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hunter has been on my ass since jacob told him off.

it's not my fault you've been a complete ass since he signed you, and it's also not my fault that you can't seem to take a hint.

whenever i see him down at breakfast or if our schedules collide throughout the day he will not hesitate to say something to me. i've been ignoring it this entire time but i can slowly feel myself begin to crack.

"...what did she say?" jacob said as we sat down for coffee. 

"she just that she wanted to talk, i just don't feel like talking to her right now.?

jacob takes a sip of his coffee. "from what you showed me it looked like kayla didn't agree with what hari said."

"maybe but she didn't say anything she just let hari say that about me."

"well... maybe she didn't want hari to be mad at her."

i shrug my shoulders and sigh. "maybe... do you think i should talk to kayla?"

jacob put his hands up."i may be your dom, but that decision is up to y-."

"hello jacob, troye." hunter says walking up to us.

we both let out and exaggerated sigh and roll our eyes. we get it, you're jealous and want jacob to yourself, you also want everyone to know you're "amazing" but god, do you have to be so fucking annoying.

"hello hunter," we both say.

"so... there's another party tonight, are you guys gonna go?"

jacob takes a swig of his coffee. "business dinner."

"i'm going with him," i say.

hunter scoffs. "can't go anywhere without your daddy can you? come on troye this party is supposed to be the biggest one this week, all of the models are going to be there. there's going to be food alcoh-."

"goodbye hunter." jacob says sternly as his way of telling him to leave

he puts his hands up. "alright, alright i'm leaving."

when this all started I didn't pay it much attention. it was like any other story. boy likes someone, they date and someone gets jealous and wants to break them up. but hunter makes it seem more... creepy. usually after awhile the person would give up, i would, would you? hunter hasn't he's made countless efforts for us to go out to a party and each time we both say no, even if we don't have a reason, we just make one up.

"troye." jacob says.

i look up, "yeah, sorry i must have spaced out."

"are you okay."

i nod my head. "yeah i'm fine, are we leaving."

"if you want," jacob checks his watch. "we have awhile until either of us have something, do you wanna just walk around. i haven't got to show you much of berlin yet."

i smile, "yeah, i'd like that."


troye is a horrible liar. 

i knew when he spaced out after hunter left he was thinking about how creepy he's becoming. i know some doms always want their subs to tell them the truth at all times but if i know something is making troye uncomfortable and he lies about it i'm not going to spank him ten times for lying to me.

bite ♡ tracobWhere stories live. Discover now