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<jacob's pov>

in the short time that i met troye i realized a few things. 

he's attractive.

he's insecure even though he has no reason to be.

and he comes from a low income family, which is something i can relate to.

what the press and media don't know about me because i refuse to talk about that part of my life not out of humility but it's simply none of their business. is that for awhile my family couldn't afford much. 

it was my sister and i along with our parents. my dad was out of work for awhile so my mom took up another job to help with bills and stuff, once my sister was old enough she worked too. my grandparents, who weren't around much, we running the building that i own today.

after a few years my dad died, my mother shortly after. our grandparents took us in and raised us. for a while my sister got into drugs and i was depressed. their death was hard on us and leaving our childhood home was even harder.

my sister went to rehab, cleaned up her act and, went to college to get a degree in nursing. i went to therapy and found my love for fashion while working with my grandmother. when she had passed away from cancer she had left the building in my name, i was maybe 17 or 18 then. 

the name of the company stayed the same as well as the workers, i didn't have the heart to change everything that my grandmother worked so hard to build. 

so yes, to my employees and the media i come off as a complete dick but that's for two reasons. the media is stupid and twist you words just to start drama and my employees just can't manage to do there job right but still end up doing it right. 

it's a confusing process but it makes sense to me.

<troye pov>

"so how did it go," kayla said as she sat down at our table. "hari told me you almost missed the meeting."

i roll my eyes. "if sage didn't have the car i would've been on time, but the meeting went well. he even invited my family and i over for dinner tonight."

kayla and hari's eyes went wide. 


"you're kidding."

i shake my head. "nope he said that if we were going to be working together that he would like to get to know my family."

"you guys will be fucking in no time." hari says.

i almost choke on my food. "what!"

"you didn't know daddy bixenman is gay? i mean sure he isn't out to the media yet but you could just tell besides, he's never had a girlfriend."

i tried to sound like i had the least amount of interest to what hari had just said but it was kinda hard. if he's gay that meant i had a shot of dating him but then again, he's four years older than me.

"but he's older than me." i say.

kayla scoffs. "so? he can be your sugar daddy, and you're 18 so it's not like it's illegal." 

i stand up, grabbing my bag as well as shaking my head. "i have to go. i'll text you and tell you how the dinner went."

they say 'you better' in unison before they go back to talking to each other, probably about me and mr. bixenman whose first name i recently learned is jacob.  

don't get me wrong, i would jump at the chance to be with jacob but i don't think it will ever happen. not just because he's three years older than me but, he's not even out to the public. if he's not out to the public then he's probably not comfortable with himself. 

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