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it didn't take me long to figure out what jacob had put in me as the start of my punishment. 

i was getting ready for Jacob's business dinner when it had hit me. i was moving around and i felt it move more and more getting close to something that i didn't want it to when i realized it was a goddamn butt plug.

"you've gotta be kidding me." i said once i walked out of our room.

jacob looked up from his phone with that stupid sexy smirk on his face. "obviously i'm not, now come on we have to get going."

he grabs his keys as well as my ass before we head out the door and into the car. the second we do i just stare out the window trying to focus on anything but the plug and jacob hums softly to the music that's playing. i have to say if all the punishment is for the time we're at the restaurant is just having this plug in me, it's not that bad. 

that is, until jacob hit a bump in the road.

when he did the plug moved further and i let out a small whimper which caused jacob to chuckle slightly. 

"you're doing this on purpose aren't you?"

"me," jacob says. "of course not."

i roll my eyes and shift in the seat so the plug doesn't move any further. jacob is enjoying this way too much. 

after a few more small bumps and jacob doing his signature stupid smirk we finally made it to the restaurant. jacob got out of the car and walked around to let me out. once i had gotten out of the car i let out a small scream as the plug started vibrating.

it's a vibrating butt plug.

"be a good boy and it will stay on this setting, if not well... you'll know what will happen." jacob whispers in my ear.

"y-yes sir." i say attempting to walk normally.

we get to the front of the restaurant and jacob flags down a group of people all dressed in business suit.  one of them noticed jacob and walked towards him with a smile on his face. he was about the same height, if not taller than jacob and had brown hair and green eyes.

"jacob, long time no see." the man says. 

"grant," jacob says shaking hands with him. "it really has, how's the agency going?" 

"beautiful as always, what about you?"

"few bumps in the road, I've told you about hunter already, but other than that good." he wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me close. "i'd like to introduce you to my sub troye, troye this is grant."

i continue to look down, slightly shocked at the fact the jacob openly called me his sub which caused the vibrations to go up. i let out a small yelp and look up at grant.

"h-hello s-sir." i say.

grant chuckles. "hello troye. now jacob, the rest of us are inside at our special table. we have a lot to discuss."

"be right there," jacob said to mr. grant. "just have to talk to troye about something."

mr. grant leaves and jacob turns to me his smile turning into that stupid smirk as i feel the butt plug  go up, not just by one but by two. 

"d-daddy..." i say. 

"i want you to be able to hold a conversation with everyone," jacob says. "and no cumming, i'll know if you do."

as the noght carried on i managed to do very well at talking to people.

there were a few times where i slipped up but that was just because i can be very awkward around people especially around a group of people i don't know, and to top it all off a few of them are doms and one of them knows i'm jacob's sub

"so troye... how is it working for jacob," one of the men, adam asks me.

jacob not only starts rubbing around my thigh but moves the stting on the butt plug. i jump and let out a quiet whimper before saying. "f-fine. thi-s is all so a-amazing... i-i like it a lot, mhm."

bumps up the setting and i jump.

the men at the table give me an odd look and jacob just smiles. 

"i'm g-gonna go to the bath-bathroom." i say quietly. 

i was getting ready to get up when jacob grabs my wrist and pulls me down to him. "don't touch yourself pet, and don't you dare take out that plug."

i nod my head quickly before trying to walk as normal as possible to the bathroom. once i get in there i look under the stalls and make sure that no one else is in here. i walk over to the sink and look at myself in the mirror. 

"come on troye, you can do this." i say to myself. 

"having some trouble?" someone says. 

i turn around and it's jacob leaning up against the wall with a sadistic smile on his face, he's clearly enjoying this. 

"daddy..." i whined. "please, i've had enough just...just-."

"just..." jacob says, "what."

"fuck me."

wow, it's been awhile. 

yeah, i kinda left yall hanging but the chapter i had originally typed was really long, like long to the point it would've been better if i just made it into two parts. 

like always i'm sorry, i'm done with band and now all i have is theatre so i should be able to update more

things to look forward to (not in any specific order):

character and me q&a

jacob troye hunter drama

hari kayla troye drama

more sexy times???



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