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cringe smutt / objectification - this is a chapter you'd probably want to read alone. ((( :

<troye pov>

not trying to be blunt or anything but... jacob has fucked me since we were in berlin.

and it may be the fact that he is lying almost naked besides me or that ive just now realized how long it's been since we've had sex but... i really want that right now.

so... i got up, went into jacob's closet and grabbed one of his sweaters and a pair of lacy socks accompanied with a pair of panties that i found when i was going through jacob's closet. i look out into his room, he was still asleep.

i smirk to myself and finish putting on the socks before walking back into his room and straddling his waist.

he stirs awake rubs his eyes and blinks up at me. "troye....." he says. "what are you doing on top of me."

i mess with the hem of his boxers and giggle. "nothing daddy." i say with a smirk.

he props himself on his elbows and looks at my hands before looking back up at me. "is there something you want pet." he asks even though he knows what i want.

i blush. "you," i say.

he sits up completely and wraps his arms around my neck. "who do you want again kitten."

i bite my lip. "daddy."

"only i can bite those lips kitten... they're daddy's lips to bite."

i smile. "then show me."

jacob smirked before attacking my lips with his own. within seconds he bites down on my lips and flips us over that way he was on top.

"im gonna show you who you belong to starting with those those lips," he bites my bottom lips pulls it and let's it ping back into place. "they're fucking mine."

he starts to kiss down my neck leaving several hickies. "daddy please..."

he pulls the sweater over my head and continues his trail of hickies down my chest. "this beautiful body... is mine to touch and mine to fuck. whose body is this."

"y-yours," i say breathlessly. "daddy please t- ahh."

jacob was now palming my already hard member through my panties his other hand twisting my nipple between his fingers.

jacob chuckles darkly. "you're such a slut troye," he says looking up at me as my faces scrunches up in pleasure. "tell me kitten, whose slut are you."

"daddy's slut." i say.

he moves my panties to the side and puts lube on his fingers before circling one around my whole, i start to whine at the fact that he's teasing me and he just chuckles.

"god, you're already wet," jacob says. "you such a whole, my whore right."

i nod, "yours." i say.

he adds another finger and slowly begins to pick up the pace. "whose whore?"

"daddy's whore." i moan out.

he adds another finger, he's so close to hitting my prostate but he just brushes by it. "that's fucking right," he says. "now turn over i wanna see that beautiful ass of yours." 

i let out a small moan as I do what he says. he places his hand on my ass and rubs it before pulling his hand away and then smacking it back down. 

"tell me slut," he says into my ears. "whose ass is this."

i let out a shaky breath. "yours," i whisper.

"i'm sorry," jacob says slapping my ass again. "whose ass is this." 

"daddy's." i say.

"that's fucking right slut," I then hear him take off his pants and boxers. "now tell me, does my beautiful little slut deserve daddy's cock?"

i nod my head furiously. "yes daddy please, i love your cock."

jacob begins to massage my ass. "of course you do, you're such a cockslut aren't you? always wanting daddy's cock buried in that beautiful ass of yours." 

i moan and jacob chuckles. "what do you want daddy to do? do you want me to fuck you or do you wanna ride daddy's cock."

"ride daddy's cock."

jacob then climbs on the bed and begins to slowly jerk himself off. "take off your panties and come here, leave the socks on, you look so fucking sexy in them."

i scramble to take off my panties and climb onto jacob lap. my hands start feeling all over his chest, i will never get over how beautiful jacob truly is. jacob raises me just enough to so that he could align his cock with my whole. 

once i know that he's done I sink down. my head falls back and my eyes roll and pleasure consumes me. 

"look at me," jacob growls. "i want to see how my cock affects you."

I look down at him biting my lip as I picked up the pace. jacob then growled and smacked my ass hard. "only I get to bite those beautiful lips." 

by now i was hopping up and down on top of him. i was a whining mess and my legs were shaking with pleasure. I began to lean over jacob my head falling into the crook of his neck. he then took over picking up the pace but he was barely pushing my prostate. 

i bite onto his shoulder. "daddy's please..." i whine. "i-i need-."

as if he knew what I wanted he began to hit my prostate straight one. by now you couldn't even tell a moan from a scream. his hand was now wrapped around my cock and he was jerking it at the same speed he was fucking me. 

"cum," i said. "i'm g-gonna-."

the hand that wasn't jerking me off slapped my ass. "not without my permission pet, you know the rules." he then began to go even faster. 

my head fell back down onto his shoulder as a muffled cry came from me. now Jacob's thrust were off beat and sporadic... he was going to cum.

"cum with me," he says. 

spurts of white painted my chest, jacob's chest and, some of his hand. he pulls out of me as I lay on the part of his chest that isn't covered in cum.

"that was..." jacob began.

i smile, "i know, thank you so much sir." I say.

he pushes back my hair and kisses my sweaty forehead. "your welcome pet, i love you."

I look up at him with a surprised look on my face, he just told me he loved me. 

jacob looked back at me with nothing but a smile on his face. i smiled back at him too and kissed him on the lips. "i love you too," i say before yawning. "now i'm kinda sleepy."

jacob laughs. "then go to sleep, we can clean up when you wake up."

i snuggle into his chest, "i don't even think I could walk without a limp right now." i say before falling asleep."

oh my my my! (everything about that is so goooood)


i'm still in the process of editing other stories but i'm almost done so why not update? and yes i'm aware that my smutt is cringy and bad, don't judge.

fun fact about me: i'm getting my temps soon

alsooo, we're having a snow storm rn and it sounds v crazy outside.

I guess this is it for me, as always tell my what you think *shrugs*



bite ♡ tracobWhere stories live. Discover now