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switchin' it up a little.


ever since jacob kicked me from the agency things haven't been the most desirable.

i still have some money from berlin to keep up my what i now realize is an expensive house but it's slowly depleting due to my constant need to go to parties and get drunk. everyone in awhile id bring home a guy and we'd go out to a club, id pay for drinks and once we're intoxicated enough we forget who we came with and find someone else to mess around with.


i look up and a smirk falls upon my face, it was joey. i was wondering when he'd show up. he looked a little sad but i didn't care enough to ask him why.

"joseph joseph joseph," i say. "i was wondering whether or not you're going to show."

he sniffs. "well here i am."

"here you are, so i need you to get some more information for me. you know, be my eyes and ears until i figure out what i'm going to do about that rat... even though i have a few things in mind."

"im not doing it." joey said.

i laugh. "nice joke. now-."

he shakes his head. "im not kidding. mr. bixenman called me into his office. he told me what you did. you beat up troye, how could you do that... it's not that serious."

i slam my hands on the table which causes a few people to look at us. i then take a deep sigh before smiling at joey.

"yes it is, that think has my life and took it from me in under five months. and you're going to help me unless you want me to show your boyfriend what you really do one your days off... or should i say who you do."

"i already told him."

i lean back. this isn't supposed to happen. "you-."

joey nods. "i'm not going to be your scapegoat, okay? if you want to ruin your life my figuring out ways to do whatever it is you're doing then by all means do so."

he gets up and leaves.

that puts a major crack in my plans. i get up as well and walk out the door. i don't bother yelling for joey because he can't so anything for me anymore.

im just going to have to find out information myself.

i waited until about midnight.

working for jacob throughout the years has taught me many things.

he's always the last one to leave and he always leaves about 11:30. so just to be safe i waited until midnight.

i went in through the back breaking the door and the alarm. it wasn't my first time disarming an alarm without the passcode so getting through this was a breeze.

once i was in i make my way up to his office. that too had a pad lock after hours and i break that and then disarm it.

i push open the door with the most craziest smile on my face. i make a clear path to his desk and rummage through every drawer and throwing things on to the floor that didn't look like it had information on troye.

what? might as well make a mess the dick is ruining my life.

finally i get to a cabinet that looked as if it could have information on the models.

to my luck it did.

from z-a, because jacob liked it that way, all of the models information we're in beige folders with their last names and first initial on the tabs.

i looked through 's' for a while before realizing the rat went by his middle name so then i looked through the m's and within seconds i found his folder.

all of his information... down to his weight was in that folder but what really made my eyes light up was his address.

"bingo." i say before slipping the folder in my jacket and leaving.

it's a short one.

but it's a hunter one so it kinda a win-win *shrug*

yes our favorite character has gotten troye's address. things are getting saucy.

so i mentioned our lovely tracob getting a married and stuff but that's not going to happen until the end of this story and beginning of a....


but since im and eager beaver i have the layout of the sequel but i want your input on two things.

baby names and genders.

you can leave them in the comments of this chapter you can pm me or write them on my message board things whenever you feel like it... until i start the second book of course. that's all.



bite ♡ tracobWhere stories live. Discover now