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it was saturday morning, a day after zoella sugg asked me to be a model for dickhead bixenman. and now, thanks to hari i have a meeting with zoella on the phone at three o'clock. 

"so tokkie," my mom says as she cuts up her pancakes. "how was the mall with hari and kayla." 

i chuckle. "well a girl came up to me and asked me to be a model."

suddenly my little sister, sage, speaks up. "what did you say?"

"you mean, what did hari say for me? she told the girl, zoel-."

sage's eyes widen. "zoella! as in zoella sugg. please tell me she said yes for you."

i roll my eyes. just like hari and kayla sage is also obsessed with fashion. "she did and i have a meeting with zoella at three."

my mom smiled. "i'm sure you'll get it tokkie, you're a very handsome man."

i made a somewhat believable smile back and went back to my pancakes. if i'm being completely honest i don't want to be a model. i'm too skinny for it, that's the main reason why i stick to over sized sweaters and joggers. it makes me look like i have more meat then i usually do.

so...hopefully my skinniness we shorten my chances of actually being a model

<Jacob's Point of Veiw>

"...and for fucksake could you please tell him that i don't want to hear anymore deals, either my way or no way." i say before hanging up the phone in frustration.

god, why can't people just do their job instead of me having to yell at them. i don't like yelling at them, honestly i don't. but you tell me if people continuosly did their job wrong wouldn't you be mad?

i look in my apointment book and see that i have someone schedueled for three o'clock.

troye mellet.

i look over to the clock on the wall. 2:45.

"zoella..." i say. "is troye mellet here yet?"

"no mr. bixenman," she says popping her head in. "he should be on his way. also i have the sketches in from the drawing department if you want to look at them."

i shake my head. "not now, tell them to send them back up around four."

the small british girl nods. "sure thing." she begins to walk away but i quickly stop her.

"another thing," i say. "does mr. mellet have some type of portfolio or resumè i can look at?"

zoella's jaw drops. "oh my goodness, i completely forgot," she walks in and hands me a slender folder. "i'm incredibly sorry."

i take the folder and smile. "you're fine zoella, thanks you."

she smiles and nods before scurring off to do something else.

i sigh and throw down the folder. zoe is probably the only one who knows how to do their job around her.

she's also my bestfriend.

grabbing the folder i open it and the first thing i see is well... troye.

he was wearing a longsleeve white shirt with dots on is and black skinny jeans. the guy could dress, that's for sure.

and he was cute too.

i close the folder and let it drop on my desk. i'd rathet her about troye from troye himself then this bullshit application that my mother made when she owed this place.

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