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"troye couldn't this wait until tomorrow?" kayla said as her and hari threw their overnight bags onto the floor and walked into my room.

"no..." i say hopping up and down on my bed. "that is why i asked you guys to sleep over. now, close the door and sit down i have something to tell you."

they both sigh and look at me somewhat annoyed. but i know the second i tell them about my date with jacob they are going to be bouncy off the walls just like i am doing... mentally of course.

"okay," i take a deep breath and manage to calm myself. "before i tell you what happended you can not cut me off by freaking out okay? you can save all of that until the end."

hari and kayla both just looked at each other and shrugged. "um...okay?" 

i smile. "well good. now... i told you about how me and jacob kissed right?" 

they both nod.

"yeah well, we went on a date tonight an-." 


"you didn't." 

"oh my godn-."

"what did i say about the not interrupting thing, you guys can freak out later."

they both compose themselves and stare back at me. "okay," hari said. "you can continue."

"so yeah," i say letting out a sigh. "he took me to this amazing restaurant called rosanna's and he took me to the beach and we watched the sunset." 

kayla raises an eyebrow. "that's it?"

"yeah," hari agrees. "there has to be more than that. there wasn't a kiss or a quickie in the car? come on troye, there has to be more than that."

i blush. "there may have been some kissing." i say completely disregarding the fact that i called him daddy while we were making out.

"oh come on," kayla says playfully pushing me. "you made out with him didn't you?"

i put my hands up and shrug. "i can't divulge my whole relationship to you, some things gotta stay under wraps."

hari's eyes widened. "relationship? does this mean you two are officially dating?"

i shrug. "we haven't both said so officially but i'm pretty sure that after tonight we're a thing... so yes."

the both squeal and hop up and down on my bed. "ah! traocb is finally a thing!" kayla says. 

"tracob?" i say raising an eyebrow. 

"yeah," hari says. "it's you and jacob's name put together. myself, kayla and, zoe came up with it. it was a lot easier than bixenman and sivan."

"sixenman?" i say tilting my head. 

we all looked at each other shook our head and said a collective 'nah.'

"okay," kayla says. "i say tht for the rest of the night we paint each others nails, all in favor."

hari and i look at each other. "i." we say together.


i knew troye had a daddy kink. 

at first i wasn't sure but the more him and i talked the more i became sure. but last night was the ultimate conformation that he has one. 

i was going to bring it up to him during dinner but i decided not to just in case i was reading him all wrong and i'd just scare him away. because let's face it, if someone just came out and told you they loved being called daddy and having almost complete control during sex you'd be a tad bit freaked out... wouldn't you?

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