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major disclaimer before you read: i'm well aware that this isn't really how these type of things work, okay. it's an alternative universe meaning everything isn't going to be exactly like irl so please refrain from commenting stuff like "tHat'S nOt hOw iT WorKs" or "IT's suPPosed tO bE liKe.." because it makes me a lil sad okay, okay.


i'm very aware that jacob told me not to go see hunter and i understand why he doesn't want me to see him... he did try to kill me after all. yet here i am sitting in my car in front of the jail they are holding hunter in until his official trial. 

oh yeah i'm also graduating in about four hours. 

taking a deep breath i get out of my car and head into the jail. i walk through a metal detector before walking up to the man at the front desk. he was too busy typing to realize that i was standing there so i had to make myself know. i clear my throat and the guy looks up at me with a weird look on his face. 

it then occurred to me that i was wearing a suit and people usually don't show up to jails in suits. then again... i don't think many high school graduates show up to see someone who recently tried to kill them.

"hunter clarington," i say. "can i see him?

the guy eyes me before typing into the computer. "you on the list?" he says looking back up at me.

"the list for what?" i say raising an eyebrow.

the guy sighs. "visitors," he says. "says here that only certain people can see clarington. you on the list or not?" 

damn jacob really thought this through.

i nod my head. "yeah i'm on the list."

he begins to obnoxiously chew on his bubble gum. "name?"

"troye siva-," i stop myself. if he knew i would at some point go and see hunter my name wouldn't be in the system. "bixenman, troye bixenman." 

he gives me a skeptical look, i could tell that he didn't fully believe me but didn't care enough to ask. so, he wrote my name down on a sticky name tag and handed it to me. "through that door, all the way down and to the right." he said before pushing a button.

the door beside him buzzes and i walk through. it was definitely more colder in here then it was out there. i walked all the way to the end of the hall stopping in front of a heavy metal door. i take a deep breath and smooth out my clothes. i don't know why i did that, it's not like i have to look good for him, but it did calm me down a bit. 

i open the door and walk in. hunter looks up and smirks before fixing his pants and leaning against the metal table. "i was wondering when you'd pay me a vist..." he trails off looking at my nametag. "troye bixenman, jacob finally tied the knot?"

i ignore his question and sit down across from him. "you had some nerve doing what you did hunter."

hunter laughs. "just you wait sivan, once others like me realize you jacob's weak spot they'll be after you, all of them waiting to see him fall. he was never mean't to run the agency, should've let it die with his grandparents."

i stand up and make my way to the door, i can't keep listening to this. 

"leaving so soon," hunter said with fake pout. "make sure to give bix a hug a kiss from me."

i stop in my tracks. my first instinct was to turn around and slap hunter across the face. as much as the idea appealed to me i decided against in and left. 

i wasn't going to give hunter the satisfaction.

"...just looking at all of these faces," our principal say. "make me happy that this is our future, i have watched this class grow into the amazing individual here and i speak on behalf of everyone that we couldn't be more proud."

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