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"i'm nervous jay." troye says as we walk to the front door of my sister's place.

i wave him off. "don't be, my sister is really nice... nicer than me, that's for sure. besides, she's been wanting to meet you for a while."

troye raises his fist getting ready to knock of the door. he looks over at me with a skeptical look. i nod reassuring that it's gonna be fine.

he then takes a deep breath before knock on the door. once he does he quickly steps back behind me. 

"hel- ahh jacob i thought you were coming next week and is that blonde haired boy behind you troye?"

i chuckle, "i felt like i needed to come sooner and yes this is troye... he's kinda nervous izzy." 

troye then steps out from behind me and waves his hand and does a small smile (which i found very adorable) "hey." he says. 

"i can see why jacob talks about you so much, you're gorgeous, come on in. adam is on his play mat in the living room... he has managed to stay up without getting cranky." she says with a laugh.

i take troye and mines jacket and hang them up before following my sister into the living room. once we got in there she instantly bent over and picked up the little guy.

"do you guys want something to drink?" she asks.

i shake my head. "im pretty good sis, thanks."

"no," troye says. "but i do need to use the bathroom."


"done the hall and to the right, correct?"i say with a smug look.

she scoffs. "what this guys said."

troye laughed before kissing me on the cheek and disappearing down the hall. 

my sister turns to me placing adam on her other thigh. "he's very cute jay, i'm proud of you."

i blush, "shut up... where is you idoit of a husband?" i say. she's knows i'm only kidding.

"england for a business trip, he left... last week?"

i nod my head.

troye walks in and walks over to issabelle and adam. "he's very cute, adam right? that's his name?"

she nods. "sure is, you wanna hold him?"

troye nods a small smile spreading across his face as izzy hands him the little guy. adam looks troye dead in his eye before lying his little head on troye's shoulder.

"he likes you," izzy said. "so... i didn't expect you guys to be hear until this weekend so i didn't bother shopping. can i trust you guys to stay here while i go get something."

"oh come on izzy, i may be younger but i am responsible... your son is safe with us."

she smiles. "great, ill be right back."

once i heard the front door close i sat down next to troye on the couch as he looked down at adam.

"he has you and your sisters eyes," troye said.

i decided to mess with him, "seems you're giving him more attention then me." i say with a pout.

"if you can't handle me with you nephew then how can you handle it when we have our own kids." troye said.

"i was just playing.... wow you can't take a joke."

troye smiles. "i know you were joking jakey," he says before giving me a kiss.

bite ♡ tracobWhere stories live. Discover now