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i haven't slept in two days. 

ever since kayla sent me one of the stories she reads i've been addicted. the first one she sent me i finish it the same day she gave it to me. 

when i got home the evening before i said hi to my family and then went straight to my room and read the rest of the story. it was like 50 shades of gray but it wasn't...it was good. 

so yeah, i'm addicted but i'm not telling kayla and hari that. they already think i have a daddy kink. i don't. i just enjoy reading the stories... despite the fact i get turned on everytime i read a sexy scene. 

"troye what the hell are you doing?" my little brother, tyde asks me.

i was lying off my bed upside down my eyes glued on the screen that had small text across it. "nothing." i say and then go back to reading. 

"troye," he says. "you're hanging upside down on your bed." 

i sigh and place the phone on the bed. "yeah that's obvious."

he nods. "yeah it is... but why?" 

"i'm reading." i say turning over onto my stomach.

"reading what?" tyde presses. god why is he so nosy? 

i roll my eyes. "a story. and no i won't tell you what it's about."

tyde walked over and sat down on my bed next to me. tilting his head he reads a few words on the screen before i quickly press the home button.

"oh fuck daddy..." he reads. "troye what the fuck are you reading?"

i sit up and glare at him. "nosy much?"

"mom!" tyde yells. 

my eyes widen and i instantly tackle him onto the bed and cover up his mouth as the tries to expose me to my mom.

"i'll tell you just please shut your mouth." i say.

i remove my hand from his mouth. we both look at each other as our mom walks in. i wasn't looking directly at her but i could tell from out of the corner of my eye that she had a plate and a dish towel in her hand.

"what is it tydels." she says. 

i raise my eyebrow as a warning to keep his mouth shut. 

"nothing," he says. "nevermind." 

"well alright," she says. "and please no fighting, we can't afford to replace another lamp that you two break."

we both look over at her and smile as she rolls her eyes playfully before walking away. i get up off of him and fix my hair before snatching up my phone before he can get it.

"tell me or i call mom back in here." he says.

i place my phone under my thigh and rest my hand on my lap. "you know those stories kayla reads?"

a smile forms on my brothers face at the mention of her. he's had a crush on kayla for as long as i can remember. "which ones?"

i blush. "the dirty ones." i say quietly. 

tyde's eyes widen and his mouth gapes open. "you're reading them? is that how you get off?"

this time my mouth gapes open. "no. i just read them in my spare time."

"so in your spare time you enjoy two people fucking each other?"

why does this conversation sound familiar?

i shrug. "kayla got me hooked, blame her. oh wait you won't, because you have a crush on her." i tease. 

tyde blushes as he crosses his arms. "i do not."

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