretend the kiss never happended and tomorrow i'll come back over and... we'll see where this goes."

i nod and look at the tree in front of us jacob does the same resting his arm behind me. he would've thought that one simple kiss would lead to jacob and i sitting on a bench in front of a run down house that i call home talking about being together.

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