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"wow..." i say breathlessly. jacob had gotten us a spot on the fourth floor where there was no one around us. the scenery was even more beautiful up close. 

"you like?" jacob says.

"more like love, it's so pretty."

jacob looks up at the sky. "i know, usually i'm inside, i've only been here for business meetings. this is my first time up here too."

i look over at him and see he was already looking at me and grinning like an idiot which made me grin even wider.

"come on," he says. "let's sit down."

we walk over to our table and sit down. the chairs were positioned so that they face the sky and the city below us which looked even better during the night. i loved the city even though i never get to see it as much as i like to.

"i like the city at night," jacob says. "it's a lot less busier than during the day. everyone is heading home and it's almost as if the city is taking it's own break from things."

"i've never been to the city until now, i've driven through it but i could never stay to long, but you're right, it's a lot less busier now." i say looking over at him.

jacob sighs. "i didn't see much of the city either until my grandparents gave me the agency, and that was about three or four years ago after they died." he looks over at me.

he takes a sip of the wine he had ordered. "we aren't that different you and i. sure it may seem like it because i'm what society deems "rich" but underneath we're just alike. i lived in a run down neighborhood with my family. my mother worked and so did my dad until he was in and out of jobs, my mom picked up another one."

he then chuckled dryly as he told me his story. "few years later dad died, mom shortly after. it was downhill for my sister and i after that... but the rest is too depressing for a date."

i looked at him not knowing what to say, what was i supposed to say? "i-i'm sorry." i finally say after what felt like years. 

jacob shrugs. "don't be, figured since you only see the business side of me that you should get to see the side that others don't get to see, the real jacob. not jacob bixenman the man that owns bixenman' agency."

i give jacob a toothy grin. "i like this jacob more, you should show him more often."

it was later into the night, the sun wasn't quite down yet and me and jacob were looking out over the city and talking about anything that came into our minds.

"what made you guys move to the states?" jacob asked out of the blue.

"my dad got a job offer, a few months in the dropped him. we were going to go back to austrlia but my mom wanted to stay."

jacob nodded.

"what about you," i say. "what made you want to keep the building?"

jacob shrugs. "i don't know, it just felt like a place where i could express myself i guess."

i nod and take a sip of my drink.

"ready for part two of our date?"

i look over at him. "duh, where are we going?"

"do you trust me?" he ask holding out his hand to me.

i look at his outstretched hand and then up at him. "yes i trust you." i say grabbing his hand.

he smiles. "then don't worry about it."


"are you going to tell me where we're going?" troye ask as we get in the car.

i look at him and smirk. troye playfully rolls his eyes and looks out the window.

i laugh to myself before pulling out of the parking lot and turning onto the street.

i felt like since troye like the city so much at night i'd take him to the beach and we could just sit on the hood of my car and watch the sun set. not the most romantic thing in the world but i think it's nice.

we finally make it to the beach and i look over and notice troye had fallen asleep.

i laugh, lean over the arm rest and kiss his cheek. "get up sleepyhead, we're here."

troye sits up and stretches his arms. "where are we?" he says rubbing his eye.

"the beach." i say simply.

i get out of the car and walk around to let troye out on his side. he steps out and stares at the scene in front of him as i go and get a blanket out of the trunk.

"figured we could watch the sunset together," i say stepping up beside him. "we could save an actual beach day as our second date."

i fan out the blanket so it lies across the hood of my car. "come on let's sit."

troye scoots up onto the hood of my car and i do the same. once we were both situated troye rest his head on my should and i rest mine on top of his head.

"thanks," troye said. "tonight was fucking amazing."

i look down at him. "you're welcome."

troye looks up at me and the two of us are basically having a staring contest. our contest is then cut short my troye putting his hand on the side of my face and pulling our lips together.

at first he caught me off guard but the seconds later i started kissing back. his hands gripped at my shirt and my arms were wrapped loosely around his neck.

i had hit on his bottom lip a little which earned me a moan from him and a chance to slip my tongue in his mouth. we battled for dominance but i won within seconds.

we eventually fell back onto my windshield, neither of us caring if the windshield wipers were poking at our sides.

"daddy..." troye moaned out after we pulled apart.

after troy realized what he had said his face went read and he started rambling like me.

"i-i didn't mean to- i shouldn't of said that.... i don't- i don't know what came over me. jacob i-."

"troye," i say. "you're starting to sound like me."


"also," i say. "i don't know if you've realized this but i haven't even talked about what you called me."

troy blushes an even deeper shade of crimson. "oh." he says.

i smirk. "you have a daddy kink don't you?"

"n-no." he says.

"troye, people that don't have daddy kinks don't just call their boyfriend's daddy, especially after a make out session."

"jacob..." troye says. "can we not? atleast, not right now?"

i sigh. "sure, let's get out of here so i can take you home."

troye get of the blanket and goes to sit in the car. i refold the blanket, stuff it back in the trunk and, get in the car.

"for the record," i say turning on the car.

"i like it when you call call me daddy."

next chapter will have more kinky stuff dw.

but yeah, sorry i didn't get this up yesterday i had practice yesterday. also, this upcoming week there won't be any updates as i am going away to this thing called band camp. i'm gonna bring my laptop but i doubt i will have time to update anything.

and since i won't be able to update i will try and update tomorrow and sunday before i leave. okay? does that sound good?

other than that i hope you enjoyed this chap and sorry for any spelling errors im on my phone since the wifis out.



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