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<kayla's pov> 

troye hasn't texted me back and i know he has seen my text message. 

yeah, he's probably busy, the berlin show is tomorrow night, hari won't stop talking about it, occasionally she brings up troye but just because he's the talk of the magazines being the youngest model in his division.  

"...all i'm saying is that some of the clothes that these models wear are-."

"i talked to troye." i said. 

hari raised an eyebrow, not looking away from the magazine. "what did he say."

"nothing, he won't talk to me, i did apologize. you know what you said to him was really out of line, you know how he gets when you bring up things like that."

"it's true! think about it, troye doesn't know anything about fashion and gets signed by jacob because of his looks; next thing you know troye's on his knees begging for it."

i shake my head. "troye isn't like that hari, and you know that. why can't you be supportive of him and happy that he's found someone as good as jacob."

"you mean as rich." hari sneered. 

i rolled my eyes and got up, "i don't know what's gotten into you hari but it better stop before you lose troye and i altogether." i say before leaving.  

<troye's pov> 

"have you thought about us going to the part tomorrow anymore?" i say to jacob who was typing something on his laptop. 

"yes..." jacob said.

i smirk. "can we go?" 

jacob looks down at me before going back to type on his laptop. "i don't know yet."

i sigh. "you said you've thought about it." 

jacob closes his laptop and turn to face me completely. "you asked me if i thought about it, not if i had a certain answer troye. i'm not gonna lie though, i wanna go but-." 

"but what?" i said before quickly realizing i had cut off jacob. 

he gives me a hard look. "you know how i feel about you interrupting me... pet, no as i was say before you did interrupt me... i wanna go but, i'm scared. hunter told me about it cause i go every year."

"so then let's go. you said it yourself you go every year, don't change that just because of me." i say sitting up and turning to look up at him. 

jacob sighs. "but hunter... he's more persistent now than ever and i don't want him to ruin a tomorrow night. a night that is supposed to be something fun... that we can enjoy."

i place my hand on top of his and give him a small smile. "jay... i'm fine. yes, hunter is being... stalker-ish but i wanna do this. we've been here for a week, berlin is beautiful yes but-but i wanna go out have fun," i place my hand on the side of his face. "i wanna have fun with you and ben j and zoe. so for once can we please go out and enjoy this? be a normal couple, please." 

jacob smiles and places his hand on top of the one that's on his face. "we aren't normal, troye. you're a model, i'm a ceo. more importantly, you're my boyfriend. that puts a target on your back for people to hit and hunter is one of those people. but i'll tell you what, if we go, stay by my side and don't take any drink from anyone unless i give you the okay."

i grin, takle him back onto the bed and start to kiss all over his face. "thank you, thank you. i love you so much." 

jacob chuckles and grabs loosely at my waist. "and i love you."

<hunter's pov>

"what did he say?" my friend, joey asks me.

i pull on my hoodie. "what do you think, he doesn't want me to hurt his precious troye, it's sickening honestly... but something tells me that troye is going to convince him to go."

joey gets up and stands behind me in the mirror. "you do realize that if they do go troye is going to be watched like a hawk, he won't let him out of his sight." 

i chuckle. "the alcohol will do it's magic, once he gets his hands on that... everything will fall into place."

"is it worth it though, going through all of this with troye. you could do a lot better than jacob you know, besides you're risking a lot."

i turn around quickly. "yes it is. after this week i'm done working for jacob, he made that pretty clear. and who am i supposed to be with... you," i step towards him. "what we have here joey... is sex, you knew that when you decided that. keep in mind i could go an tell daniel about this little thing."

i walk over to my things and put them into a small bag. "besides breaking up jacob and troye is the first step in my plan to destroy mr. bixenman... when i'm done with him he'll wish that he kept me in the agency and went for me instead of that slut." 

happy thanks giving you guys, hope you guys enjoyed it. 

next chapter is the last day in berlin, probably the highlight of the chapter because everything is going to happen. get hype. 

also do you guys like this change in pov? i figured it give more perspective than just two people. let me know if you like it and maybe ill do it ever so often.

another also the 11th of this month was my three year anniversary here wattpad and let me just say typing this and other stories has been fun for the last three years. 



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